BEWARE of 1Care Jaws! The gravy sight sharks have been operative overtime to rob billions of ringgit from taxpayers.
Healthy Minister Liow Tiong Lai says a offer for all employees as well as businesses to compensate 10 per cent of their monthly incomes to a 1Care word account for healthcare costs had nonetheless to be finalised.
Can any a single trust Liow after Tung Shin
Furthermore, can we trust a MCA illness apportion who lied through his teeth to protect a military (read BN wing) who invaded as well as pounded Tung Shin Hospital (read a hospital) during Bersih 2.0.
Only after tonnes of video as well as pictorial evidence went viral upon a internet did BN, Liow as well as a supervision retreated but without any apology.
Why a miserly BN supervision as well as its cronies should not even make such a proposal? Consider a following:
> Each year, Malaysians will compensate RM44.24 billion for illness care; to be called National Healthcare Hospitals as well as clinics featuring an integration of open hospitals as well as clinics, in isolation hospitals as well as in isolation ubiquitous practitioners, it is in real estate another privatisation of open as well as nationalisation of in isolation healthcare comforts (Like any prior BN supervision privatisation! con, a little BN associate will benefit;
> Upon privatisation, all healthcare will be managed as well as handled by 1Care which will get RM44.5 billion a year; and
> The administrative price is likely to be 10% or about RM4.5 billion! (Who is a associate who will be removing this year in as well as year out? You need not demeanour far, just demeanour during a ongoing expose of a National Feedlot Corporation financial fiasco, now dubbed a Cowgate Scandal by Malaysians, to determine what sort of illness services we can design from 1Care.)
Already, Liow has started lying about 1Care
Now, Malaysians. If we don't try to forestall as well as stop a BN from bankrupting a country as well as a really own pockets, go ahead as well as trust your "I trust you, we trust me" budding apportion as well as his lying illness apportion from, of all parties, a MCA led by an immoral president.
Already, there have been signs of bullshitting by a government.
Liow says: "Nothing is final, even a 10 per cent income (mandatory contribution) is a offer ... It hasn't come to a process theatre yet.
" a healthcare complement revamp is still in its infancy, my method will deliberate as most stakeholders as probable prior to formulating a scheme."
However, a method told a Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society (MPS) during a seminar upon January 15 which it was finalising 1Care proposals as well as which a Pharmacy Act would be tabled during a subsequent Parliament sitting to promote a transition to a brand new word scheme.
According to a minutes of a seminar, a ministry's illness process! as well as formulation emissary director, Dr Nordin Saleh, told MPS then: "The 1Care transformation proposals have been now in a last stages."
Which associate will benefit this time
Liow was also quoted as saying: "There's no indicate doing things in a hurry. We'd like to engage a open so they may give feedback as well as even propose improved models.
"A briefing will shortly be hold to diffuse rumours surrounding 1Care."
If so, what is Dr Nordin saying: "...finalising 1Care proposals as well as which a Pharmacy Act would be tabled at! a nex t Parliament "
Under 1Care, individuals as well as businesses will be forced to palm over 10 per cent of their earnings any month to a government-run word fund, another Cowgate, I contingency contend to make my indicate transparent to a mongoloids ancillary BN.
H! eathcare is good but BN gravy sight is not
Why not Canada's publicly saved healthcare complement reputed to be a best in a world? No gravy to lick?
In Canada a employed, a self-employed, a unemployed, a rich a bad all get a same top turn of healing treatment. No a single is denied correct healing caring due to lack of money.
The Canadian complement allows its adults to collect their own doctors, go see whichever alloy they want to see, as well as additional billing i.e. additional charges by a alloy is NOT allowed. ! (No grav y for BN cronies, we see!).
The illness caring complement covers all simple healing caring including doctors, surgery, hospital stays, etc. There is no extent upon how most times adults can see a alloy in a year or extent to a price of a healing treatment. Whatever is necessary? For example, a Canadian sees his alloy as well as gets laboratory tests once every three months upon a regular basis! as well as not a penny out of his or her pocket. Or if a single feels a little aches as well as pains, he or she can go see a earthy therapist or a chiropractor as well as it is all covered.
Canadians who opt to get any additional healing caring not covered, such as cosmetic surgery or traditional Chinese healing consultation or get acupuncture treatment, they have to compensate a initial 20% of their income as well as a rest have been taxation deductable.
Australia, New Zealand as well as most European countries also have open illness caring system. Even a US is perplexing to start a single now. So, it shouldn't be which scary! But BN's way is really scary since it is all about a gravy train, not a people's interest.
Jackson Ng is a Retired Journalist
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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz
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