PKR: 'No street protest' rule unfair, unconstitutional

The due rule to keep protestors off a streets stipulated in a Peaceful ASsembly Bill 2011 is both unconstitutional as good as unreasonable, pronounced PKR, a party born from reformasi-era travel protests.

snakes pc 210307 n surendranIn a matter today, PKR vice-president N Surendran pronounced a limitation was irrational as good as negates Article 10 of a federal constitution on a rights to public peacefully.

"There is no such limitation in a laws of other approved countries such as UK, US, Australia, Canada, Finland or South Africa.

"It is utterly inconsistent with international norms as good as practices as good as a Universal Declaration of Human Rights," pronounced Surendran, a leading tellurian rights lawyer.

Surendran argued that travel protests have been a normal as good as harmless form of expression. Moreover, he pronounced these have been an constituent partial of any functioning democracy.

He pronounced that in complicated democracies, a military would be managing trade as good as other matters to ensure that a travel ! rallies go on peacefully.

IGP given far-reaching powers

On a 30-day notice requirement, Surendran pronounced this is unnecessary as good as intentionally enclosed to have it as formidable as possible to convene any assembly.

"If a emanate is stream as good as of urgency, have been we to wait for for a month before holding an assembly? Must we wait for a month if we want to gather to handover a memorandum to a government?

"In a UK underneath a Public Order Act 1986 usually 6 days' notice have been required. In Western Australia it is 4 days, in South Africa seven days as good as in Finland it is usually 6 hours," he said.

He adds that Section 8 of a Bill that! allows a Inspector-General of Police to take "such measures as he deems decessary" to be deceptive as good as open to abuse.

"It grants brand new untramelled powers to a military vis-a-vis public assemblies. Any conditions a military may be allowed to impose must be minimal, singular as good as clearly spelled out in a Bill," he said.

Surendran pronounced a due restrictions would describe Article 10(1) (b) of a federal constitution incomprehensible as good as a Bill itself unconstitutional.

"From a particulars it is transparent that a genuine intention of (the budding minister) as good as his supervision is to have it as formidable as good as burdensome as possible for a rakyat to peacefully assemble.

"We have been now indisputably worse off than we were underneath a supplies of a Police Act 1967."

In his Malaysia Day speech, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak promised to rectify Section 27 of a Police Act 1967 as partial of a series of reforms to emanate more approved space.

Although a little Emergency-era laws have been abolished, critics argued that no genuine reforms in a areas of fundamental liberties have been introduced.

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The parody clip, hope we people out there suffer examination it. Sidang akhbar Dapp Sabah Oktober 2011. Mengambil kata-kata Lim Kit Siang mengenai "harsh reality" DAP dan Pakatan Rakyat perlu fokus segenap kekuatan dan tenaga di Semenanjung jika mahu berkuasa pada pilihanraya yang akan datang.

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

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