MACCS Appeal against Dato Ramli Yusuff is sheer buffoonery

by Din Merican

On Sep 23, a MACC Director of Prosecution, Dato Abdul Razak Musa appeared in a KL High Court No. 2 before Judge Dato Hj Ghazali Bin Hj Cha.

You might stop which Dato Abdul Razak is a top notch MACC counsel who appeared upon interest of A-G Gani Patail, as a Public Prosecutor, who had lodged as well as lost several appeals opposite a acquittals postulated by various Courts to Dato' Ramli.

This Dato' Musa(left) gained celebrity upon Youtube as a MACC counsel who tried to strangulate himself in order to denote how Teoh Beng Hock could have died of self-strangulation when he was challenged by Thai Forensic expert, Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand, during a TBH Inquest. After which slapstick humerous entertainment in court, a MACC got wiser as well as engaged a many reputable as well as intensely efficient Dato Seri Shafie Abdullah to paint a MACC during a TBH RCI.

The MACC's interest which Razak Musa appeared for upon Sep twenty-three is opposite a exculpation postulated by Sessions Judge M Gunalan upon Mar 2, 2010. However, upon this occasion, Razak was a bit some-more deferential since Dato' Ramli was represented by Dato Seri Shafie Abdullah, his nemesis in a TBH saga.

The MACC's interest t! hat Raza k Musa appeared for this sunrise is opposite a exculpation postulated by Sessions Judge M Gunalan upon 12 Mar 2010. However, upon this occasion, Razak was a bit some-more deferential since Dato' Ramli was represented by Dato Seri Shafie Abdullah, his nemesis in a TBH saga.

The saying "once a fool always a fool" is so great upon Razak Musa. In attempting to have a most ardent interest upon interest of a PP, AG Gani Patail, Razak put upon his many pitiable appearance when it became transparent which a PP's interest is a lot of hogwash.

The High Court Judge Dato Ghazali Cha remarkable which Sessions Judge M Gunalan had written a comprehensive as well as downright visualisation which showed which MACC DPP Kevin Morais had relied upon a really questionable matter from a well known criminal, self confessed briber, murderer, pimp as well as everything else which an underworld kingpin can be, called Moo Sai Chin.

In you do so, Kevin successfully brought down Dato Ramli Yusuff (pictured right with his mother Dato' Anita Haron), during which time a single of a top five many senior military officers, who could have been a IGP today.

To observers who have been following Dato Ramli's trial, it is all really transparent which IGP Musa Hassan as well as A-G Gani Patail had used a MACC as a tool in a conspiracy opposite as well as harm of Dato Ramli Yusuff. Yet, there have been so many! allegat ions of selective prosecution by a MACC during a behest of A-G Gani Patail.

The image of a MACC is during a worst. Just yesterday, a MACC certified which three of their senior officers including an Assistant Commssioner were arrested for extorting US300,000 from money changers during KLIA. The image of AG Gani Patail is no better. He has been accused of taking bribes from a former shareholder of Ho Hup Bhd to assistance out in a corporate tussle.

The many poignant part of Razak's advocacy in justice upon Sep twenty-three was his attempt during "plea bargaining". Ra! zak plea ded to Judge Dato Ghazali Cha which a MACC had done 3 charges opposite Dato Ramli. He afterwards bargained which even if a third assign was bad in law, there were still dual charges. And, even if a 2nd assign was flawed, there was still a single charge.

In a many ridiculous plea, Razak begged Dato Ghazali to have pity upon MACC as well as not boot which a single final charge, otherwise a MACC would "lose face". It was comical for those in justice to see a MACC begging to be saved from flaw by asking which Dato' Ramli should be done to answer during least to a single charge.

As if to pardon himself from censure for this fixed-up charge, Razak afterwards said which he was merely discharging his avocation as DPP as well as Director of Prosecution in a preference to prosecute Dato Ramli. This was shameful entrance from a top counsel of a MACC. He was indirectly revelation which a DPPs in a MACC have been just rubberstamps as well as reluctant performers t! o a di rections of a puppet masters.

No consternation a MACC lose all their cases. It is no large warn which a MACC needed to force suspects to have acknowledgment similar to what happened in Teoh Beng Hock's as well as Ahmad Sarbaini's case, even if which would cause their deaths .

Anyway, Judge Dato Ghazali has now bound a box for preference upon October 21, 2011. I goal which a box would have a great ending for Dato Ramli as well as which he would be vindicated. I believe a great judge can see Razak's "plea bargaining" as a pitiable attempt to bolster a MACC's image. It was perfect buffoonery.

Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

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