In BolehLand of ole, the colour yellow was compared with kingship as good as reserved usually for have make make make use of of of of by the woman monarch of the Kingdom. According to references upon symbolism, yellow as in saffron power symbolises the tone of Agni or fire, which reflects the Supreme Being. The saffron tone is additionally portentous to the Sikhs, the Buddhists as good as the Jains.
Yellow isn't exactly the colour compared with most Godly connectivity though gold is as good as by the association with the colour yellow, it reflects the eternity. Purple is colour compared with kingship as good as royalty.
Given which yellow has the Hindu factor, is the yellow so revered as the stately colour in BolehLand currently owes the interjection to this Hindu as good as Indian origin? So, considering which if you accept story which the Sultanate has the start in Hindu elements, which additionally depending if the prince of Palembang according to BolehLand's BN chronicle of history, he was very most the Malay first who in his heart was the Muslim really though since wasn't introduced to Islam by the little UMNO successor Muslims, he was the Hindu!Or since how BolehLand is trying to rewrite the story identical to what the little Germanic race tried to do which some-more than half the century ago, it's not surprising which the reverence for yellow is what they will explain 'an asal usul of the Muslim Sultanate reliable by the present supervision as good as any insult to this line of suspicion might be deemed showing fraud opposite the Royalty as good as even King, huh?
It is not unfit as you all know the kind of story which has been rewritten not for school kids mind you, though additionally adults, similar to the BTN story as good as those which is mandatory for college as good as university students, no? !
But these days, yellow is additionally the inhabitant colour of BolehLand as good as most corporations to code it is code Malaysia has adopted yellow as the corporate colour. Red has been associa! ted with rather communist connotations as good as often the Chinese, those migrant fellows who came as good as settled here by invitation of the sovereign power, which in reality it's dwindle symbolism has the red cross, hmmm does it mean it contingency be God's you do which Bolehland has been unfortunately, this yellow coloured land has been tainted 'un-pure' by people elsewhere which the so called 'sons of the soils' during least the little would wish to return it to the land which is usually the haven of theirs as good as theirs alone, huh?
Yellow colour is used by the largest financial institution with the opposition uses dim red for the single colour identity. The telco DIGI is yellow as opposed to the opposition in immature or blue. And so on.
So yellow evokes the sense of inhabitant identity. Which brings to the interesting colour which authorities have been saying red these days generally those spotted wearing yellow. It used to be black which done them red. Now 'Yellow' seems the new black which is pissing them off!!! And the yellow colour is compared with the transformation called Bersih with blue characters as good as the red swoosh!
The Jul 9 bootleg event, as the authorities put it is similar to giving yellow fever to BN supervision trying to deal with 3 bootleg rallies, the single sporting yellow, the alternative red, yellow, white as good as distinct yellow circle as good as red keris (some contend very similar to Southern neighbour dwindle sans the white crescent as good as 5 stars) you can supposed if they adopt their celebration flag.
And, the other, well, kind of formidable to envision because the official trademark has yellow as good as immature as good as if the members wore either of this colour, they might be related to Bersih or the Islamic celebration which! support s Bersih eh? Perhaps they might adopt an earth colour considering the leader is fond of comparing his expletives with the single of nature's by-products as good as which most visible symbol the keris which nicely links it to the alternative organisation which additionally uses the keris as the celebration symbol.
Yellow is the colour of our celebration you indeed love, huh?
So come Jul 9, the organisations whose corporate colour is yellow best report their employees not to adorn any clothes which is yellow, if the present detain of those wearing yellow with the Bersih trademark offer as the warning. Though the authorities primarily said they have been impediment those who were distributing flyers of the event. But then they did an additional 'black t-shirt not allowed' action opposite those who wore the ! yellow t s with the Bersih logo. That to them is additionally advertising the event?
So can you wear the Bersih t-shirt upon Jul 9 as good as go for your selling or out upon the family outing during the mall or even go pray to your God in your residence of worship? Just because the convene is bootleg why have been those wearing Bersih's ts being singled out? What if the alternative dual groups' members likewise wear their celebration ts as good as those displaying their trademark contend today, tomorrow as good as almost! everyda y including come Jul 9, will they be likewise arrested similar to those who wore Bersih's Ts? Will those who wear Bersih's T as good as trademark as good as not even land flyers or whatever though just wearing them be tormented as good as hurled up to the military station?
Will our MOHA be unchanging in roughing out anyone who wore ts as good as logos of the 3 groups which have been formulation sold bootleg rallies as the military have considered them, or will you usually see the usual double or three times standard? Why is the supervision usually saying red over those who wear yellow ts as good as the sold logo? And appear half hearted or unperturbed by anyone wearing red or immature logos ts these days leading up to Jul 9?
Wonder if an additional organisation confirm to wear their trademark which is additionally red though not the politically scold symbol though which of the space station or immature with the white moon as good as not the alternative immature of an organisation which additionally starts with P, will all be tormented huh?
Gosh, it contingency really be the big headache for MOHA to confirm which colour is politically scold upon Jul 9 since which any of the groups formulation their convene have been pity identical colour, yellow, red as good as green, in the single form or type face or another!!!
So will the authorities be colour blind as good as be satisfactory as they explain they will be, or have been they pulling wool or rather we! aring sh ades similar to regularly this time, it's equates to to usually see yellow which means, trouble, risk as good as arrest? While red as good as immature is accede to so to speak 'beat the trade light as good as get divided without any serve during all', huh?
Donovan's yellow is the colour of my loyal love's hair as good as probably that's what the Bersih fellos have been ok with. But to some, they have been pulling their hair off saying yellow. To those bois in shades of blue, hands clutching their batons, behind the water cannon trucks as good as finger during the trigger of their weapons armed with tear gas or their hands retaining during their protective shields, they cite brunette colour as good as immature lanterns as good as maybe ready to whack, spray as good as glow during anyone in yellow, even if! it's su pposed to be the inhabitant colour or the haven of royalty.
And maybe Madam Tourism is right to spend RM1.8 million to showcase to the universe the 'Warna-Warni Malaysia' you are. Come Jul 9, will you see the sea as good as demonstration of colours amongst assent amatory BolehLand folks? Are starting put the rainbow clash of colours upon display for the universe to see, with prophylactics, smoke, water as good as all which huh?
BolehLand fellows led by their leaders, politicians, institutions of law & sequence as good as justice have Bolehland, Truly Colourful simply because you have been NEVER colour blind, in how you see any others views, ideas, eremite idea as good as generally one's ethnicity.
Welcome to Malaysia, Truly aI-shay Colourful, don't you consider folks?
Imagine no Yellow upon Jul 9?
- Message being prepared by an organisation upon Jul 8 to all the employees
- Please be suggested not to wear any corporate colour yellow upon your CSR event upon Jul 9. Wear black if you must. Those using their yellow kancil or VW greatfully take the opposite mode of transport.
- Be sure to additionally tip up your ph! one if y our telco is the yellow male because it will be criminialized upon sale upon Jul 9
- And those 8 million customers who have make make make use of of of of the yellow ATM, greatfully take out income early or have make make make use of of of of the red ATM or MEPs upon Jul 9 as the yellow ATMs will be shut down
- And no using the yellow zebra crossing upon Jul 9 it is bootleg as good as you can be caught for jaywalking
- July 9 is additionally no curry day day, no yellow bananas might be consumed as good as no pineapple extract will be served too
- Only red as good as immature trade signals will work so be careful when you drive
- Oh, durians will additionally be criminialized from sale or consumption
- Employers cannot have make make make use of of of of this work or ask their maids to 'bersih' anything upon Jul 9 too! Please give cuti to your maids as good as cleaners
- No yellow flowering plants have been allowed upon sale
Yellow Is The Color
Artist: Donovan
Yellow is the tone of my ! loyal lov e's hair
In the morning, when you rise
In the morning, when you rise
That's the time,
That's the time
I adore the best
Blue is the tone of the sky-y-y
In the morning, when you rise
In the morning, when you rise
That's the time,
That's the time
I adore the best
Green is the tone of the stimulating corn
In the morning, when you rise
In the morning, when you rise
That's the time
That's the time
I adore the best
Mellow is the feeling which we get
When we see her, mm-hmmm,
When we see her, mm-hmmm
That's the time,
That's the time
I adore the best
Freedom is the word we rarely use
Without thinking, mm-hmmm,
Without thinking, mm-hmmm,
Of the time,
Of the time
When I've been loved
Artist: Donovan
Yellow is the tone of my ! loyal lov e's hair
In the morning, when you rise
In the morning, when you rise
That's the time,
That's the time
I adore the best
Blue is the tone of the sky-y-y
In the morning, when you rise
In the morning, when you rise
That's the time,
That's the time
I adore the best
Green is the tone of the stimulating corn
In the morning, when you rise
In the morning, when you rise
That's the time
That's the time
I adore the best
Mellow is the feeling which we get
When we see her, mm-hmmm,
When we see her, mm-hmmm
That's the time,
That's the time
I adore the best
Freedom is the word we rarely use
Without thinking, mm-hmmm,
Without thinking, mm-hmmm,
Of the time,
Of the time
When I've been loved
Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz
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