I am changed to comment upon your "Open minute to Lim Guan Eng."
First of all, you have no disbelief of your centrist stance. Having great well known you for tighten to 27 years, you consider you could state, with a little spin of authority, which your centrist in front of is a single which you have embraced all this while. Now you have been just utilising which in front of for what you consider is for a great of a society. you respect that.
As togetherness is a subject which is unequivocally tighten to your heart, allow me to put my suspicion to which subject, generally in relation to what you had created in your pronounced open letter.
Unity is a concept, an abstract, if not an unsubstantial a single during that. Being an abstract, it cannot be physically measured. It is a state of mind. It exists within parameters of perception. It is not identical to illness or financial success, where someone could declare which a republic is full of healthy people, or which it is full of rich people.
By contrast, togetherness is identical to a judgment of safety. One can declare which statistical interpretation shows which crime rates have depressed by, say, 20%. But a single cannot, armed with which statistical data, conclude which a republic is safe.
In identical fashion, with respect, a single cannot just emanate a aphorism as great as a great small pitch as great as pulp a aphorism as great as pitch upon banners as great as shirts as great as bombard a media with them as great as declare which togetherness has magically, if not miraculously, delivered itself to this republic as great as her people. It does not work which proceed when it comes to unity.
When you speak of unity, or rsther than a judgment of unity, you have to assimilate what a judgment entails; what it unequivocally equates to as great as what it is al! l about. And when you want to achieve unity, you have to have a definite as great as tangible plan to make it a reality.
An unsubstantial as great as epitome judgment such as togetherness cannot be completed or brought to being with unsubstantial as great as abs! tract mo ves, such as a origination of a aphorism or symbol.
To me, unity, in so distant as a republic some-more particularly, Malaysia - is concerned, consists of dual kinds. They are:
- situational unity, and,
- transcendental unity.
Situational togetherness is pockets of one-ness shown or practised by a people as people or as members of a group which they go to. It arises out of informative use or individual beliefs. It competence even movement out of sure resources as great as even out of quite greedy reasons as great as not precipitated by any altruism during all.
Examples of these situational togetherness have been seen daily in a lives. People of assorted races as great as faiths sit together during a stall sipping their teh tarik whilst articulate about how a Magistrate Courts had incited in to a sex video cinema, for example.
When a Malaysian football team won a Suzuki Cup not so long ago, Malaysians of all races went berserk with a small burst of extemporaneous patriotism as great as patriotism everywhere; during teh tarik stalls; during homes; in cyberspace over Twitter or Facebook etc. A long time ago, when Malaysia beat Saudi Arabia during Stadium Merdeka, you casually stood up together with 45ooo alternative Malaysians to sing Negara Ku, without being stirred by anybody or anything.
In my office, I, a Malay partner, am in unanimity with my partners of alternative races, for a quite self-altruitic purpose, namely, to make a living.
Those have been what you call situational unity.
Although during macro level, these pockets of situational togetherness competence seem insignificant or even irrelevant, to me, they have been contemplative! of a su re mind set. They uncover which there have been sure situations or set of situations where people of assorted races as great as faiths have been driven to disregard as great as put in reserve their informative as great as genetic differences as great as casually combine to spin one.
That is proof which whilst unity, being an epitome concept, cannot be without delay engineered, situations or resources gainful or leading! to it m ay be combined to foster unity.
Meanwhile, otherworldly unity, in conditions of a republic as great as republic building, would meant a people, in any case of their race, conviction as great as informative credentials or even genetic make-up, entrance together as great as moving in unanimity towards a greater as great as usual great of this republic whilst during a same time, putting in reserve self-altruism as great as interests.
I call this judgment of togetherness otherworldly togetherness since it is an ideal as great as not real. A complete otherworldly unity, you would dare say, can never be completed since it is opposite tellurian nature.
Human beings have been by inlet selfish. Francis Fukuyama, in his book, The Origins of Political Order, forked out which tellurian beings, for example, have a propensity for favouring their family as great as friends, something which Fukuyama calls patrimonialism. If you may, you would stretch Fukuyamas patrimonialism even over family as great as friends. you consider it is additionally tellurian inlet to cite ones tribe, competition or community.
Notwithstanding a fact which an absolute state of otherworldly togetherness can never be achieved, a civilised multitude led by a supervision which is committed to achieving a usual great for a republic must, during great cost as great as effort, work to achieve a state of otherworldly togetherness or as tighten as probable to which state.
It is of march easy to separate a people, generally when a people consist of assorted races as great as f! aiths as great as entrance from diverse informative background, than to even maintain a masquerade of unity.
Unity exists even as a facade. History would of march uncover which facades of togetherness were often combined by dictators, authoritarians as great as totalitarians. These facades of togetherness would shortly break up as a dictators, authoritarians as great as totalitarians fell.
As shortly as Saddam Hussein was defeated for example, a almost serene as great as tranquil racial, eremite as great as informative melting pot of Iraq became a hot porridge of genealogical as great as sectarians divisiveness. Just as a Berlin wall fell, glasnost as great as perestro! ika libe rated a Russians from years of communism, a republic pennyless in to pieces as great as a little former colonists, identical to Yugoslavia, descended in to hellish fight fuelled by centuries of secular as great as eremite wounds.
The danger with formulating a masquerade of unity, instead of working towards a investiture of a otherworldly unity, is which you competence be lulled in to sleep with a dream-like idea which a people have been joined for a improved great of this republic whilst upon a ground, secular prejudice as great as loathing have been authorised to fester as great as infest a really fabric of a society, dark at a back of this masquerade of togetherness which you combined for whatever role which usually you know. Deep underneath this deceive or masquerade of unity, there is a virulent form of disease working insidiously. God helps us if or when this viral infection becomes as great late to treat.
As you had settled earlier, there have been innumerable pockets of situational togetherness displayed by us day in as great as day out in Malaysia. This proves which if left at a back of upon their own as great as without interference by politicians as great as self-altruistic rebel- rousers, we, Malaysians, in any case of racial, eremite or informative background, have been means to switch upon a na! tural lo ve for a pacific co-existence. We have been means to put in reserve a differences as great as spin a single if a situation gainful for such togetherness is present.
Towards achieving a state of otherworldly unity, it is therefore a duty of a responsible supervision to emanate these conduciveness. This conduciveness will not be benefaction when there have been newspapers identical to Utusan Malaysia being allowed, by a continued patronisation of a biggest domestic celebration in a statute government, to spew secular loathing as great as prejudice almost upon a daily basis.
This conduciveness will additionally not be in existence, in any case of how shrill you scream 1Malaysia as great as 1this-and-that if during a same time ultra-right-winged organisations such as Perkasa be since a free palm as great as mouth as great as leg to bluster blood-shed as great as emanate secular fright by issuing warnings as great as mongering fright with imp! togetherness as if these people have been upon top of a law.
This conduciveness will not exist when a rational discourse is not granted to minority groups who have been perplexing to voice out minoritys concerns, insecurity as great as great as fight for a recognition, during least, of their rights.
At this juncture Anas, your call for a confirmation by DAP which this land had regularly belonged to a Malays; which a Malays have been kind sufficient to let a non-Malays to be here as great as which DAP should be beholden for this affability come in to play.
Although assorted chronological as great as anthropomorphic studies could really great be used to during slightest brawl your assertion which this land had regularly belonged to a Malays, you do not instruct to go in to such brawl in this post.
For a sake of argument, lets just pretence for a whilst which you have been correct, which this land, ie, this land which was otherwise great well known as Tanah Melayu, had belonged to a Malays.
With respect Anas, you had f! ailed to recognise, or give any consideration during all, which such confirmation had been since by a non-Malays during a inception of this republic as an eccentric state in 1957.
I contend so formed upon a argument which has regularly been used by a likes of Dr Mahathir as great as his ilk. Not formed upon any arguments made up by myself, a so called Melayu Liberal who has since a bad twist to a word liberal as great as Melayu.
Dr Mahathir as great as his band of patriotic scholars argue which in 1957, there was a amicable contract. This amicable contract, in effect, consists of a Malays being kind sufficient to accede to citizenship to a Chinese as great as Indians. Because of which kindness, as great as to uncover thankfulness towards a Malays, a Chinese as great as Indians concluded to accede to special rights to a Malays. These special rights have been enshrined in essay 153 of a Federal Constitution.
I have created so most articles upon this subject. you will not argue with Dr Mahathir anymore upon this.
Now, lets just pretence which what Dr Mahathir pronounced about a concede to be ! a correc t as great as true chronological fact.
If a Chinese as great as Indians who were since a right to citizenship by a kind as great as friendly Malays had in incited gladly conceded which a Malays have special rights underneath a Constitution, which would of march meant which a Chinese as great as Indians had in fact concurred which Tanah Melayu had belonged to a Malays prior to 1957.
The confirmation which you sought dear Anas, had been since in 1957 by a Chinese as great as Indian community. This acknowledgement, formed upon Dr Mahathirs own chronological postulation, took a form of a benefaction of special rights being since to a Malays in essay 153 of a Federal Constitution.
If which is so, because is there a need for a non-Malays, generally DAP, to make such confirmation again, in 2011?
While you agree which acknowledging a past is sometimes great for us jus! t so you do not forget a roots a direct for such confirmation times as great as again would be regressive in conditions of achieving otherworldly togetherness in my humble opinion.
What you need is an confirmation by all Malaysians as great as by all domestic parties, which all of us have a particular rights upon trial underneath a Federal Constitution. The supervision then contingency assure which all these rights will be respected as great as they will not be trampled willy-nilly as of you have been a little termite colonies being ruled by a bunch of hungry ant-eaters!
As it is, you cant even wear a yellow t-shirt nowadays! What conduciveness towards togetherness have been you articulate about?
In my humble opinion, it would do easily for a state of otherworldly togetherness of a supervision could start formulating a situation gainful to togetherness instead of patronising pseudo-nationalist people as great as organisations. If there is any confirmation which is required for unity, you consider a confirmation should come from a State as great as not from a people. That is since a peoples capability to combine is amply shown by a large of situational togetherness day in day out by a people.
Before you finish An! as, allo w me to tell a story of a Melanesian societies of a Papua New Guinea as great as a Solomon Islands.*
The societies existent in these dual newly eccentric Westminster democracies have been formed upon genealogical origin as great as kinsman. To contend which they have been querulous would be a gross understatement. Papua New Guinea has some-more than 900 languages, which is nearly one-sixth of a series of languages in a total world! The Solomon Islands have been not distant behind. It has a population of about 500000 people as great as nonetheless it has about 70 opposite languages.
Each clan is headed by what they call, a Big Man (certain clan is headed by a Big Woman, of course). In any society, a in front of of Big Man or Big Woman is earned as grea! t as not passed by generations. A Big Man contingency therefore infer himself as a leader as great as is constantly aware of a challenge being mounted by a challenger.
The capability of a Big Man or Big Woman is judged in suitability with his or her capability to discharge pigs, bombard income as great as alternative resources to a members of his tribes.
As as great as when a Westminster democracy was introduced, a judgment of Parliamentary representative was reversed upon these societies. The outcome was of course, chaotic, to contend a least. The assorted clan do not opinion formed upon domestic ideologies or programmes for a usual great of a country. They opinion for their Big Man or Big Woman.
In turn, when these Big Men or Women have been elected, they do not work for a usual great of a republic or for a people as a republic or state. They have been some-more endangered with how most pigs they could get as great as deliver to their tribe. If not, they would lose their particular in front of as a Big Man or Big Woman.
That querulous proceed towards republic office building makes a hoax of a Westminster democracy which these dual states practise. Unity is unknown to these dual as a people have been usually pierce in suitability with their self-altruistic motivations.
We competence giggle when you review about this. But doesnt it remind us of a modern as great as semi-develo! ped plac e you know?
Unity starts with a resolution. And which fortitude is a fortitude to pierce in unanimity for a greater great of a nation.
Have a great day Anas.
*data have been from Francis Fukuyamas The Origins of Political Order, Profile Books, 2011
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