Now anyone can steel. It was good to see a Wanita Umno leaders last week plainly deriding Azran Osman-Rani, a Air Middle East X chief senior manager officer, for his so-called personal views opposite press leisure as well as Malay paper racism. we know a ladies came out usually since it involves Utusan Malaysia, a last paper station as well as defending Umno tooth as well as nail, but as a post-PRU13 sout-searching exercise, it is refreshing.

Malaysia's Iron Lady
They have even taken to charge their former boss, Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, who is AAX chairman, for not creation her CEO plainly swallow ones pride for his FB diatribe. [Isu Air Middle East X: Wanita Umno Tegur Rafidah, Sinar Harian, 28 Mei; Wanita Umno terus bidas Air Asia, Malaysian Digest, 30 Mei].
But a Wanita leaders contingency not stop there. One swallow does not a summer make. They contin! gency co ntinue to defend. Andsince they have brought Rafidah into a picture, we suggest they ask their ex-boss to have a heart-to-heart withTan Sri William Cheng, a Lion Group boss, for causing so much distress to a tiny players in a internal steel industry.Rafidah ischairman of Megasteel. Lion Group owns Megasteel. William Cheng owns Lion.

William Cheng
One badly unsettled association is Mycron, a usually Bumiputera cold rolled coils manufacturer in a world, which might have to gulung tikar if a Government goes ahead with skeleton to force it to buy from Megasteel Sdn Bhd.
The Megasteel play is expected to resume at Miti again this week after a PRU13 "interval". While we have zero opposite a supervision bailing out Chinese-owned companies as well as tycoons (something this supervision has been doing for decades), it should never again be at a expense of a Malay-Bumi player, tiny or big.
Wanita Umno can help make sure which doesn't happen.
For backgrounder, read also
Govt mulls assistance for Megasteel, The Edge, 24/9/11;
Megasteel susahkan kontraktor Bumiputera, Utusan Malaysia, Mei 2013
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