

by Azly Rahman

i fell defunct the single dusk when the band was playing

in the new york city jazz bar as well as in my slumber i think i was meditating of the figure of the universe as it plays the receptive to advice of the newtonian spheres in the solitude of the uncharted frontiers of my surrealist dada-ist alertness which is still grappling with the subject if it wishes to be being or an appearance as
it sits seeking at the wall in the cave where socrates as well as his pupils rally ...

there was the stairway to heaven

where the dust in the wind could be seen

smoke upon the water rises up

excuse me whilst i kiss the sky i listened socrates say

i am though the infantryman of fortune

searching for which black magic woman

in the city we build upon stone as well as roll

where time is measured in stone of ages

i have become the highway star

a child in time

a stormbringer

a appurtenance head

all these as i clench my soul

and look in to the eyes of the poet neruda

and grab rimbaud by the neck

to force difference of the boundless out of him

rolling stones we have become

who.. who the ruin ... is the quadrophenia of my generation

that brown-eyed girl

they called "maria maria" of the sonnet of the virtuoso santana

ahhh ... whilst my guitar gently weeps

as I let all be

an d suppose the long as well as circuitous road which leads to the yellow s! ubmarine

of the yesterday in memory of michelle matriarch goddess

i wash myself in the poetry of rumi

and in the pentatonic oceans of which surpassing harmony

of the django rheinhart

in the shelters of many the gypsy

i shall continue to close my eyes

while the song plays on

and whilst all around me

smells similar to teenager spirit

and any essence searches for nirvana

in independent rhapsody

where genocide upon dual legs aplenty

roam this frail universe eternally

i bid goodbye

to my rockpoem ...
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SKB DPS Manicure 17 Tgl 01 10 2012

"MANIKUR" DAN " PEDIKUR" berasal dari Bahasa Latin yang artinya adalah : Manus = Tangan Pes = Kaki Cure = Merawat 1. JENIS KULIT TANGAN : a. Kulit Berminyak : mengkilat, tebal, kasar, lengket. b. Kulit normal : segar, bagus, kenyal, tidak bercacat c. Kulit kering : kusam, keriput, bersisik halus / menggerisik, tipis. 2. BENTUK TANGAN : Yang diperhatikan adalah bentuk tangan mulai dari pergelangan tangan sampai ujung-ujung jari tangan, tidak termasuk panjangnya kuku yang dipelihara. Tangan dapat berbentuk : besar, kecil, panjang, dan sedang. 3. BENTUK JARI-JARI TANGAN : Yang diperhatikan adalah jari-jari tangan dalam keseluruhannya dan ditentukan bentuk jari-jari secara rata-rata. Jari-jari tangan dapat berbentuk : besar, kecil, panjang, p! enxek, r uncing, dan sedang. 4. BENTUK KUKU: Kuku dapat berbentuk : bulat, persegi, persegi panjang, dan lonjong. Cara pemeliharaan kuku dapat melalui : a. Setengah panjang b. Panjang 5. PELAKSANAAN MANIKUR ( PERAWATAN TANGAN) A. MEMBERSIHKAN: Tangan dan lengan dibersihkan mengarah ke atas sampai siku tangan, dengan menggunakan lap penyeka yang lembab (dingin) atau hangat. Menghapus cat kuku lama dengan penghapus cat kuku (Nail Polish Renover) dengan cara sebagai berikut : a. Menekan sebentar sepotong kapas pada kuku tangan. b. Kemudian penghapusan dilakukan dengan satu tarikan, dimana hgerakan tersebut dapat dilakukan berulang kali, namun tidak boleh dengancara menggosok-gosokkan. B. MEMBUAT DIAGNOSE : C. MEMBENTUK DAN MENGUKIR : Kuku ...

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