For some, when experts say Right things, they got to be wrong!

SPOOKED BY ANALYSTS' COMMENTS.If Khalid Ibrahim hadn't done such a large fuss over JP Morgan's latest take on a Malaysian economy, particularly a allegedly pro-BN comments done by a a Equity Director,Mr Mak Hoy Kit, I'm sure many of us would have longed for this story in a Star:

Mr Spooked

As expected, Mr Mak became a aim of typicalhate comments in pro-Pakatan news portals following Khalid's protesthere. Butas a Star's article pointed out, JP as well as Mak aren't a usually analysts who hold such a view. Last month, an additional expert was attributed observant these:

I count FOUR analyst firms observant some-more or less a same thing though expect Khalid to get his friends to come up with their own views to counter a equity experts' opinions. The Selangor is well known to do such things, eg job in KPMG to order that Selangor's argumentative Talam understanding was "above board".

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