"Military guys have been rarely as smart as they consider they are, as well as they've never gotten over a fact which civilians run a military."- Maureen Dowd
COMMENTThe recent statement by Navy arch Abdul Aziz Jaafar as to a justification of a acquisition of a Scorpene submarines is further justification which a armed forces is mired in a domestic quagmire which Umno finds itself in.
The argumentative purchase, not to discuss operational efficiency, of these submarines pales in comparison to a politicisation of a confidence apparatus, which has reached rare inlet unheard of in supposed organic democracies.

Abdul Aziz (right), if we remember was a single of a use chiefs lined up behind (looking rsther than sheepish) Armed Forces arch General Zulkifeli Mohd Zin when hemade an emotional appeal, which additionally enclosed subtle threats as well as comments which were unacceptable, not to discuss unprofessional, for an troops troops officer holding a highest arrange in a troops to make.
He finished this appeal when confronted with accusations by late use crew of vote/voter strategy in a armed forces.
The fact which these late personnelmade a accusationsat a press discussion organised by a antithesis should not lead astray from a fact which these accusations should have ! rught away be! en inves tigated by an eccentric panel to maintain a integrity of a armed forces.
Access to Scorpene subs

Of course, a Armed Forces arch was silent when Perkasa arch Ibrahim Ali hinted which he would be in a improved position to retain his seat if there was amilitary basein his Pasir Mas constituency. Myresponseto General Zulkifeli's press discussion was predictably ignored by a mainstream media as well as was published by a pro-opposition blogger.
Now, prior to we am accused (being a former naval officer) of personification politics, we have never claimed of being anything though a Pakatan Rakyat believer as well as let us not forget which a pro-regime blogger was allowed access to a submarines, chatted with a organisation as well as published his'exclusive'in his blog. we theory a Official Secrets Act does not come in to fool around when BN partisans have been concerned.
Durin! g my ten ure onboard theKD Hang Tuah, where we was a comparison manager officer, Abdul Aziz was then a immature sub lieutenant. What is interesting about Abdul Aziz is which he is a initial locally trained troops troops officer to be appointed Navy arch (he graduated from a precision establishmentKD Pelanduk).
The late Captain 'Dick' Khoo Tee Chuan built from a belligerent up a precision investiture which started out as a Cadet as well as Recruit Training Establishment (Cart) as well as later commissioned asKD Pelanduk. So many for a thought which a non-Malays arenot nationalistic enoughas espoused by Defence Minister Zahid Hamidi. But we digress.
'Ethnic poisoning'
Much has been finished of the1511 statementof Abdul Aziz, though what is worrying as forked out by a former comparison (rtd) Malay troops troops officer from a Ranger Regiment is which a statement itself in all a historical distortions is an overt ploy to fool around to a secular sentiments of a Malay polity. Or should which be a Umno Malay polity?
! Do not believe anyone who tells we which a confidence apparatus of a state, or any state anywhere in a world, is "apolitical". The armed forces do a behest of a elected municipal masters. But what they do not do is engage in a domestic routine on interest of their domestic masters.
This gives a apparition of "apoliticalness" though a being is to varying degrees, a armed forces in many organic democracies have been used as collection by their domestic masters to further their own domestic agendas.

In Malaysia, not usually has a confidence apparatus been politicised though after prolonged 'ethnic poisoning' as we similar to to refer to it as a total troops investiture is deliberate by Umno as merely an extension of a hegemony.
Our supposed certain action policies which have been in being secular pursuit placements policy, has resulted in a lopsided secular make-up of a confidence apparatus, which in turn has been against a non-Malays as justification which they have been not nationalistic enough. Umno dogma has transposed a ideals of impartiality, as well as faithfulness to Umno is homogeneous to faithfulness to king as well as country.
So it should surprise no a single which we have former troops crew of a single secular organisation reborn asbutt dancersdisgracing their previous occupation in a name of defending a "honour of a country".
When we have a likes of Ridhuan Tee Abdullah who lectures during a National Defence University as well as whose books 'Masih Adakah Ketuanan Melayu?' as well as 'Cabaran Saudara Baru di Malaysia' have been launched during a Defence Ministry; we consider it's protected to pretence which a corridors of Umno energy as well as a halls of a troops intersect. Ridhuan's educational specialty is 'Politik dan Kerajaan' as well as 'Politik Islam'.
Monetary rewards
But of course, there is more to it than just systemic discrimination. Money plays a big partial as well as left have been a days when we retire from a armed forces as wel! l as tar ry on your pension. These days there's good income to be finished whilst portion as well as once we leave service, lucrative jobs in assorted government-linked companies (GLCs) await.
Full disclosure: we was for a short period, since of my gunnery specialisation, a expert to a local agent for an general company involved in arms procurement.
I think readers understand because no officers of dwindle arrange ever speaks out on issues such as these. The answer is of march since they have been indebted to a system. Not usually them, though their progeny who hold influential positions in a assorted GLCs as well as in isolation companies which their relatives served on retiring.
As a single troops troops officer of dwindle arrange cynically told me, "You do not design them to flow silt in their caviar bowls, do you, Thaya?"
I expected this answer. In my experience, comparison officers would rsther than complain privately than have their contempt public. The reason for their demureness is financial in nature.
Understand now, which there have been many honourable late confidence crew of assorted ranks who have been not indebted to a Umno complement as well as who have their contempt well known in a list box. They do not speak out for assorted reasons. These group as well as women sensitively continue contributing to a country in alternative capacities many similar to they did when they were in service.
I never appreciated this Herman Wouk quote from 'The Caine Mutiny' (a book we revisit often) until we left a use as well as over a years, watched what it had transformed into.
The quote is as follows: "The Navy is a master plan designed by geniuses for execution by idiots. If you're not an idiot thoug! h find y ourself in a Navy, we can usually operate well by pretending to be one."
Our supposed certain action policies which have been in being secular pursuit placements policy, has resulted in a lopsided secular make-up of a confidence apparatus, which in turn has been against a non-Malays as justification which they have been not nationalistic enough. Umno dogma has transposed a ideals of impartiality, as well as faithfulness to Umno is homogeneous to faithfulness to king as well as country.
So it should surprise no a single which we have former troops crew of a single secular organisation reborn asbutt dancersdisgracing their previous occupation in a name of defending a "honour of a country".
When we have a likes of Ridhuan Tee Abdullah who lectures during a National Defence University as well as whose books 'Masih Adakah Ketuanan Melayu?' as well as 'Cabaran Saudara Baru di Malaysia' have been launched during a Defence Ministry; we consider it's protected to pretence which a corridors of Umno energy as well as a halls of a troops intersect. Ridhuan's educational specialty is 'Politik dan Kerajaan' as well as 'Politik Islam'.
Monetary rewards
But of course, there is more to it than just systemic discrimination. Money plays a big partial as well as left have been a days when we retire from a armed forces as wel! l as tar ry on your pension. These days there's good income to be finished whilst portion as well as once we leave service, lucrative jobs in assorted government-linked companies (GLCs) await.
Full disclosure: we was for a short period, since of my gunnery specialisation, a expert to a local agent for an general company involved in arms procurement.

As a single troops troops officer of dwindle arrange cynically told me, "You do not design them to flow silt in their caviar bowls, do you, Thaya?"
I expected this answer. In my experience, comparison officers would rsther than complain privately than have their contempt public. The reason for their demureness is financial in nature.
Understand now, which there have been many honourable late confidence crew of assorted ranks who have been not indebted to a Umno complement as well as who have their contempt well known in a list box. They do not speak out for assorted reasons. These group as well as women sensitively continue contributing to a country in alternative capacities many similar to they did when they were in service.
I never appreciated this Herman Wouk quote from 'The Caine Mutiny' (a book we revisit often) until we left a use as well as over a years, watched what it had transformed into.
The quote is as follows: "The Navy is a master plan designed by geniuses for execution by idiots. If you're not an idiot thoug! h find y ourself in a Navy, we can usually operate well by pretending to be one."
S THAYAPARAN is Commander (rtd) of a Royal Malaysian Navy.
Read More @ Source More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz
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