Slowly though surely, the nauseous side of the Automated Enforcement System (AES) is rising as well as it looks similar to which the improvement of the small organisation has been deftly camouflaged in the name of open interest.

These late protestors from BN have been approach behind the curve upon the emanate as well as have been jumping upon the bandwagon of antithesis domestic as well as open criticism to forestall repairs to their own election prospects though it is an indicator of how unacceptable the stream AES proposal is.
I predict which the AES will be passed in the H2O prior to long. But it is important which any cessation or abandonment of the complement does not forestall the authorities as well as the open from carrying the full as well as open exploration upon how this particular fraud has managed to get by all the responsible authorities, together with the cupboard during the top level.
Such an exploration is required to safeguard which the full law comes out, lessons have been learnt as well as an suitable speed halt complement is implemented - the complement which is not riddled with weaknesses as well as drawbacks, as well as does not heighten the few during the expense of the public.
Who's responsible?
Poor Min! ster of Transport, Kong Cho Ha must be carrying excited nights trying to urge the indefensible. And he must be kicking himself for foolishly putting his job upon the line in regularly pulling for the doing of the system.

But let us not dont think about which this fraud was cooked up the little time ago. Various alternative crooks, sorry - trip of the finger, I meant cooks - as nonetheless unnamed - were concerned in the preparation of this billion dollar dish.
According to federal estimates for the bill year 2013, the supervision expects an additional RM1.02 billion in revenue from AES coercion - all this entrance from the Malaysian road user.
The origins of the outsourcing of speed cameras as well as speeding tickets go back to the Abdullah Badawi administration department - presumably during Dr. Ling Liong Sik's time as apportion of transport.
Apparently, despite objections from the little ministers who argued which coercion should remain inside of the government's domain, the plan was pushed by by the Transport Ministry during Chan Kong Choy's tenure.
After 5 years as the ride minister, Chan stepped down strictly due to health reasons in the midst of the RM4.6 billion Port Klang Free Zone scandal.
Following Kong Choy's resignation, Ong Tee Keat was during the helm of the ministry, as well as the plan was finalised during his time.
Following Kong Choy's resignation, Ong Tee Keat was during the helm of the ministry, as well as the plan was finalised during his time.
Since Tee Keat has been dubbed Mr Clean by his MCA supporters, he should come clean upon the AES as well as yield an reason upon his role in it as well as answer the questions raised.
Why so most outrage?
Firstly, there is some-more than the s! trong sn iff of cronyism about the plan as well as the approach in which it has been privatised which runs opposite beliefs of responsible supervision as well as common sense.
Allegations have been made which Ates Sdn Bhd as well as Beta Tegap Sdn Bhd which have been awarded the stipulate have strong domestic connections.

"With the extraordinary tie in in between the largest shareholder of Beta Tegap as well as Umno, an additional instance of perfect cronyism is evident.
"If this is not cronyism, how upon earth does the supervision hold the dormant association but expertise in the associated field is worth rewarding the remunerative AES contract?" Chang asked during the new press conference.
(Editor's note: Beta Tegap has responded to these claimshere.)
Secondly, the complement comes embedded with an extremely remunerative revenue pity arrangement to good the plan concessionaires.
According to reports, the dual companies can explain in in between RM600 million to RM800 million for the services as well as the apparatus concerned in installing 831 cameras in traffic hotspots nation-wide.
Secondly, the complement comes embedded with an extremely remunerative revenue pity arrangement to good the plan concessionaires.
According to reports, the dual companies can explain in in between RM600 million to RM800 million for the services as well as the apparatus concerned in installing 831 cameras in traffic hotspots nation-wide.
This avowal has murderous members of the open who strongly await road reserve though have been concerned during the opaqueness of the doing process as well as have been suspicious which the categorical role appears to be to good assorted cronies.
Coming: ! Claims f or AES compensation
The dual firms awarded the stipulate to exercise the coercion complement explain to have spent in in between RM300 million as well as RM400 million each to set up as well as work the system.

But how plausible have been their estimates of expenditure?
One skeptic has worked out in good item the losses concerned in the investiture of the AES.
According to him the total of $ 24 million would be some-more than adequate in environment up the company, categorical office, staffing , upkeep as well as vehicles; establishing the sailing upkeep team during 8 locations; environment up the server, monitoring as well as control system; as well as purchasing cameras for the single year's operation (seeherefor the full relapse )
As the long time engineer as well as commercial operation man, I find the relapse of losses supposing by the skeptic convincing as well as plausible as well as the concessionaires' estimates implausible as well as unbelievable.
Should remuneration be paid?
We can be sure which the dual companies will have insisted upon full remuneration clauses built into the stipulate should the supervision back out.
They will probably have the paper justification to show which they have spent hundreds of millions in environment up the system.
So it looks similar to either approach -whether the AES is implemented or not - the dual companies could be laughing all the approach to the bank with their bloated claims.
There is usually the single! approac h to stop this illumination robbery. This is for the Malaysian open to flog up the biggest bitch possible as well as to demand which the full law of the 'Automatic Enrichment Scandal' - together with the genuine costs - emerge prior to any remuneration is to be paid.
KOON YEW YIN, the retired chartered engineer, is the philanthropist.
Read More @ Source More Barisan Nasional (BN) | Pakatan Rakyat (PR) | Sociopolitics Plus |
Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz
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