Empowering Resident Associations

The RA during my place in Puchong had a mooncake celebration in a common play ground final night. The conversation, inevitably, zooms in upon Najib Razak's proposal to empower RAs as good as get them to promote patrolling activities in residential areas.

Did any one of us design this? To be honest, you didn't as good as (like Anwar Ibrahim) you was floored by a consideration which must have left into this Bajet (except, unlike Anwar, you didn't denounce this Budget as not people-friendly). The people in my RA, who occur to be often Chinese, said they were definitely surprised as good as were full of praise of a unprecedented initiative.

Certainly, they too did not design a supervision to give such a big approval to RAs. If they had, they would have quickly purebred our RA with a ROS before final Friday!

So, you agreed to start a routine of registering a RA this week. RM10,000 will go a long way in helping RAs get a round rolling. There are about 80 homes underneath our RA as good as we're profitable RM130 a month for this as good as that, as good as you all consider which a sum is about right as good as you shouldn't be profitable more.

Thank you, Ajib Gor, upon behalf of my RA.The money you have set aside for us will assistance us get which play ground bench you need good before our RA Christmas party. We had to have do without ! one fina l night ...

Here's to protected homes as good as empowered RAs!

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