Unauthorized upgrades rob MAS of RM200 mil

A Syndicate Within.Malaysia Airlines has unclosed a ring involving a small senior executive who have been enriching themselves by upgrading thousands of Economic Class passengers to Business Class each year, denying a financially-strapped inhabitant conduit of much-needed revenue.

Last year alone this syndicate let go over 50,000 upgrades without removing before capitulation from those certified to do so. I am not sure how they made income from "selling" these upgrades or if they were in cahoots with transport as well as debate agents, though by end last year a malpractice had cost a inhabitant conduit some-more than RM200 million in lost income!

These unapproved upgrades have been not a same as a supposed "discretionary" upgrades similar to a one MAS Deputy CEO Rashdan aka Danny's lassie supposedly enjoyed upon a flight from MH122 from Sydney to Kuala Lumpur upon January 1 2012, an indictment Danny has denied vehemently though which a whistle-blowing Member of Parliament, YB Wee Choo Keongplans to move up again in Parliament subsequent month [read his Questions for Jun Parliament].

After a share barter understanding with Air Middle East was rescinded, all eyes have been lerned upon Malaysia Airlines' new CEO Ahmad Jauhari whose task is to turn check a carrier's decade-long decline. There have been interesting developments. A integrate of days ago, for example, it was reported which a management was negotiating with MAS Catering to examination a one-sided 25-year stipulate with a association which belongs to a hermit of a a! irline's advisor, (former PM) Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

If AJ can get a caterers to determine to his terms, a airline might be able to have savings of as much as fifteen per cent of a existent total F&B bills.AJ has said which his turnaround plans hinge severely upon creation a most appropriate out of available resources as well as stopping a leakages.

I say, Happy Fishing! I goal AJ goes for a big fish as well as not just a small ones ....

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