My response to the FT Mufti

Dr Azly Rahman has already responded to a matter by a Federal Territory Mufti in his square 'Mr. Mufti, is not BERSIH a transcultural jihad we too contingency hold in?'I suspect many of we know me by now. we would never concede an opportunity similar to this to pass though a response. Hence this is my reply to a Mufti of a Federal Territory.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Dear Datuk Hj Wan Zahidi garbage garbage garbage bin Wan Teh,
we humbly impute to a first divide of your matter where we said:
Rasulullah S.A.W. telah mengingatkan dalam hadis-hadis sahih bahawa di antara pelbagai aliran kefahaman agama, hanya pegangan Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah yang akan selamat di akhirat kelak. Pegangan Ahli Sunnah meliputi pelbagai aspek agama bermula daripada hukum akidah hinggalah kepada hubungan antara pemerintah dan rakyat.
This is a unequivocally deceptive statement. You did not mention a Hadith in subject as well as underneath what resources a Prophet pronounced what he is reported to have said. Furthermore, we do not mention a source of this Hadith or who reported it.
Anyway, starting by what we have been saying, non-Sunni Muslims (Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah) have been all starting to hell. Not usually a Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, etc., though a Shiah Muslims have been starting to ruin as well. Only a Sunni Muslims have been starting to heaven.
we certitude we have understood what we said.
One thing which puzzles me is which infidels! ork afirare not authorised in to a dual Holy Cities of Mekah as well as Medina. Yet non-Sunni Muslims have been authorised to come in these dual Holy Cities. If they have been not supposed as Sunni Muslims unfailing for heaven, afterwards because have been theseinfidelsallowed in to Mekah as well as Medina?
That has been something which has puzzled me for a little time. Hence, have been Shiahs Muslims or not? And if they have been Muslims, afterwards how come if a Malaysian embraces a Shiah doctrine he or she would be arrested by a Malaysian government? However, Iranians have been not arrested. Only Malaysians are. Are not Iranians alsoinfidels?
This is a second thing which puzzles me so might be we could enlighten us upon this matter to help transparent a confusion in a minds.
In your second divide we said:
Memandangkan golongan pemerintah atau 'ulilamri' begitu penting bagi menjaga kesucian agama dan keutuhan masyarakat Islam, nas-nas syarak meletakkan ketaatan kepada mereka selepas Allah dan Rasulnya seperti yang terdapat dalam surah Annisa' ayat 59. Oleh kerana hubungan antara pemerintah dan rakyat begitu penting, para ulama membahaskannya dalam kitab-kitab akidah.
You stressed in a final judgment of your first divide about a significance of a attribute in in in between a Ruled as well as a Ruler. You further explain this indicate in your second paragraph. In a third divide we said, "Berasaskan dalil-dalil yang jelas daripada Quran dan Sunnah, para ulama Ahli Sunnah telah ijmak mengatakan bahawa taat kepada pemerintah adalah fardhu ke atas setiap Muslim", as well as afterwards we quoted Sura An-Nisa Verse 59 of a Quran.
Sura An-Nisa Verse 59 of a Quran says as follows:
"O' we who have Faith! Obey Allah as well as conform a Messenger as well as those charged with management in in between you. Then, if we argue about anything, impute it to Allah as well as a Messeng! er, if w e hold in Allah as well as a Last Day. This is improved as well as unequivocally good in a end."
Your indicate is: Oleh kerana hubungan antara pemerintah dan rakyat begitu penting..
You have been putting brazen your evidence about a significance of a attribute in in in between a Ruled as well as a Ruler. Sura An-Nisa Verse 59 of a Quran says:Obey Allah as well as conform a Messenger as well as those charged with management in in between you.
While we have been transparent about Allah as well as a Messenger, how do we define 'and those charged with management in in between you'? Who is this chairman or group of people who is 'charged with authority' from amongst us? How do we choose from amongst us to give them this management over us? Is it formed upon popular vote? Is it formed upon a many schooled from amongst us? Is it formed upon a many divine from amongst us? Is it formed upon hereditary? Is it formed upon conquest?
This, we have not explained. Thus we need to additionally explain this point. If not, any troops general can usually squeeze power as well as declare which he has management over us as well as we would have to conform this chairman though question. There has to be a basis upon how we decide who should have management over us since, as we said, a attribute in in in between a Ruled as well as a Ruler is unequivocally important.
In a fourth divide we said:
Sehubungan dengan itu, menderhaka kepada pemerintah adalah satu dosa besar yang diletakkan sebaris dengan dosa syirik, membunuh, makan harta anak yatim, makan riba, menderhaka kepada dua ibu bapa, seperti yang disebutkan oleh Ibnu Hajar dalam kitabnya Azzuwajir berasaskan hadis-hadis sahih riwayat Bukhari, Muslim Ibnu Abi Hatim dan lainnya.
Imam Nawawi dalam kitabnya Syarh Sahih Muslim menyatakan:
"Adapun menderhaka kepada pemerintah dan memerangi mereka, maka hukumnya haram dengan ijmak ulama".
Basically, your evidence is which it is a vital impiety to misuse (menderhaka) a Ruler as well as homogeneous to a impiety of murder, etc. Hence, if we were to conflict a Prime Minister, which would be similar to committing murder.
But what about a obligation ofamar makruf nahi munkar,which is imperative for all Muslims? Does this meant thatamar makruf nahi munkardoes not apply to Rulers? Does this meant if a Rulers dedicate a impiety or crime we contingency ignore it since hostile a authoritarian Ruler is a crime homogeneous to murder?
Let me give we an example. Say, hypothetically speaking, a Ruler bans prayers as well as closes down all a mosques as well as turns them in to pubs. Would you, as a Mufti, still contend what we pronounced above? Or would we right away declare this Ruler a oppressor (zalim) as well as urge us to conflict him even if it formula in a death?
In other words, where have been a boundaries? When contingency be conform a Ruler as well as when contingency we conflict him? You have since a Rulercarte blanche. You have not specified underneath what resources we contingency conform as well as underneath what resources we contingency oppose.
Dear Datuk Hj Wan Zahidi, we! am usua lly hazarding a guess here though we am assuming we have been a Shafiee. That equates to we follow a teachings of Imam Mohammed garbage garbage garbage bin Idris Al Shaafa'ee as well as have been of a Shafiee propagandize of Islam. Feel giveaway to scold me if we am wrong.
There have been 4 imams in Sunni Islam. Another imam is Imam Abu Abdullah Ahmed garbage garbage garbage bin Mohammed garbage garbage garbage bin Hambal as well as his supporters have been called Hambalis. And a single of Imam Hambal's teachers was, in fact, Imam Shaafa'ee. Hence Imam Hambal was a tyro of Imam Shaafa'ee.
The great compilers of a Hadith, which we mentioned, have been Imam Bukhaari as well as Imam Muslim, including Imam Shaafa'ee himself. Imam Shaafa'ee, in spite of being a many schooled man in his time, used to allude to Imam Hambal in his Hadith. That equates to a teacher, Imam Shaafa'ee, refers to his student, Imam Hambal, as a source of reference. That additionally equates to a little of Imam Shaafa'ee's opinions have been actually a opinions of Imam Hambal.
Again, feel giveaway to scold me here if we am wrong.
Now, what is a reason we am bringing all this up? The reason is as follows:
Imam Hambal refused to eat in a house of anyone who worked for a government. Although he was poor as well as during times almost starving, he would exclude charity. Imam Hambal was locked up as well as tortured by a Caliphs since of his anti-government stand.
In fact, Imam Hambal was not a usually a single similar to this. Another of a 4 Imams, Imam A'zam Abu Hanifa of a Hanafi propagandize of Islam, was additionally a same. Imam Hanifa against a Caliph, Caliph Mansur, as well as was arrested as well as tortured as well. In fact, he was locked up as well as tortured twice for hostile a Caliph.
So we see, Datuk Hj Wan Zahidi, what we pronounced is not wholly correct. And by observant what we pronounced we have been dubiou! s Muslim s when we should instead be personification a purpose of a shepherd who guides his flock.
No doubt, since we have been a Mufti, many people would not challenge what we pronounced as well as would accept what we pronounced though question. After all, as a Mufti, we have been supposed to be many schooled in counts connected with Islam than, say, someone similar to me who cannot even speak Arabic.
However, what we pronounced is misleading. And we can usually assume we have been dubious a people since we have been not encouraged by a truth though by money. If we conflict a supervision we would remove your job plus all a perks which come with it. Hence we come out with these dubious decrees to justify your existence.
we am not schooled similar to you, Datuk Hj Wan Zahidi. Nevertheless, we know what is loyal as well as what is fake as well as we unequivocally do not need to be schooled to know this. All we need is frankness as well as clarity of mind. And this is what we have been lacking, Datuk Hj Wan Zahidi, frankness as well as clarity of mind.
You might wish to do a little soul acid as well as reflect upon what we have been doing. If we unequivocally hold in Islam we would control yourself as a single of a 4 Imams did rsther than than be reduced to a tool of a political masters. And this is because we never certitude so-called religious people, from whatever religion they might be. Most of a problems of this world have been caused by people who explain to be we do a work of God.
You do not have to respond to what we have said, Datuk Hj Wan Zahidi. If we consider we am right afterwards usually keep quiet. Your silence would be sufficient to discuss it me which we have no reply to what we say. If, however, we feel we am wrong, afterwards feel giveaway to respond as well as discuss it me where we am wrong.
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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

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