A created reply in Parliament to DAP Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching might really well uncover which something does not add up in a Home Ministry.
The March 29 reply from Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein says in 2009, 14 people had died in custody.
But curiously, a 14 "consist of three who died in prison, seven in military control as well as seventeen during a Immigration depot detention centre".

The mind-boggling arithmetic continues with a apportion noting which thirteen people had died in control in 2010 - which is, "one in prison, 9 in military control as well as eighteen during a Immigration depot detention centre."
Meanwhile, in 2011, it was a case of "17 dead in military control as well as eighteen during a Immigration depot detention centre" creation it a grand sum of "21 deaths".
The causes of a deaths were "HIV/AIDS as well as alternative diseases such as tuberculosis, Hepatitis C, asthma as well as heart disease."
Did they use 'Google calculate'?
The created reply, which had been common by 22 people upon Facebook as during yesterday, were met with incredulous comments, with some wondering if a home apportion had been regulating Google Translate to calculate a numbers.
A Facebook user commented: "(The deputy budding minister) just spoken which you have theb est education, improved than UK... YB, you need to calculate again."
Earlier this year, a Defence Ministry was left red-faced when countless mistakes were found upon a website after it used a giveaway Google Malay-English interpretation service.
The website published translations from a Bahasa Malaysia website, including advising visitors from wearing "clothes thatpoke eye", a verbatim interpretation from a Malay denunciation term for 'revealing clothes'. Read More @ Source
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Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz
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