Dont picket, Subra warns workers

The tellurian resources minister says it's illegal to interrupt work sourroundings to protest opposite amendments to Employment Act 1955.

KUALA LUMPUR: Human Resources Minister Dr S Subramaniam currently warned workers not to white picket opposite amendments to a Employment Act 1955.

"If they white picket during operative hours, it would be illegal as well as transformation can be taken opposite them by their employers for disrupting a operative environment," pronounced Subramaniam.

"However, if workers motionless to reason a peaceful gathering outside of a work place or during lunch hour, it is their elemental right.

"A strike or white picket can only be finished upon a traffic dispute. If they white picket upon this particular issue, it would be opposite a Industrial Relations Act 1967," combined Subramaniam.

Asked what arrange of transformation an employer can take opposite employees who white picket as well as interrupt work, he pronounced it was up to a employer to decide.

He urged parties to make "rational decisions" as well as give up from protesting, referring to a programmed national protest by Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC) upon Thursday.

"This emanate has been secretly interpreted as well as manipulated as well as I want a people to confirm who is right as well as who is wrong," he said.

Subramaniam pronounced a strange tenure "sub-contractor for labour" was amended to "contractor for labour" to widen a clarification of a word, as well as that it was not a new idea.

"It was finished to strengthen workers' welfare. This new sustenance was referred to so as to encourage contractors to be registered with a director-general of labour.

"This will capacitate a ministry to m! onitor w orkers who have been being employed. If there is any mistreatment of workers, quick transformation can be taken opposite a contractor," he said.

He pronounced a National Union of Plantation Workers (NUPW) had, in 1997, referred to during a International Labour Organisation-Asia Pacific Regional seminar in New Delhi that contractors be stable as well as registered.

"That was a great suggestion as well as only with this can there be more clarity in managing a complement as well as facilitating enforcement to safeguard a rights of workers.

"The suggestion came from a unions themselves, a NUPW, as well as I do not understand because a same people from a unions, MTUC, want to white picket over this," pronounced Subramaniam.

"India has enacted a Contract Labour (Regulation as well as Abolition) Act 1970 to capacitate authorities to list a sorts of work that can't be contracted to contractors. Employment contingency be direct through a employer.

"Through this, India managed to control a activities of stipulate work as well as only those functions that have been temporary as well as anniversary have been allowed (which have been not a core commercial operation of a employer)," combined Subramaniam.

A 'return to slavery'

He pronounced similarly, in Malaysia, a ministry, through Section 2A of a act, can amend a specific regulations to list down a sorts of work that will not be allowed through a executive for work to safeguard workers have been not manipulated by any party.

Subramaniam positive workers that they will not be banned for fasten unions.

"Workers employed to contractors for work can take partial in unions though they have been still bound by their common agreements with their employers as well as their unions," he said.

He cited a common agreement in between a Malayan Agricultural Producer! s Associ ation (Mapa) as well as NUPW, that was created for workers supposing for by contractors for labour.

"This same process can be employed in alternative sectors as well," pronounced Subramaniam.

He stressed that a amendment was "a mutation of government that will not affect a security of tenure, will not promote contractors for labour, or forestall a transformation of traffic unions in this country".

Subramaniam combined that alternative profitable amendments to a action enclosed payments of salary directly through! banks, Hari Malaysia as a mandatory holiday, a procession to protest about sexual harassments as well as maternity benefits for workers of any compensate scale.

The revisions to a Employment Act were upheld by a Dewan Rakyat upon October 3 notwithstanding widespread protests. It has been termed as a "return to slavery" by some unions.

MTUC, that comprises 390 of a 692 work unions with 802,323 members, is opposite amending a tenure "sub-contractor for labour" to "contractor for labour" underneath Section 2 of a Act, observant that it would not strengthen a rights of stipulate labourers.

The kinship is unfortunate that underneath a due revisions, a rights of stipulate as well as part-time workers will not be protected.

Also, agencies supplying workers to a third celebration underneath "contractor for labour" would become employers of a workers as well as workers will not have job security as they would be underneath a contractor's payroll as well as not be underneath a categorical employer.

The kinship is additionally unfortunate that workers underneath stipulate for work cannot be organised in to unions. The due Bill still needs to be upheld by a parliament as well as embrace stately assent, before it becomes law.

Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH

Courtesy of P! olitical ly Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

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