Mr.Shankers Plea

October 20, 2011

Mr Shanker's Plea: Mr. Prime Minister, please take charge

October 19A great Chief Executive value his salt would have his palm upon a pulse of his nation, especially when his country is being impressed by mixed as well as formidable issues which would aver obligatory attention upon his part.

The leaders in Europe have been confronting their financial woes head on; President Barrack Obama is pacing back as well as forth tirelessly to mend a United States' recessional problems. One might not agree with their proposals as well as approaches; but we have to admit a single thing during slightest they have been swimming in a severe waters together with their people.

And which brings me to our Prime Minister. Let me be indicate vacant is he solving problems with a similar vigour? Does he enthuse even a single iota of certainty which he is being a personality which this country desperately needs, during a time when mixed fractious issues have been jabbing divided during Malaysia with unheard off ferocity?

Greece, what's Next?, Silvio Berlusconi

Let's see now. The Allah issue? Looks similar to It's All Quiet upon The Putrajaya Front. Teoh Beng Hock's death? Sorry, but which has Gone With The Wind. The large KVMRT(Klang Valley Mass Transit) project as well as a assorted tensions it's bringing to a fore? Well, as prolonged as it's Other People's Money, it's fine (perhaps in a conventio! n of his predecessors).

PERKASA, Utusan Malaysia as well as a rest of their twins who taunt Malaysia without fear of chastisement? Guess there ought to be no worries, as prolonged as they wear a facade upon interest of UMNO's JAIS as well as a DUMC affair? Sorry, but a Prime Minister was nowhere to be seen.

Perhaps he went auditioning for Missing in Action, as well as he wanted to work during his method acting.

I suspect too, there's zero similar to examination Rooney get red carded to assistance me spin my face away, while another extremist group plans to reason a Himpunan (Sejuta Umat) soon which threatens secular as well as eremite harmony.

If we stop a Prime Minister's reply to BERSIH2.0, he was flattering quick off a block in criticising a gathering. That's because to those who have been sensitive as well as not convinced by our mainstream media's intrigue with all things Najib, they have a tough time desiring his "moderate" position.

After all, he is a chap who wants to defend Putrajaya with dejected bodies. we unequivocally empathize a ridiculous pawns which have been willing to be dejected for UMNO's sake, while their greatest warlord gets a transport budget which was value millions for a past three years mother included.

Mr Prime Minister, here's to hoping which we would place your hands onto a carry out board, as well as not leave it to your image consultants.Trust me missing in movement doesn't make we look cool.

* Shanker reads The Malaysian Insider.

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

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