The offences of not wearing what is mandatory and wearing that which is prohibited

Saturday morning, we spoke during a MCLM Citizen Empowerment School.

Later, we headed out to a couple of meetings.

Won't say where this happened as we do not instruct to risk exposing a identity of a officers concerned.

I turned left during a traffic light as well as was flagged down by a military officer.

I rught away knew what a corruption was.

I wasn't wearing a chair belt.

Pulled up as well as waited for a officer.

He came turn to my side, as well as afterwards looked horrified during me as well as exclaimed, "Alamak, ini kesalahan besar, encik".

I was puzzled, as well as asked him what was this 'kesalahan besar'.

Pointing to my chest, he asked, "Mana boleh pakai baju tu?".

I had completely lost that we was wearing my yellow 'BERSIH 2.0 t-shirt.

"Apa salah pakai baju ini?", we asked.

By now, a second military military military military military military military officer came up to a car.

"Encik , ini kesalahan serius ni, encik,", a second military military military military military military officer offered.

"Pakai baju kuning salah? Ada lojik ke, encik? Encik nak cek kereta saya kalau ada senjata?", we asked a second officer.

"Ala, encik mesti tahu kerajaan sudah haramkan baju ini. Tak boleh pakai. Kesalahan besar, encik,", a second military military military military military military officer shot back.

"Encik berdua ada hadir kat himpunan pada 9 Julai, tak?, we asked them both.

The initial military military military military military military officer kept silent.

"Ah, gila ke? Kita polis, lah! Mana boleh?", a second replied.

"Saya ada diperhimpunan itu.Encik ingat saya hanya berjuang untuk masa depan anak saya, tak berjuang untuk anak encik berdua ini?", we asked.

The initial military military military military military military officer responded.

"Kami tahu encik", was all he said.

I shot an additional question to both.

"Berapa gaji kamu berdua?", we asked.

The seond military military military military military military officer appeared to take corruption to my question.

"Apa kena mengena dengan ni?", he asked.

"Encik tahu tak gaji polis kat Singapore hampir 6 kali daripada gaji encik?", we shot back.

"Betul ke?", a second military military military military military military officer asked.

"Betul. Saya nak tanya, Singapore ada getah tak, ada kelapa sawit tak, ada minyak tak, ada gas tak? Tak de, kan? Malaysaia adakan? Kenapa gaji polis di Singapore 6 kali lebih tinggi daripada gaji encik dua ni?", we asked.

Both officers only looked during me in silence.

"Sebab 40 tahun UMNO dah liwat rakyat. Habis segala kekayaan rakyat dicuri UMNO. Rakyat sekarang menuntut untuk keadilan untuk semua. Untuk polis jugak",I said.

Pin dump overpower for a great 10 seconds.

Then a initial military military military military military military officer extended his arm as well as shook hands with me ! as well as said, "Lain kali pakai chair belt, encik. Dan hati-hati pakai t-shirt tu.".

That done my day.

Malaysians Must Know a TRUTH

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

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