The Mas-AirAsia deal- part 1

Done or no finished deal, you will go on to offer looking during the understanding from different angles. What have been the issues over this deal? One commentator sarcastically said, TF would contend poodah to all that you have written. Hopefully he will also contend that to those others who write critically as well about this deal. But, hello Friend, TF is not Tamil. Try promulgation him Deepavali label if you would. He would instead say, sorry, you am not Tamil.

Look during the share swap? TF got so most shares of MAS right? He parted with so most shares of AA to Khazanah no? What has happened? MAS shares rose in worth meaning the shares TF has increased in value. The child who managed MAS for the short time gets 11 million MAS shares as good as he is rewarded for bad-managing MAS.

What has been produced during this deal? Immediate alleviation in the services of MAS? A renewed clarity of blurb evangelism by that TF is important for? Some contend it as snakoil-salemanship. Doesnt have the difference since it functions for him personally. On the PROMISE of MAS getting TF Midass touch, he has made over RM 30m. Those with AA shares got lesser worth for the shares together with Khazanah.

So what do you feel about the total thing? You will feel that MAS is being made the tool in the immeasurable corporate game exercise masterminded by the couple of regulating an item owned by Malaysians hold in certitude by those boys during Khazanah. You could roughly feel you have been had. You paint to illustrate the people who feel violated.

The shares as good as resources hold in certitude have been hold for what purpose? Lets not kick around the bush- there is an unspoken law that the shares have been hold in certitude for the wider amicable as good as political purpose. So that worth can be combined on the sha! res in t he office of amicable as good as political adjustments. Chief in between these- adjusting resources placement on interest of Bumiputeras.

Two, t! hese cor porate games have been being played by the couple of good continuous individuals. The benefits (mostly immediate as good as short term) accrue to them. The full impact usually to be felt years later as good as borne eventually by the supervision as good as taxpayers.

All this indicate to the insufficiency of the supervision during managing resources generating inhabitant assets.

Sure, everyone is parroting what Fernandes said during the forum on ETP- that supervision gets out of business. We have been observant that all along too, except that TF is observant it with capacity. In any case, you fully agree with that portion of his take. So lets proceed by dismantling the really classification that throws the weight around as the government- khazanah itself. If there is the brand brand new supervision subsequent time, lets put as priority, the bulletin of dismantling Khazanah.

Khazanah is left land shares that have gone down in price. Net, TF wins. But what about the minority shareholders land the balls shares of AA? The lady trainer during Bursa Saham needs to investigate either estimable blocks of MAS shares changed hands prior to the understanding was announced.

Does the share swap entail AA presumption the brand brand new nationality? Does AA right away spin the Malaysian airlines so that it acquires previously taken alighting as good as drifting rights? If it has changed effectively as good as since alighting as good as drifting rights have been trustworthy to an airlines nationality, AA has effectively gotten rights that have been enjoyed by MAS. So MAS is arm-twisted into giving up some-more concessions. AA got what Asia-X has been clamoring all this time.

That creates the understanding! having all the ingredients of being most manipulated as good as not fair especially to MAS. You twist as good as turn, finale up by giving up some-more by MAS. Now where is the reason for being angry? You feel indignant since the supervision itself is played out as good as looking stupid.

Very contemptible if you insist this is the discuss about bumi non bumi, tamil non Tamil. ! It isnt. Its about clarity as good as probity in the diagnosis of resources belonging to this nation. If MAS were an wholly in isolation company, you will say- offer you right, you have been the laggard as good as therefore you deserve to be outmaneuvered by TF. AA has got the leaner management team, the nimble as good as all that. We wouldnt bat an eyelid since the purely an event in between in isolation commercial operation entities.

The issues here have been about MAS as good as Khazanah. The issues with MAS center on the management. Its not led by the penetrating entrepreneurial mind. But why have been you restrictive ourselves to just around the bent in AA to prop up MAS? We wish to insist MAS as good as AA sojourn dual apart entities so that there is competition. TF as good as his squad can do whatever they wish with AA.

MAS would be sportive better visualisation if it casts the sight distant sufficient to move in management bent from anywhere so that , MAS can contest with all other full use airlines. You wish to contest with AA on the same terms? Then commission firefly by permitting it to operate similar to AA. By forcing MAS that is the full use airline to right away be infused with the commercial operation enlightenment of entrepreneurial TF as good as AA, you have been setting the theatre for the eventual cannibalization of MAS.

You dont have to be running airlines to impugn the deal. Otherwise, you cannot complain about bad food since you have been not chefs. We shout, you have noise since of the recognition as goo! d as of the concern. you have on purpose enclosed those the single liner comments to display their void as good as childishness.

Is the supervision sidelining the bumi interests? you didnt move out this indicate nor was you meddlesome in bringing it up. Its finished in the name of creating synergies, people say. We can pool resources to buy planes( can get cheaper), revoke upkeep costs , enhancing the worth of route networks etc. as the result by this deal, in return for TFs entrepreneurial bent as good as Midas touch, may be AA gets the routes it couldnt! get ear lier. AA gets the Sydney route that the Middle East X has been angry about.

I didnt go into breaking up skinny emanate into the bumi non bumi interests thing. People can contend Tune air is owned some-more by bumi by Kamarudin Meranun as good as Aziz Bakar. TF has usually 20%. He is the entrepreneurial face of AA, the Richard Branson of Malaysia. We shouldnt be hostile about this.

I am surprised during people posterior this line of argument. Putting it as just an hostile response simplifies the total emanate as good as trivializing the concerns people have over this deal. Khazanah is custodian of resources belonging to this country. It cannot provide the resources in the deceive of mystery as good as secrecy well known usually to the couple of people, whos to say, there have not been any insider trading? Was the total understanding presented to an oversight cabinet or cabinet of a little kind?

Posted by sakmongkol AK47

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

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