Ambiga's speechwriter?

P. Gunasegaram, the creator/founder of KiniBiz, is the seasoned publisher who's left to hell and back, as they'd say.
His byline has appeared in Business Times, Malaysian Business, The Edge, The Star, The Sun, between others. He's been an researcher and the corporate comm guy, too. But cyberspace "warfare" is roughly uncharted domain for the aged hand and in Pro-Pakatan Malaysiakini attacks that Star! - Ambiga's speechwrier, Gunasegaram leads the charge,Guna would get the ambience of things to come. The unflattering series upon The Star that Guna has authorised is not starting down well quarters close to his ex-employers. It's not starting to be pretty.
When I joined BT as an novice in 1984, Guna was already specializing in banking and finance. We got loads of regards for him, so don't design me to run this guy down. But if it's down to The Star vs Malaysiakini, well, this is how I see it: at the finish of the day The Star is the journal despite all the posturing or pretenses; Malaysiakini, upon the alternative hand, is the top-notch think-tank inside the well-backed "independent headlines portal" wardrobe combined to help grasp the domestic end.
Perhaps Guna will change Malaysiakini for the better? Perhaps.

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