Sunday election a bane to Malaysian Christians? Tell that to the Venezuelans!

"Venezuelans only inaugurated Nicolas Marudo the brand brand new president. Venezuela is 98pc Catholic as good as the presidential elections was hold on Sunday. Only in Malaysia Bishop Paul says cannot because Catholics contingency urge on Sunday." - An SMS from the reader

Bishop Paul Tanwas discerning tocondemn Najib Razak's preference to set the 13th General Election on the Sunday (May 5th)as the uncover of disregard to Christians in the country as good as "just proves which (his) 1Malaysia aphorism was merely controversial as good as not intendedto be substantive".

The Bishop dictated to sound harsh. Unfortunately, he was also the little as good reckless and, I'd hasten to add, pitifully ignorant.He wasobviously not wakeful thatVenezuela, where good over 95% of the population adheres to Christianity, had only left to the polls to elect their brand brand new President - on the Sunday.

Sunday is the holy day for the Christians in Venezuela, too, we am sure. So Bishop Paul, you were observant something about disregard to Christians? [Bishop says Sunday ballot the scandal to Christians],

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