"Musa Aman may likely be charged" (Rafizi said ICAC said)

Here's a thing you'd notice right away: a Hong Kong ICAC did not say if a Sabah Chief Minister might or might not be charged, it is Rafizi Ramli a PKR city slicker claiming which a ICAC had told him so. There's a big difference there.
"James To memaklumkan kepada delegasi (KeADILan) bahawa ada kemungkinan besar Dato' Seri Musa Aman boleh didakwa atas tuduhan pengubahan wang haram (money laundering) yang undang-undangnya lebih ketat di Hong Kong berbanding di negara-negara lain."
James To is a member of Hong Kong's Bar Council as well as a naib pengerusi row keselamatan dan Undang-undang Majlis Perundangan yang bertanggungjawab menyelia ICAC.

The Hong Kong ICAC did not emanate any official statement. James To did not emanate any official statement. But Rafizi pronounced James pronounced all which was reported in Harakah in a PAS organ's Monday edition.

I can't suppose a ICAC telling a complainant from Malaysia (who happens to be a member of a Malaysian Opposition party) which a Commission might most likely assign a Malaysian Chief Minister who is a subject of a complaint (and who happens to be a complainant's major enemy) on a strength of a complainant's "bukti-bukti dan dokument".Sounds a small as well convenient but that's what Rafizi wants Harakah readers to hold ...

I think he underestimates a Harakah readers' intelligence.

I especially like this part:
"... ICAC memohon kerjasama kami untuk tidak membuat kenyataan lanjut mengenai kes ini mengikut prosedur mereka bagi melindungi kerahsiaan siasat! an ... O leh itu, walaupun ICAC tidak akan mengesahkan secara rasmi bahawa kes ini tidak dibuka semula, kesiriusan dan perhatian yang diberikan mengenai kerahsiaan kes membayangkan bahawa siasatan penuh akan menyusul."
Jeng, jeng, jeng.


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Anonymous said...

The forest revenue is about RM150 million a year today as opposed to RM500 million to RM1 billion in the past. His objective is simple: to ensure that the forests are given a chance to recover.

Anonymous said...

“Perseverance and desire at the top.” has made Sabah's forestry management success a possibility.

Anonymous said...

As BN is getting motivated waiting for the coming election, opposition parties especially PKR seemed anxious.

Their anxiety are getting more when their own Opposition Leader, Anwar Ibrahim stated that he would retire if they lose in the coming GE, like what was published by newspaper Financial Times (FT).

How can PKR hope for a win if the suitable candidate are hard to find? Based on sources afloat in in various blog in the internet,

PKR would compete for 66 seats for the coming GE13. On the previous GE 2008, PKR managed to win 31 seats and gained multiple Malay votes.But, it seems that PKR's liberal approach is now causing trouble to the party in gaining votes from the Malays.

Meanwhile, Chinese are more comfortable with DAP than PKR. As for the Indians, many are tired of being cheated with false hopes given by PKR.

Thus, whether they like it or not, PKR would have to rely on votes from the Chinese for the GE13.

The same source mentioned that from 66 seats which they would compete, only 14 are from Malay candidates while 8 other candidates are from other races, which can be confirmed. 25 other seats are still in dilemma on which candidates should be in it. At least 5 seats suffered clash between PAS and DAP.

At the same time, PKR do not even have any 'candidate of choice' either 'possible candidates' for 19 other seats.

This means that from 66 seats, only 22 can be confirmed while 44 others are still undecided. This shows how hard it is for PKR to find suitable candidates, not even to find those who are fit to win in facing the coming election.

What is worse is that even Anwar is said to be under dilemma whether to compete in Permatang Pauh or Nibong Tebal.

Anwar is said to have realized that the support among Permatang Pauh to him is declining that they would not really come to his program (ceramah) anymore.

With such weak Leader, PAS and DAP are also dragged into the issue. PAS previously imagined that they would compete with 80 seats instead of 67 seats on the previous GE.

But, the hope of PAS in wanting to be the dominant party in Pakatan Rakyat Cabinet would definitely get sour welcome from DAP and PKR.

And as usual, PAS would have to listen to whatever decision that are made by DAP and PKR. If this happens, DAP then would become the dominant party with 89 seats for its party, compared to PKR's 66 seats.

This means that it would be easier for DAP to control and destroy rakyat if Pakatan Rakyat win the next GE.

The fate of non-Chinese in Malaysia would be at risk if the country is under the leadership of DAP. So, this scenario shows that this would be the brink of losing for Pakatan Rakyat.

Anonymous said...

Strategi yang dirancang oleh Rafizi mudah sahaja - kaitkan Perdana Menteri, isteri atau mana-mana pemimpin kerajaan dengan amalan rasuah, jenayah dan penyelewengan kuasa dengan menggunakan dokumen sulit, milik peribadi atau rasmi.

Anonymous said...

Tanpa mengesahkan samada dokumen yang didedahkan itu adalah sahih ataupun palsu, dan diperjelaskan dari mana sumbernya, rakyat terus diperbodohkan dengan rekaan cerita dan hikayat berunsur fitnah dan tohmahan pembangkang.

Anonymous said...

Dalam pendedahan terbaru, Deepak telahpun membuat penafian bahawa dokumen dalam tangan Rafizi bukan datang darinya.

Anonymous said...

Jadi persoalannya dari manakah Rafizi memperolehi dokumen-dokumen tersebut?

Anonymous said...

Dalam dunia digital dengan teknologi digital komputer yang canggih, semuanya boleh menjadi kenyataan.

Anonymous said...

Tidak mustahil mana-mana dokumen boleh dipalsukan menggunakan teknologi masa kini termasuk yang didakwa Rafizi sebagai kepunyaan Deepak.

Anonymous said...

Jikapun benar barang kemas tersebut dibeli oleh Deepak, kemungkinan ia adalah untuk ibu atau adik beradik perempuannya atau sebagai pelaburan malah boleh juga dibeli untuk Rafizi sekalipun!

Anonymous said...

Mengapa pula tanpa sebarang bukti kukuh, pembelian barang kemas itu disabitkan pula dengan isteri Perdana Menteri?

Anonymous said...

Apakah asas Rafizi untuk menuduh Datin Seri Rosmah menerima barangan kemas itu dari Deepak hanya berdasarkan beberapa invois yang diragukan keasliannya?

Anonymous said...

Terlebih dahulu pembangkang pernah menuduh isteri Perdana Menteri kononnya memiliki cincin berlian bernilai RM73 juta yang dibeli dari Amerika Syarikat.

Faizal said...

Tidak adapun pendakwaan dibuat maka si Rafizi ni berbohong lah kan.

Faizal said...

Tanpa bukti tidaka akan ada mana-mana pihak yang mampu membuatkan Musa didakwa.

Anonymous said...

Rafizi ini hanya mahu popular sebab tu ada saja yang dia tak puas hati dan gembar gemburkannya di media.

Anonymous said...

Susah juga jadi orang yang ada nama, ada saja pihak yang tak senang.

Anonymous said...

Rafizi ini kantoi menipu, lebih baik dia duduk diam banyak lagi manfaat yang mungkin diperolehinya.

yunata said...

Sehingga kini tidak ada bukti pun yang dapat support kenyataan si Rafizi. hihi

Anonymous said...

Walaupun banyak perkara yang timbul menjelang pru, saya harap agar semuanya OK dan tidak ada kekacauan melampau yang timbul.

Anonymous said...

Rakyat harus buat pilihan yang tepat. Jangan sia-siakan satu undi anda.

Anonymous said...

Rafizi patut berehat sebelum rakyat mula benci kepadanya.

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