Perak CPO, dont cover up police shooting death


Written by Rani Rasiah Wednesday, 09 Nov 2011 09:32


shotThe family as well as friends of P. Kathir Oli, who was shot passed by the plainclothes law enforcemetn military officer on 15 Sept 2011 outward an Ipoh pub, hold the protest final Friday outward the Perak military headquarters to reject the Chief Police Officer's inequitable matter on the sharpened as well as demand an reason as well as apology from him.

Prominent representatives of polite society, from NGOs as well as domestic parties also incited up to lend await to the family as well as reject the CPO's attempts to cover up for the abuse of military power.

P. Kathir Oli's attempted murder by the reportedly tipsy law enforcemetn military officer was condoned as well as justified by the Perak CPO DCP Mohd Shukri Dahlan who within twenty-four hours of the situation told the press which the sharpened was finished in the course of duty as well as in self-defence.

He was widely quoted in the press the next day as saying, in between other things, t! hat:

  • Kathir Oli as well as his friends were in the surrounded by of robbing the pub
  • they had used parang as well as spanners to attack the law enforcemetn military officer who had rushed into the beer hall on conference cries for assistance from the beer hall operator
  • the plainclothes law enforcemetn military officer had progressing identified himself

The family as well as friends of the plant were not interviewed by the military prior to the CPO drew his conclusions on the incident.

Kathir Oli's three companions who were arrested during the scene were liberated after an 11-day remand on the charge of attempted murder. Whilst in the lock-up they were bashed up as well as asked to declare to possessing the parang as well as to robbing the pub.

In the military reports they done on their release, they pronounced that:

  • they as well as Kathir Oli had incited up during the beer hall for the splash but were not authorised in
  • there were arguments, the small pushing as well as shoving as well as punches thrown in between the victim's group as well as the beer hall operators
  • Kathir Oli as well as friends were reversing their car to leave the scene when someone progressing seen exiting the beer hall hold up the gun as well as stopped them
  • there was the small pushing, shoving as well as punching in between Kathir Oli as well as the gun-toting male who unexpectedly pulled the trigger during close range, causing the plant to collapse
  • only when the male constructed handcuffs for the victim's friends did the victim's friends comprehend which Kathir Oli was shot by the plainclothes policeman

Two vastly different versions, but the top military military officer of the state did not bother to investigate the little, or haven his comments compartment later.

Instead he chose to cover up his officer's abuse of power, thereby committing another grave injustice, as well as demonstrating the workings of military im! punity.< /p>

The unprofessional control as well as matter of the CPO have frightening implications for the Malaysian public which trigger happy policemen will go on to fire anyone, as with the await of their superiors, they need not be answerable.

The chit to the CPO was handed over by the victim's mother during the gates of the Perak military headquarters.

The family, friends as well as supporters behind the banner which read, 'Ketua Polis Negeri Perak, Jangan Halalkan Pembunuhan P. Kathir Oli, Yang Ditembak Mati Oleh Polis' (Perak Chief Police Officer, Don't legalise the attempted murder of P. Kathir Oli who was shot passed by police) were not amused when the military officers during the embankment asked for procession to be followed when seeking an appointment with the CPO.

They questioned what procession was followed in the sharpened of Kathir Oli.

The bard is the central cabinet part of of Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM).


Memo yang diserahkan balu mangsa


DCP Dato' Mohd Shukri Dahlan
Ketua Polis Negeri Perak
Ibu Pejabat Kontinjen
Ipoh, Perak




2. MENUNTUT PENJELASAN _________________________________________________________________

Saya, S. Janaky, isteri mendiang P. Kathir Oli, membantah dengan sekeras-kerasnya kenyataan Ketua Polis Negeri DCP Dato Mohd Shukri Dahlan yang disiarkan dalam media pada 16/9/11 bahawa:

i. P. Kathir Oli bersama dengan 3 orang 'perompak' lain sedang merompak sebuah beer hall pada 15/9/11 sebelum beliau ditembak mati oleh se orang anggota polis

ii. P. Kathir Oli telah menggunakan parang dan spanner untuk menyerang anggota polis tersebut.

iii! . Anggot a polis tersebut telah mengenalkan identitinya kepada P. Kathir Oli dan kawan-kawannya sebelum bertindak.

Kenyataan yang tidak profesional

Kenyataan yang dibuat oleh KPN seperti di atas adalah tidak benar sama sekali dan tidak berasas. Saya rasa kecewa dengan kenyataan tersebut yang melulu dan langsung tidak profesional kerana ianya:

-dibuat tanpa menjalankan siasatan yang mendalam dan sebelum mengenalpasti dan mengumpul semua fakta yang berkaitan

-berat sebelah terhadap anggota PDRM yang terlibat dengan berasaskan kenyataannya ke atas versi anggota polis terbabit sahaja

-'pre-empt' dan mempengaruhi hasil siasatan lanjutan dengan mengeluarkan kenyataan yang tidak berasas dan berat sebelah

Siasatan awal polis membuktikan kesalahan versi KPN

Tiga orang kawan dan pekerja Kathir Oli diremand atas caj Kanun Siksaan Seksyen 307 selepas insiden tembak mati pada 15/9/11. Mereka dibelasah di dalam lokap untuk memaksa mereka mengaku bahawa mereka telah menyerang anggota polis tersebut dengan parang. Tetapi caj ini dibuang dan ketiga-tiga mereka dilepaskan atas bail polis selepas eleven hari dalam lokap, dan dibebaskan dua minggu kemudian. Ini menunjukkan bahawa pihak polis tidak dapat membuktikan apa yang didakwa oleh KPN.

Tambahan pula mereka yang diremand telah membuat aduan polis selepas dilepaskan. Aduan-aduan polis tersebut PEKAN BHARU/004945/11 dan PEKAN BHARU/004945/11 mencabar kesahihan kenyataan KPN.

Penjelasan yang dituntut

Ada beberapa perkara yang perlukan penjelasan daripada KPN berkaitan dengan peranan anggota polis dalam insiden tembak mati suami saya P. Kathir Oli. Antaranya:

i. Mengapakah langsung tidak ada usaha untuk menyelamatkan nyawa suami saya Kathir Oli selepas beliau ditembak? Adakah peraturan PDRM untuk membiarkan sahaja mangsa yang ditembak dan fokus pada tindakan2 lain seperti menggari saspek, membuat kordon, menghantar saspek ke balai polis?

ii. Impl! ikasi ti ndakan di atas adalah bahawa anggota PDRM berniat untuk membunuh suami saya; dan tujuan menembak adalah untuk membunuh dan bukan untuk mencederakan. Adakah cara tembak mati merupakan SOP PDRM apabila berdepan dengan orang awam atas saspek?

iii. Adakah Corporal Cheah Yew Teik yang membunuh suami saya diberi kuasa untuk membawa dan menggunakan pistol?

iv. Adakah ia bertugas pada malam itu, atau 'off duty'? Adakah anggota polis off-duty dibenarkan membawa pistol?

v. Adakah ia bekerja sebagai bouncer di beer hall berkenaan pada malam kejadian ini?

vi. Adakah pemeriksaan dilakukan terhadap paras ethanol di darah Corporal Cheah Yew Teik selepas kejadian itu?

Saya rasa amat kecewa kerana selepas pembunuhan P. Kathir Oli oleh polis, Ketua Polis Negeri pula menghina suami saya dengan memberi kenyataan akhbar bahawa suami saya seorang penjenayah. Kenyataan KPN yung disiarkan dalam media mencemarkan nama baik suami saya dan menghinakan keluarga saya. Suami saya, P. Kathir Oli, adalah seorang warga yang baik dan tidak mempunyai sebarang rekod jenayah. Beliau seorang suami yang baik dan bapa yang bertanggungjawab kepada 4 orang anak kami. Beliau juga seorang kontraktor yang berjaya.

Kelihatannya, KPN lebih berminat untuk menjustifikasikan tindakan anggota polisnya tembak mati suami saya daripada menegakkan kebenaran dan keadilan.

Saya rasa amat tidak puas hati dan menuntut penjelasan.

Yang benar

S. Janaky

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

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