scumbags in our civil society !

Why should Guan Eng apologize for using down the associate arch apportion of the Johor state with regards to the tall crime rate as compared to Penang state ? Johore is scandalous for broad-daylight rapist activities, no ?

Frankly all arch ministers should be ashamed of themselves if they cannot give an order to the military in their respective state to do their job as guardians of the law as well as teach in their dumb heads who actually pays their salaries any month. And some-more importantly it is the military who have been the real shameless free-loaders who pick up their salary monthly of the tax-payers hard warranted ringgits as well as lay upon their donkey waiting for directives from their UMNO mas! ters to disrupt as well as make arrests during any civil society wake up as long as it has not got the BN's blessing, right ?

So if CM Lim Guan Eng had indeed criticised the shocking state of rapist activities in Johor, during least he's got balls to criticise his associate CMs instead of covering their asses in the

This country has gone funny where crime is endangered as snatch-thieves, muggers, burglars as well as mat-rempits resolutely RULE the streets in any given state as well as locale ! Shouldn't the military be blamed wholly for all the mess ?? I positively will put the censure squarely upon the totally lazy attitude of these trigger-happy government servants in blue who abuse their powers absolutely as well as chuck the censure upon uncooperative adults for not"tipping" them off to solve petty as well as community crimes effectively. Seeing because you need to live in the gated or
"caged" community explains, yes ?! < span>

But if it concerns the big-shot "datuk" or any BN napoleon living in the fancy residence who lodges the military report, you can be sure these boys-in-blue will come using instantly to the doorsteps to take reports or round up the couple of suspects immediately as well as chuck the book upon them as well as complete the investigations inside of the day or so as well as case solved as well as closed.

Funny how you have all review so many times as well as upon so many different months as well as years apart in the papers of the certain
"mamak" squad being utterly wiped-out. And year after year they have wiped-out the same squad as well as sealed the case. Mamak! squad ha s clones, perhaps ?

Now back to which
"bad-mouthing" remarks of Guan Eng.....chief ministers, like all other government servants should be given incentives as well as rewards for daring to finger the associate arch apportion but fright as well as favour. That is the usually way to go in the civil society as they too have been duty-bound as well as responsible to the tax-paying adults as usually in the civilised state can the adults be giveaway to travel the streets but fright of snatch-thieves, muggers as well as mat-rempits.

Way to go Guan Eng.... the adults as well as especially the tourists in Penang have been some-more giveaway to try out further but fright of these scumbag snatch-thieves,muggers as well as mat-rempits any time of day ! The military in Penang have been maybe the bit some-more "citizen conscious" as well as unit the streets afterwards their counter-parts everywhere else who have been hiding at the back of underbrush to locate speeding motorists as well as cell-phone using drivers to
"negotiate" their offenses !

And which is the great shame as well as the glaring law folks, certitude me !
Malaysians Must Know the TRUTH

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

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