RM23,000 in tear gas hurled at Bersih marchers

By Shannon Teoh
October 06, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 6 Some 226 rip gas canisters as well as 36 fume grenades value RM22,886 were used to sunder the tens of thousands who gathered upon Jul 9 to await Bersih's call for giveaway as well as satisfactory elections.

The Home Ministry said, in the parliamentary reply to Lim Lip Eng (DAP-Segambut), which any "Tear Smoke Shell" price RM79.76 whilst "Tear Some Grenades" were valued during RM135 each.

File print of rip gas dismissed to sunder the thousands during the Jul 9 rally.
Opposition leaders have accused military of attempted murder during the rally, claiming which rip gas shells were directed directly during demonstrators with goal to harm.

The method additionally pronounced upon Tuesday which military were found to have breached standard operating procedures when dealing with marchers who had converged during the Tung Shin Hospital.

The supervision had pronounced earlier this week which some-more than RM2 million was outlayed deploying over 11,000 military officers to "handle" the outlawed convene by the electoral remodel group.

The protest incited pell-mell when the military dismissed rip gas as well as H2O cannons during thousands of demonstrators, ensuing in scores injured as well as the death of ex-soldier Baharuddin Ahmad, 59.

The method additionally clarified currently which the sum series of arrests upon Jul 9 was 1,509, 97 of whom were female.

"Of which total, 1,435 were Malays, twenty-one Chinese, twenty-nine Indians as well as 24 from alternative races," it pronounced in its created reply.

Bersih estimates which 50,000 people showed up during the Jul 9 convene notwithstanding supervision efforts to prevent it from taking place whilst the military have pronounced there were only 6,000.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Naji! b Razak has given left to good lengths to try as well as win back center Malaysia after international defamation of the clampdown upon the rally.

In the arise of the rally, Najib had promised to remodel the country's choosing process, the key direct of Bersih 2.0, followed by unconditional changes to security as well as press laws, the move he pronounced was to increase polite liberties in the country.

Malaysians Must Know the TRUTH

Courtesy of Bonology.com Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

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