Good Yin(g)Luck Victory

Luck must be upon the side of the Red shirts, no to be confused by the communists or the statute celebration t shirt compared with the anti-Bersih peoples rally, when the Yin(g) fitness triumphed over the not so y(ou)an(g) Abhisit in the startling landslide feat of the opposition over the Democrats.

Given the turbulent years Thailand faced after the manoeuvre of an inaugurated government, the battle of the red shirts over the yellow shirts have combined doubt in Thailand with any side display their people power.
Public demonstrations, sit-ins were all spoken bootleg which additionally resulted in genocide when the law tried to enforce itself upon the masses, Finally those with the weapons chose not to turn it upon their own people.

Even if the little consider the Thai people as simple minded as good as ignorant of the complexities of politics, they have proven which they have been means to swing good domestic energy as good as change governments but fright or favour. Even with the hazard of troops intervention.

Call it luck, but these days, domestic victories have been no longer dependent purely upon luck. Money, corruption, bribery, impression as good as real gangland slaying have been the little of the age aged methods employed in any choosing process, approved or dictatorial or the single celebration system they all occupy such tactics. Including make make use of of of threats by regulating the state secret equipment or enforcement institutions as good as in Thailand the army!. Firepower as good as the guns have most mostly won victory.

However, story has shown which during the end of the day, the will of the people u! ltimatel y triumph, 'people power' whatever form, legal or bootleg depending upon who the people have been supporting, over guns, wat! er canno ns, truncheons, incarceration even crimes opposite humanity.

Even if politicians make make use of of complicated technology these days social media, politicians no have the difference holy eremite or holy they are, during least the little still consult the dim humanities as opposite to those who adopts the some-more benevolent track by seek boundless favour from the Gods of the mainstream religions or in BolehLand's case, the God which the domestic celebration takes upon as defender of the faith, no?

Perhaps the the mixture of both which Thai politicians make make use of of where the boundless is concerned. But have been the strategy in Thai governing body any different from BolehLand in the ultimate choosing surprise results?

There have been similarities; the corruption, the bribery, the zillion as good as the single promises, honeyed talks as good as honeyed nothings being pronounced to voters, make make use of of of social media together with regulating both God as good as the dim forces no? Each side felt their millions of membership will guarantee their wins in safe seats.

But BolehLand politicians during least the statute celebration will explain there have been vast differences since the make make use of of of force was never bootleg since they have the law to warrant such use. The armed forces has kept out of politics.

The leaders additionally explain the choosing routine is the model for other building nations to emulate. The Election Commission is really confident which the electoral rolls have been BERSIH as good as which the description use is done but competition or diluting 'opposition'! ; streng ht in the particular constituency.

And some-more importantly, which the possibilities have impeccable BERSIH annals as good as which the leaders trust their own instinct as good as attribute improved for those who have been found guilty under the law as good as concede them to stand for choosing as good as reason offices in supervision compared corporations.

And the brand new fiasc! o surrou nding the BERSIH 2.0 walk to guarantee clean, fair choosing among others have seen open admission of the willingness to make make use of of force from silat proponents to the armed forces to intervene opposite mostly imaginary threats.

And when the government's machine goes amok as good as demonise the BERSIH rally as good as those who experience as breaking the law - over an bootleg rally, the approach which the little NGOs have been groups have been working seems they have been happy to see red blood shed, limbs broken with silat kicks, their own kind being whacked with baton, hosted with containing alkali laced H2O cannons, firebombed with Molotov or slashed with knives - following police discovery which such cache of weapons prove as hidden by authorities which those BERSIH fellos have been out to fool around unwashed in their bootleg march. And yes, the willingness to call the armed forces to relieve any threats to traders as good as the aristocrat as good as nation you can supposed.

Though the hazard of violence as good as even the willingness to call in the armed forces have BolehLand's hazard of regulating brutal force pale in comparison to northerly neighbour's case, nonetheless, the leaders appear unapproachable to proclaim they have been peaceful to join the ranks of the ASEAN neighbours to make make use of of guns as good as tanks? to cow the people as good as punish them into submission if they 'break the law'.

To justify the make make use of of of force or even mishandle the order of law, all is needed as BolehLand these days have been guidance fast, is to demonise th! e person , organisation or cause. Then you send in the blue bois to raid, harass, arrest as good as make make use of of anything to couple them to subversion, fraud opposite what is considered insincere to most rural fellos as good as celebration members, insult or overthrow of the king, make make use of of of force, links to unfamiliar elements presumably ideology, funding or dignified await as good as the swindling theory spin!

The make make use of of of the competition card as good as even malingering one's sacrament have been happily being exploited not startling from someone who is ostensible to be the creator as good as forcing everyone to utter the 1Malaysia mantra everytime, anywhere 27/7 or make make use of of which signature tag on! any brand new things, reflecting really the dread of creation among the people generally the polite servants who can't consider of any outlandish names or ideas of their own to implement as good as look similar to mere durian polishers, huh?

And of course you make make use of of the MSMedia to guarantee which you paint as KOTOR the impression of those who cause difficulty so which actions taken have been justified!!!

Then there is the common stand in customary which BolehLand folks have been all as well informed with.

But the most singular demeanour BolehLand outlaws as good as criminalise anything to presumably guarantee the 1Malaysia concept is to wanted person as good as acknowledgement bootleg colour schemes as good as clothing either real or associated! Yes it was black then, now it's yellow as good as then even the little difference cannot be used. Illegitimacy even extends to banning imagery entities or coalitions as good as even efforts to guarantee the choosing routine as good as all which is compared in the choosing routine is BERSIH!

But in what BolehLand considers less worldly Land of Smiles Thailand they have been putting in service the some-more approved democracy as good as the citizens ordinary folks there appear some-mor! e well-b red as good as Truly Asian than BolehLand. Two such comparisons say it all.

The First is the Red shirts rallied behind the lady as personality their goal of change to Thailand, the people's personality as opposite to the supervision which favour elites as good as seen as carrying out the inform campaign opposite the supervision illegally suspended in the troops coup. Even when this lady is the sibling of the suspended Prime Minister indicted of even terrorism, she was not related to such accusations by DNA associations.

In Bolehland similarly the lady additionally called for change in an electoral routine as good as rallied the people to await the call to guarantee which the choosing process, machine as good as people's rights have been 'clean' or 'bersih'.

In Thailand, the lady personality was cheered on, supported as good as even faced with the common ridicule of the person's impression what not of the lady leader, the ferocity as good as energy of impression gangland slaying by N! GOs as good as even supervision officials as good as opposition domestic parties of the Thai lady personality is zero compared to what the lady polite right personality in BolehLand received.

In Bolehland, the lady polite personality was lambasted as good as called by most names, her competition was even maligned by her opponents with even the No 1leader fasten receiving pot shots during her. There was call to frame her of her citizenship as good as as if not sufficient her sacrament was additionally disgustingly humiliated. And attempts to smear or kotorkan her impression was the daily event.

BolehLand leaders as good as folks have been ever ready to peep which impish grin with joviality as good as unapproachable to proclaim which BolehLand is not the land of sex, impiety as good as filth during your convenience the theme of Thailand as good as Bangkok is brought up as sketch some-more tourists but perhaps the need to outlay RM1.8 million than BolehLand does. And Thailand is known f! or melti ng one's heart with some-more than just smiles. It is not the sharp tom yam which hordes of unfamiliar visitors together with from BolehLand as good as Kuala Lumpur group there. It's some-more to put up with in activities synonymous to the name of the Thai capital, some-more you do the 'bang *o*k', no?

Second, even if women in Thailand have been foul as good as done similar to sex objects from unfamiliar visitors together with from BolehLand, the women as theme of scorn did not stop the single from ascending to the highest post in the nation - presumably the Prime Minister. There was no need for the gentle warning of sorts similar to in BolehLand of allocating the certain commission in the halls of energy in corporations to uncover the world how set free BolehLand women folks are. No constipated sloganeering to lift the stature of women since the the 1Malaysia approach in Thailand was needed for the lady to turn the Prime Minister.

And BolehLand braggadocio of the complicated democracy, women carrying the role, the model eremite state does not concede the lady to turn the Prime Minister or rsther than put obstacles to guarantee the single ever will be come No1 in Putrajaya no?

So you BolehLand folks love to live in the 'shiokse! ndiri' w orld braggadocio of the maturity as good as developed standing of the government, the leaders as good as model 1Malaysia this as good as that.

Humble Thailand is years as good as eons forward but wanting to pull the 2020 vision to get pick up another badge in their 'shioksendiri' pursuit. It has zero to do with Thailand carrying some-more yin as good as BolehLand inflicted with yang. Neither is it the little fitness which they appear to use some-more democracy as good as leisure of expression as good as public than BolehLand even with carrying the brutal story of the armed forces armoured column rolling into the collateral as good as sharpened during their own people. It took the lady of courage, the sprinkle of yin as good as the dose of fit! ness as good as the unselfish scapegoat as good as bravery of the common people which have done Yingluck as good as Thailand the indeed nation where opportunities have been authorised to have the citizen, the lady during which as well to turn the Prime Minister.

In Bolehland, last you hear of lady trying to uncover bravery in the face of grief is some-more attempts to incarcerate her as good as intimidate the people who share her ideals. And even if the people have been peaceful to give another lady the opinion to turn the intensity subsequent No1 in BolehLand, the so called progressive, educated as good as complicated men folks in the supervision have already vouched to defend their Putrajaya in the quarrel fight quarrel mood as good as which goes for any man or lady who try to do which in the ostensible purify or bersih lawful way, no?

So much for us BolehLand folks as good as the shioksendiri approach of hold up these days huh?

While other nations have been congratulating Yingluck, the leaders have been extremely quiet.Can't blame them as they have been carrying as well much upon their hands trying to understanding with dual ladies who might move in the winds of change, good ying as good as fitness in BolehLand, no? Now is which the purify or bersih or disobedient thought huh?

Congratulations to Yingluck as good as people's power! You positively move smiles of goal to the ordinary people.

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

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