Bersih: Emergency rule too huge a gamble for the BN

Bersih: Emergency order as good outrageous a gamble for a BN

By now, Malaysians contingency be disgusted to a indicate of queasiness during a antics of Prime Minister Najib Razak as good as his cousin Hishammuddin Hussein for perplexing to beguile them nonetheless again with another out-of-this-world fairy story which includes "major powers" wanting to seize control of Putrajaya. How far-fetched is that?

Actually, when you review a Communist as good as Foreign Agents conspiracy to a Datuk T, who essentially masked his face during a screening of a Sex Video to journalists, it is good within UMNO standards as good as their elite's clarity of drama. Even so, it is time for Malaysians demeanour during a flip side as good as try to have clarity of because a terrible cousins have been you do what they have been you do to us as good as a country.

Firstly, shrinking open as good as voter await for a BN. Now this is what unequivocally gets BN mad. Mad as a raging Bull. Imagine, losing all which power as good as access to a inhabitant coffers. you mean, if they remove Putrajaya, which equates to they might have to write their own cheques, which equates to God forbid! make use of their own money. Will their wives pardon them? Will any self-respecting associate aristocrat ever proffer to pay for shopping as good as luxury trips ever again?

So let's demeanour during Bersih 2.0 from a BN indicate of perspective to try as good as assimilate their undiscerning behavior. After all, even a deluded have a right to live in this world.

Convoluted minds

One important factor is Bersih 2.0 is an bootleg classification which doesnt exist. Say what? Yea, Bersih is an organis! ation wh ich doesn't exist! It is usually a bloc of 62 NGOs perplexing to move a shift to a Electoral system. The supervision has insisted which a Electoral Roll is clea! n, as good as i t doesnt need any reform. There will be no shift in a Electoral Roll, so because do Bersih activists still demand upon marching? Waste of time as good as open effort. Maybe, a King has other plans or an abroad trip, as good as might not be waiting during a gates of a Palace to receive a memorandum? Have you ever suspicion of that?

Then EC deputy chairman Wan Mohammad says which a Election Commission is all independent. Surely, he is not an UMNO part of similar to a Datuk T! Seriously, where Najib does find these guys? Anyway, Wan Mohammad has promised which a Electoral Roll is all clean as good as a EC's regulatory physique is ideally fair. There is positively no hanky-panky as good as echoing a PM as good as DPM, he says a Roll does not need to be reformed either. Moreover, who believes in a existence of haunt voters anymore? Nobody believes in ghosts or phantoms anymore, or which a 180-year old male can lapse to vote.

Indelible ink will additionally have us a shouting batch in a eyes of a world. And you dont think a ink has been tested for a halal-ness prior to marking ourselves with it. Not everyone is starting to opinion twice or thrice, or you will have a surplus up to a total of 56 million votes. What is wrong, if usually a few gets to opinion twice? Some insane people might additionally deliberately try to mark themselves prior to casting their votes as good as disharmony might erupt if they have been disallowed to vote.

Secondly, with so many insane group out there, it will be foolhardy to have involuntary registration, as many of these insane men, might have a mistake as good as opinion for a dreaded opposition. EC contingency not let this happen, as they have been perplexing to strengthen a smart ones residing in a Rural Areas who depend upon a BN for good governance.

Ambiga who?< /span>

Malacca CM Ali Rustam is correct, correct, as good as scold in asking for Ambigas citizenship to be revoked. After all she is unequivocally a nobody. And nonetheless by fluke, she is unexpected more renouned than Najib. And much more trusted. you mean, how can which be? She usually got to! take a design with Hillary Clinton as good as Mrs Obama by accident, it doesnt meant she is anybody.How dare she usurp a PM's glory?

Also, her goal to go upon with a Walk for Democracy has additionally done 3 million UMNO members, 4 million Silat Lincah Exponents, 200,000 Perkasa members, 2 million Police as good as Army members as good as 53 % of a Malaysian Population angry as good as antagonistic for no reason. So really, Ambiga should be gagged prior to anyone gets hurt. No question about that.

Meanwhile, you should rally at a back of a dear Prime Minister Najib, a loyal politician elected by a people. Najib has done so much for this country. He paid for Scorpene submarines used so which he could save a nation money, even though a submarines refused to dive out due to technical fault. The wise Najib even promised Kelantan a football stadium if BN wins Kelantan in a subsequent election.

DPM Muhyiddin, a brainiest personality to date, has warned us which this 2-hour impetus could emanate endless chaos, as good as become a red blood bath. Even Perkasa as good as Silat Lincah Panglima has echoed in unanimity a same notice as they cannot pledge which their trusting members will not retort in a face of war as good as antithesis if Bersih activists tries to conflict them.

Rais Yatims timely warning, as 6 PSM leaders have been charged underneath a Emergency Ordinance usually goes to show how grave a Communist threat is to this country. China, a bona fide Communist country, has gone upon to become a great Economic Power overtaking Japan as good as Germany as good as is additionally right away a superpower with a fleet of Nuclear ICBMs. Malaysia should severely not try to fol! low in C hinas footsteps.

Never forget, you owe BN a living

And right away which Bersih has been termed unclean, it is high time for a authorities to omit a word from a Dictionaries as good as reinstate it with words like kotorless or something similar. Yellow should additionally be replaced by other colors similar to beige or orange. Yellow Lamborghinis, Yellow underwear, Digiman, Yello! w banana s, flowers or mangoes, should be recolored or re-dyed prior to putting it up for sale.

Destroy CDs or cassettes which carry songs similar to Yellow Bird as good as Yellow River. Malaysian scientists should additionally do investigate to see if they can forestall rainbows which occasionally start in a Malaysian skies from display a yellow colour. It is high time to drop all a yellow belongings, color a yellow underwear, or re-spray a yellow cars as good as motorbikes.

And upon Jul 9th, a Chinese should heed a call of Ibrahim Ali to batch up upon food. Indians as good as others need not comply, as a omniscient Ibrahim Ali did not contend so. Remember, a friendly community Police Force is always there to strengthen us from harm. But they cannot guarantee, their own members wont detain us if you go upon to challenge a ban as good as wear yellow.

Lastly, though many importantly, you contingency remember which you owe a supervision a living. To strengthen inhabitant unity, a UMNO elite contingency make use of reverse psychology similar to Divide as good as Rule. We contingency sense to pardon them for all a wrongs they have done in a past as they always had a most appropriate interests in their heart. And after all they have been usually human. Its not similar to a gonna be a end of a universe if you pardon them - only one more time!

Too outrageous a gamble for a BN

So lets acknowledgement Jul 9th a self imposed holiday as good as go fishing, golf or a family day out as good as let which nobody Datuk Ambiga impetus ! all alon e to a Kings palace. But isnt which only what BN wants us to do? you contend to hell with all a promotion crap excuses as good as let's show a supervision which you wont be taken in by their spins.

I can go fishing another day, though upon Jul 9th you shall be wearing a yellow raincoat, tucked underneath my work clothes all staid to jump in as a throng gathers.

Also, you dont think Ambiga will need to impetus alone, as 1 million PAS members have been slated to stick on her. 62 NGOs with thousands of members will be there too. So will Suhakam, Interfaith, DAP as good as PKR members. A ! 1.5 indent ion clever throng wouldnt be a surprise.

Which reminds me, you better call as good as let a IGP know he should book tents, temporary caravans or trailers or somthing similar to that! you mean, if he or rather than his puppetmaster - Najib Razak - were to unequivocally call for Emergency rule, not usually would nobody opinion for them in GE-13. It is as good outrageous a Gamble for a BN to take. Hence, a outlandish stories as good as brain-degrading Commie plots.

But only in case, they do - how will a military house 1.5 million detainees? Is there enough rice to go round? That's another minister, you contingency prompt. Shafie Apdal and, or Ahmad Maslan.

Anyway, upon Jul 9, you know Patriot as good as Billy will be there too. If, in case, you do not recognize me, you am a high large one as good as additionally only to let you know, you shall substantially be wearing yellow too.

- Malaysia Chronicle

Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

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