MCA on slippery slope in KL

Hope is about all it has left in perplexing to improved the 2008 performance.
Most pundits would agree which for the entrance ubiquitous election, MCA has little goal of you do any improved than it did in 2008, especially in the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur.
There have been 11 council seats in Kuala Lumpur, as good as BN traditionally lets MCA competition for five of them, namely Wangsa Maju, Bukit Bintang, Seputeh, Cheras as good as Bandar Tun Razak. It scored 0 in the final election.
Indeed, MCA's popularity in Kuala Lumpur has been upon the downslide given the mid-1980s. The final time it saw any glory was when Tan Koon Swan was helming the Federal Territory liaison office.
Tan carried out the host of impressive village as good as celebration projects as good as tirelessly dedicated himself to portion his voters in Damansara, the chair which he had snatched from DAP in 1982.
Two years later, however, MCA plunged into the predicament over allegations of haunt membership. The ensuing quarrels eventually led to Tan's expulsion. However, he made the quip as good as became celebration president in November 1985. But his legal troubles in Singapore persuaded him to resign about the year later.
It has given been downhill for MCA in Kuala Lumpur as good as usually the many idealistic believer would reason upon to any goal of the domestic reincarnation by the 13th ubiquitous election.
If there is any glimpse of goal during all, it would be in Wangsa Maju, where in 2008 the party's Yew Teong Look mislaid by usually 150 votes to Wee Choo Keong, who contested upon the PKR ticket.
But insiders contend Yew has fallen out ! of foste r with the tip MCA care as good as which this state of affairs has been worsened by reports which he is not upon great terms with internal Umno officials. Chances have been he will be left out of the candidates' list.
Swap in Kepong
There is additionally speculationand perhaps hopeof the barter with Gerakan which would concede MCA to competition in Kepong. Gerakan has been losing there given DAP heavyweight Tan Seng Giaw won the chair in 1982.
MCA apparently wants to in front of the brand new as good as substantially immature claimant in Kepong in the goal which the novelty would apportion to the shift in the fortune.
Bukit Bintang additionally looks similar to the mislaid means for MCA, especially with the resignation of the division arch there, Lee Chong Meng, who has assimilated PKR. In 2008, DAP's Fong Kui Lin won the chair with the infancy of 14,277.
There is even reduction goal in the alternative DAP strongholds of Seputeh as good as Cheras.
These council seats have been expected to remain with Pakatan Rakyat in any case of the candidates the antithesis agreement decides to field.
There have been rumours which internal Umno warlords have been attempting to persuade their tip care to let the Malay party, instead of MCA, competition in Bandar Tun Razak. In 2008, MCA's Tan Chai Ho was degraded by PKR's Abdul Khalid Ibrahim by the infancy of 2,515.
Tan, who is the party's treasurer-general, indicated final year which he would not competition again in Bandar Tun Razak. Since then, MCA has been perplexing to brand the replacement candidate.
Chew Lian Keng, the personal partner to Tan, was favoured to exam the ground, but he apparently failed as good as was eventually compensated with the senatorial post. Sources pronounced internal Umno activists deserted him.
Running out of strategies
An insider pronounced MCA is a! nxious t o make the new thing by winning during slightest the single chair in Kuala Lumpur. According to the source, the single choice being considered is to margin the portion apportion or deputy apportion for the single of the seats.
But pundits have been of the opinion which MCA has run out of vital moves to stop the slide into irrelevance, during slightest in Kuala Lumpur as good as alternative civic centres.
The literacy rate in Kuala Lumpur is 97.5% as good as the racial composition is 44.2% bumiputeras, 43.2% Chinese as good as 10.3% Indians.
Young adults account for 67% of the city's operative population. They have been good informed as good as have been not easily influenced by Barisan Nasional propaganda. So, it is not only MCA, but BN itself which is desperately perplexing to cling to upon to the slippery rope.
Stanley Koh is the former conduct of MCA's research unit. He is the FMT columnist.
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Can PAS hold the middle ground?

"(They) have deviated from Islam as well as should be condemned to hell." Dr Mahathir Mohamad upon a proponents of a implementation of hudud ('A code of their own',Time Magazine, 2002)

The vast winner in a open relations stakes of a not long ago concluded PAS muktamar would crop up to be Abdul Hadi Awang.
The "for all" in a "PAS for all" tagline is especially for a non-Muslims/Malay. we have mostly done a argument which a solitary domestic celebration in Malaysia, which has a firm ideological position as well as have demonstrated joining to a rhetoric, is PAS.

Whatever your views upon Islam, PAS over a long Umno watch has been consistent in a rejection of Umno framing a dispute in eremite terms, which mostly times pitted them opposite DAP.
The argument mostly done by DAP partisans is which PAS needs a bloc (thus a Chinese vote) to have a possibility to explain a throne in Putrajaya. While this might be true, we would argue which but PAS, there would be no bloc with a credible possibility of combining a brand new government.

anti ppsmi english language for math as well as science ceramah 230209 600 hadi awangHadi Awang, who during a single time was a print child of a Pakatan Rakyat apparatchiks as a opinion spoiler as well as probable Umno puppet, has seen his picture rehabilitated. Former budding apportion Dr Mahathir Mohamad has been partly responsible for Hadi Awang's great happening in a open relations department.

Objective PAS watchers would no doubt stop a time ! when Had i Awang was hell-bent upon imposing hudud in Terengganu which resulted in a afterwards budding apportion Abdullah Ahmad Badawi proclaiming which a police would not have such laws.
Hadi Awang who was assured which Muslims as well as non-Muslims would welcome such laws had even identified specific sites where prisons would be built though did not offer any specifics upon how amputations as well as stonings would be carried out.

This, of course, led a great doctor to complete a allude to which begins this piece. All of which creates Mahathir's baiting of PAS connected with hudud for all, even some-more hilarious.

Winning a center ground

Hadi Awang's 'secular' response upon PAS' joining to respect a ideology of 'others' is serve justification which PAS is ingeniously progressing a center belligerent while Umno as well as a outsourced bullyboys doggedly declaim worried bile in a hopes of fear-mongering their way behind to a center ground.

And therein lays a problem. Umno has no judgment of what a center belligerent is. For years, a Umno-defined center belligerent was which of appeasement by a non-Malay bloc partners as well as system of discrimination in a guise of an affirmative action policy. As a former high-ranking Umno apportion succinctly put it, Umno unlike PAS has no ideological foundation to build anything on.

What Umno has is a system of patronage which results in inner power struggles with warlords deciding a citation of a party. In others words, there is no ideological tensions inside of Umno. This is since upon a micro turn there has never been any need to discover a compromise. This translates in to a macro turn of not understanding which a center belligerent is tangible by a vast territory of a choosing by casting votes public.

pas muktamar 030611 audience 02PAS, upon a alternative hand, has always had to say with a tensions which arise when a assuage as well as extreme impulses inside of a celebration collide. Over a years, a single or a alternative has held sway over a domestic as well as social citation of a party.

Post-tsunami 2008, a ascendancy of a moderates, or a supposed Erdrogans, has seen them having to say with elements in their celebration who have been singing a Umno balance as well as a realisation which for a time being they have to get used to a opposition benches.

These elements singing a Umno balance should not be confused with those who genuinely believe which PAS has mislaid a way. What Umno has been partially successful in you do is create an ambience inside of PAS where genuine dissent is conflated with a polemics emanating from Umno stool pigeons.

This total idea of 'tahaluf siyasi' (political consensus) with Pakatan as well as a judgment of 'welfare state' has been propagandised by Umno as a rejection of a Islamic path, though a being is domestic compromise as well as socialistic elements is not visitor to a Malaysian landscape, a only disproportion here is which Umno is not you do a defining.

The complaint with Islam (anywhere in a world) is which a hardliners have always tangible a religion. In PAS, where a lessen as well as upsurge of clashing ideologies has always favoured a hardliners, it has eventually been halted by domestic expediency.

The awaiting of sovereign order is a prize as well great to pass up as well as it is to a credit of PAS which they have been solemnly realising which a Wa! hhabi str! ain of Islam is not a only avenue of Islamic expression.

If Umno could in form execute itself as a assuage Islamic entity with a collusion of a non-Malay/Muslim partners, afterwards maybe PAS could in substance reinvent itself as a assuage Muslim force with partners who were not subservient to a solitary domestic celebration which! defines itself as a defender of Islam.

However, a genuine conundrum is that, a non-Malay/Muslim opinion which has always been linked to a center belligerent in a finish would prove untenable since of a changing demographic.
anwar ibrahim hadi awang nik aziz assembly 230908The luminosity of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim as well as his partners is which they have tenuously tangible a center belligerent upon issues of cronyism as well as corruption, though a downside of this is which they have not tangible eremite leisure as all encompassing.
What they have ensured is which Islam in speculation never trespasses onto a domains of a non-Malays. In alternative words, a Malay/Islam infancy population would still be during a mercy of their supposed eremite betters in a form of PAS.

PAS has never had an incentive to recalibrate a dogma, assuming which a new-found popularity was since Islam or a kind PAS propagates was gaining acceptance by a vast territory of a choosing by casting votes public. This, of course, is nowhere nearby reality.

Heady times ahead

The apart though next to ideology which has pacified a some-more exuberant hardliners will in a finish prove catastrophic to a infancy Malay village if ever PAS' influences become overpowering. Hadi Awang's speech with nary a discuss of hudud must have warmed a hearts of Pakatan partisans as a confirmation which a total hudud issue was pass.

However, PAS members themselves discuss it me which with a crime shenanigans in Kedah, some members feel which PAS' existential crisis has some-more to do with a miss of dignified restraint inside of their own ranks brought upon by a query for sovereign power.

These have been heady times for a power players in PAS. Post-tsuna! mi 2008 they have had to say with a total operation of issues all a while dodging a hudud bullet.

pakatan gathering 191209 anwar guan eng hadiPAS is upon jot down as stating they have no obje! ction to a non-Malay budding apportion so long as which person is a Muslim. They have endorsed a judgment of 'Ketuanan Rakyat' in place of 'Ketuanan Melayu'. They have remained steadfast in a face of a Umno assault upon their eremite credit as well as they have provided a muscle (making up a numbers) as well as handling a logistics of large-scale open demonstrations opposite a stream regime.

What they have not done is to define a center belligerent but a aid of their partners. What they have not done is redefine their understand of Islam to have PAS an excusable assuage preference even if they were not in a coalition.

What PAS should be you do is using this phase of domestic compromise as a starting indicate in reforming a ideas, maybe reconnecting with a own revolutionary ideology which it abandoned in foster of a Saudi-influenced Islam which has proven catastrophic everywhere in a world.

This is important since as long as Islam plays a role in a domestic process here in Malaysia as well as hudud is a card in a deck, a mental condition of a loyal multicultural/religious Malaysia will remain just that, a dream.

S THAYAPARAN is Commander (rtd) of Royal Malaysian Navy.
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HK has closed Musas case, says Sabah BN secretary

Abdul Rahman offered to help fund Rafizi's transport expenses in sequence to examine the RM3 billion explain opposite Anwar. File pic
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 21 PKR's Rafizi Ramli should stop pestering Hong Kong to reopen Datuk Musa Aman's RM40 million graft probe, says Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) secretary Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan, adding he will exhibit official correspondence from the territory's anti-graft agency tomorrow to infer they had sealed the box of their own accord.
"I will exhibit the letter from the ICAC display which the box was closed. we have the document which he has been sport for... we will exhibit it in the press discussion in Parliament upon Thursday," the Kota Belud MP toldThe Malaysian Insider.
He was responding to Rafizi's devise to lead the four-man mission to Hong Kong to vigour the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) in to reopening the graft examine opposite Musa as well as Sabah joist trader Michael Chia.
Rafizi is heading the four-man delegation hoping to resurrect the ICAC probe.
He called Rafizi an "actor" as well as the "hypocrite" obsessed with "political theatrics" for organising the trip only since he refused to hold which the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) as well as the ICAC had investigated the make the difference entirely as well as forsaken the box for current reasons.
Abdul Rahman further indicted Rafizi of practising stand in standards for distrusting the MACC's preference to close Musa's box when he had supposed the Anti-Corruption Agency's (ACA) preference in the late 1990s call off the examine upon allegations which Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim once controlled some RM3 bill! ion in m aster accounts.
"But stop, stop being an actor. This is something very serious in nature since there is mention of the Sabah arch apportion (Musa)," he told Rafizi.
If Rafizi insists upon going to Hong Kong, however, Abdul Rahman pronounced he will compare the PKR man's theatrics by collecting donations to fly him to the UK, US as well as Singapore to puncture up the dirt upon the RM3 billion claim opposite Anwar.
"Dig up what happened to which RM3 billion... after you (Rafizi) finish your commercial operation in Hong Kong, take the connecting moody to the UK, the US as well as Singapore.
"If he (Rafizi) does not have money, we will take empathize of him... we will try to raise funds among Umno members, begin the fund... 'Tabung Pembongkaran RM3 billion' during the Umno annual general meeting subsequent week as well as get members to donate as well as buy him the moody tickets," Abdul Rahman said.
He continued to insist which neither the ICAC nor the MACC had violated any of their beliefs in ordering the examine opposite Musa closed, observant both agencies had conducted the thorough investigation before creation the decision.
ICAC representatives met with Musa final year.
Representatives from the ICAC had even trafficked to Sabah final year to meet privately with Musa, who offered his full co-operation, Abdul Rahman added.
"So, subsequently, the MACC, together with the ICAC concluded which there was no box as the allegations were not sustainable.
"Now, why is it which Rafizi does not hold the MACC this time though believed them back when they were still known as the ACA? That is the fundamental question," he asked.
Rafizi as well as three alternative PKR lawmakers devise to meet with the ICAC as well as several Hong Kong lawmakers d! uring th eir two-day trip beginning tomorrow to establish the resources surrounding the ICAC's closure of the examine opposite Musa.
The PKR plan director believes the examine may have been sealed for dubious reasons such as the agency's failure to cajole the MACC in to co-operating with them in the case.
News portal Free Malaysia Today had quoted Hong Kong's Director of Public Prosecutions Kevin Zervos as observant his office would require fresh evidence to revisit the case.
"In relation to this case, it was some-more of the jurisdictional matter," Zervos said. "Material which was performed from Malaysia was which it was domestic donations. If anything comes up now to show which this wasn't the case, the make the difference would definitely be looked into."
At the press discussion yesterday, Rafizi pronounced the PKR group will additionally record the formal request with the ICAC's Operations Review Committee (ORC) looking for the box the be reopened, in light of new developments which he pronounced warrants the second investigation.
Among others, Rafizi forked to his new expos upon the "gratification" perceived by Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz's family from Chia, which he pronounced was suspect as the Umno apportion had been the one who initial "cleared" Musa from allegations of corruption.
Chia's alleged couple with Musa initial exploded in the media following an Apr article by whistleblower site Sarawak Report, which had claimed which former was hold trying to leave the Hong Kong International Airport with the RM40 million in Singapore currency.
Nazri was indicted of reception gratification from Chia.
At the time, Chia had allegedly told the authorities which the income was meant for Musa.
The emanate hit headlines again final month when Nazri told Parli! ament wh ich Musa had been cleared of crime in the make the difference after Malaysian as well as Hong Kong anti-graft authorities found which the income was the "political donation" to Sabah Umno as well as was not meant for Musa's personal use.
But in the ensuing debates upon the issue, Pakatan Rakyat (PR) lawmakers chided Nazri for dogmatic Musa innocent but on condition which proof which ICAC had cleared the arch apportion of the own volition.
According to Nazri, the ICAC had sealed the box after the MACC detected in the examine which the income in Chia's possession was meant for Sabah Umno as well as not Musa.
After Nazri's denial, Rafizi hold the press discussion in Parliament divulgence what he pronounced was photographic evidence which Nazri had allegedly perceived kickbacks from Chia to transparent his name, in the form of the RM459,000 Hummer since to his son.
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Instant tallest skyscaper: 220 stories in 90 days

A Chinese construction company skeleton to put up a brand new skyscaper which will be the world's tallest in 90 days from Jan to March, regulating prefabrication. Work upon laying the foundation will begin within weeks, according to Time magazine. The building,Sky City, is to be built in Changsha, Hunan province. Statistics: 838 metres high [...] Read More @ Source

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Timbul lagi kontroversi Bas Jelajah PKR

Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim semalam menyatakan dalam sidang DUN Selangor yang beliau membayar RM10,833.00 sebulan untuk membeli bas mewah pkr yang digunakan oleh penasihat ekonomi kerajaan negeri selangor untuk kempen pilihanraya umum pada kali ini.

Sebelum ini pada thirty Ogos 2012, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim menegaskan dalam kenyataan akhbar beliau yang bas itu disewa untuk tempoh enam bulan dan ianya

Batu Caves condo is 'Satu Lagi Projek Barisan Nasional'

YOURSAY'The apartment house should ensue as well as a giant-sized poster advertisement with a faces of a BN councillors who authorized it be erected prominently...'

'DOE okayed apartment house after Dolomite gave solution'

your sayDisgusted:Now there is a new twist to a whole story - a Department of Environment (DOE) gave a capitulation after a developer, Dolomite Sdn Bhd, gave an "engineering solution".

What was a engineering solution as well as given have been BN leaders right away protesting as well as putting a censure upon Pakatan Rakyat? Isn't DOE also partial of a civil use which answers to a sovereign supervision of a day viz a BN government.

Was their arms twisted to aid a crony to fulfill a project? Can DOE be devoted to be transparent as well as exhibit all which had transpired honestly?

This reminds me of a auditor-general perplexing to soften a blow upon BN when he described some controversial spending of a civil use when asked to explain his report.

Boiling Mud:It is not about DOE's capitulation of a Batu Caves condominium plan after a solution was given.

The core of a emanate is to strengthen a cherished national heritage from greed. Why is MCA unexpected jumping onto a bandwagon to urge a project?

To begin with, a plan should have been shot down even before it reached a drawing board.

Anonymous #55961902:These supposed politicians from BN have been hopeless. They played up as well as capitalised upon! a 29-st orey apartment house perplexing to benefit behind a await of a Indian community hoping they will opinion Pakatan out in Selangor come GE13.

But their plan backfired. First, they pronounced it was vulnerable to build a apartment house given a caves could collapse. But right away they pronounced DOE has no objection as well as given a capitulation after Dolomite submitted their "engineering solution".

If so, given did MIC-BN theatre a criticism blaming Pakatan for commendatory a plan when all a ground work as well as capitulation was done during BN's rule.

Knowing which a censure diversion did not work now, MIC-BN claimed which Batu Caves is a holy site as well as a heritage which contingency be protected. If MIC-BN is sincere, they should have objected to it in a really initial instance, not now.

If this is not politics, I do not know what is. The electorate can judge for themselves who is lying as well as who is not.

Changeagent:The BN-appointed Selayang councillors authorized a growth skeleton in 2007. The Batu Caves church cabinet had no objections.

Ditto for a Department of Environment as well as a Minerals as well as Geoscience Department, which have been under a jurisdiction of a BN sovereign government.

The former even went to a extent of issuing a necessary acceptance as well as permission. But of course, if we attend to Housing ! as well as Local! Government Minister Chor Chee Heung, Pakatan have been equally to censure for a whole fiasco.

Abasir:Stick to a contribution as well as to a law as it is today. If a proposed growth complies with all requirements, it should ensue as well as a giant-sized poster advertisement with a faces of a BN councillors who authorized it be erected prominently with a difference 'Satu Lagi Projek Barisan Nasional'.

Swipenter:So all technical mandate have been met as well as which was given a Selayang Municipal Council (MPS) under Selangor BN ! authoriz ed a project. Where were MIC as well as a Batu Caves Temple Committee then, though which right away have fierce objections to a project.

These two parties cannot explain stupidity of a plan given there were MIC councillors in MPS. The some-more Selangor BN/MIC/temple cabinet try to shift a censure to Selangor Pakatan, a some-more they exhibit their hands in commendatory or having no objection to a project.

How available right away of them to explain which a plan is destroying a cultured worth as well as eremite sanctification of Batu Caves. If so, given no objections from MIC as well as a church cabinet to a plan in a initial place though instead it (MIC) was celebration to a approval?

My conclusion is which personal self-interest in a plan overrode a cultured values as well as eremite sanctification of Batu Caves. Now they have been personification unwashed governing body with a project.

That is how MIC as well as a church cabinet demeanour after a interests of Indians.

Holden:It looks similar to no celebration is blameless. Why did councillors opinion if they were not in possession of full facts. What ki! nd of dec! ision creation is that? How is which use to a people?

It would crop up which similar to a BN government, a Pakatan supervision is some-more vigilant upon pleasing a developers. Or appeared to be some-more fearful of them.

Black Mamba:Chor, I know M Kulasegaran personally given a day he earnings from United Kingdom with a law degree. He is no ruffian as claimed by you.

In fact, he is ever a gentleman distinct we as well as your lots in MCA who have been a bunch of thugs in disguise. He has every right to poise we questions as an MP from a opposition dais as well as these have been valid questions.

By putting a censure upon Selangor as well as a MB, we have been no different yourself when we as a housing minister can only revoke a sales as well as advertising permit with only a stroke of your ! pen. Of course, be prepared to be sued by a developer.
Headhunter:What "engineering solution"? They can have a office building invisible? At a finish of a day, it was BN which authorized it.

They should have close up, instead of perplexing to pin a censure upon Pakatan. Serves them right for lying as well as perplexing to measure political mileage from it.

I goal a Indians do wake up as well as know whom they should await in a entrance general election.

Up2U:When we discuss it a lie, we have to discuss it most some-more lies to cover a lie. When we twist a fact, we have to go on rambling as well as rambling until a actuality vanish.
However, others will not allow a actuality to go away. Simple, is it not? - Malaysiakini
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Politics of revenge: No bridge over troubled waters

YOURSAY'We may as good have no choosing as BN has a process of 'I win we lose, we win additionally we lose'.'

Umno rep: Klang didn't get a overpass given BN lost

your sayNot Confused:So given a rakyat chose to elect Pakatan Rakyat to run Selangor, they have been punished by a sovereign government.

Projects which have been a responsibility of a sovereign authorities should be implemented regardless of who is in energy during state turn - is which not how it should work?

So those of us in Selangor who compensate a taxes to a sovereign supervision have been done to suffer? we consider which is a transparent reason given this supervision of thieves as good as hoodlums contingency be thrown out during a ubiquitous election.

They have lost all credibility to go upon to order Malaysia when they so have been so blatantly blackmailing a rakyat in this way.

Vasudevan:Lies as good as some-more lies as good as some-more lies.Cukuplah itu(That's enough). Do not consider we have been stupid. If this was 20 years ago, we would have bought this story. We, a rakyat, have been sleepy of this kind of mentality.

We wish a supervision which does not threaten or say, "I will do this if we opinion for me". This has to stop. You will do it given we have been paid by a rakyat to do it. Th! is is not your father's money.

Anonymous #57995797:So this is what? You assistance me, we assistance you? Don't we additionally compensate taxe! s?
Anonymous_40f4:Win or lose, a sovereign supervision still collects taxes from a people of Selangor as good as a Selangor government. So they have been thankful to perform their promise.

The MP for my area is from DAP though we compensate a fees to Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) as good as not to a MP. So DBKL is duty bound to yield as good as ascent a services.

They can't contend a people voted for DAP so they won't yield their services. Then we might as good compensate a comment rates or taxes to a DAP MP, so he can yield a services himself.

Dood:Ah, though of march - taxpayers' income is Umno or BN's income to outlay where as good as when they please. How could we have lost such a simple principle of Malaysian politics?

Wira:Janji diketepikan(Promises put aside).

P Dev Anand Pillai:The people of Klang have been managing good with 3 bridges over a river for a moment, a third one being a Connaught overpass near a energy station.

What a people of Klang wanted to put an finish to was crime as good as a state supervision which couldn't care less for a people by stability to negligence their interest.

The flyover near Metro Plaza was delayed as well though it was eventually completed as good as is in full make use of now, so we hold which with a prudent MB similar to Khalid Ibrahim during a helm, we would get a fourth overpass shortly during a many suitable cost.

Swipenter:BN practices vindictive politics. Any arguments upon that?

Disgusted:This sort of talk is third world mentality. Pakatan has never said:
"You opinion for me, we will give we development. If we do not opinion for me, we will omit we as good as not give we any grant from a sovereign supports (which is subsequent from taxes from all rakyat, immaterial who they come under) as good as have we suffer for your preference of enforcing democracy."
W e may as good have no choosing as BN has a process of "I win we lose, we win additionally we lose". That's given Pakatan has to win 13th GE as good as get to Putrajaya so which a total nation can prosper, immaterial of who a rakyat opinion for.

Anonymous #59082512:So, does it indicate which Klangites can chose not to compensate taxes if a preference of claimant does not win a choosing too?

In fact, this shameless self-disclosure affirmatively reflects which Umno-BN is definitely a garland of'devils we know', a sanctuary for thieves similar to "cakap tak serupa bikin, bikin tak serupa cakap(Don't do as we say, do not contend as we do)" liars.

Louis:Holding a public during release again. BN or Umno or MCA have been parties but ideas for bringing a nation forward, except through bribery.

They never guarantee a rakyat which "if we win a election, we will try to exterminate crime or abuse of power". Most probably, they have been of which kind.

Hello:Hey BN, a guarantee is a guarantee whether we have been elected or not. Just for this, we will not be elected to supervision via a total of Malaysia - states or federal.

Hang Babeuf:Didn't get their overpass given they voted a wrong way? Well! , there we have it - neat, transparent as good as simple. And right out of a horse's (or desperado's) mouth.

A racketeer's confession: which a governing body which have been practised by those guys have been based simply upon extort as good as bribery. "You blemish my back, we blemish yours"?
No, not this time. Instead we separate in your face. And we will go upon doing so in future, until we stop this disgusting racket, begin treating people honourably, as good as dedicate yourselves as good as your party to a indeed progressive form of inhabitant politics.

Gerard Lourdesamy:Was a income for! a overp ass entrance from BN funds? It is public supports as good as if a overpass was deemed necessary afterwards whatever a result of a ubiquitous election, it should not have mattered given a supervision is compulsory to serve a public interest as good as not measure domestic points.

This is a kind of democracy practiced in Malaysia. What a disgrace. Why is a Selangor sultan keeping still about this admission from a BN?

What it equates to is which a BN holds a rakyat warrant regulating a taxpayers' income as good as will only make use of it for a good of a people supposing they opinion for BN.

Since we have never voted for a BN, shouldn't we have a option of not profitable my taxes afterwards to a BN sovereign government?

TimsTime:Why afterwards have been they so keen upon Langat 2 H2O project? Is it not being a supervision is to be of use to a rakyat?

Now we see a true colours of a BN government. No wonder Kelantan never got their oil royalty. BN should all a some-more win behind a hearts of a rakyat instead of a branch their behind upon them.

Now we know who we have been going to opinion for. BN, your days have been numbered. Less than six months to go. We can wait.

Doomedrakyat:If BN loses, it will revoke all development. That equates to it should additionally pa! y behind a rakyat all a taxes it has collected by returning every penny to a state government.

What is this business which we collect income for yourselves in a name of BN as good as deny everything for Selangorians?

Jack Goh:With this kind of mentality, we doubt if they could even validate to be an in effect opposition member.

The sad thing is Selangor Opposition Leader Satim Diman might be a few persons in there which is considered to have some brain. Imagine what a immeasurable majority of a other idiots would contend if they have been elected to office.

Anomnim:The days of politicians threatening a! public with a own income contingency finish as good as remarkable in a story books as a dim ages of Malaysia. - Malaysiakini
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Element of fraud in RTPJ 2 ammendments

'Element of fraud' in RTPJ 2 ammendments
SHAH ALAM -The Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) officers who altered a standing of a recreational area belonging to a state group in to a blurb section have cheated a people.
This was a end of a Selangor Select Committee on Competency, Accountability as well as Transparency (Selcat) exploration in a inform tabled during a state public on Monday.
Describing a MBPJ planning dialect officers as "reckless, incompetent as well as unprofessional", Selcat concluded there were "elements of fraud" in a amendments done to a PJ Local Plan Two (RTPJ 2) breeze after it was published in a State Gazette.
MBPJ is inextricable in presumably a largest land rascal debate in Selangor, involving a public margin owned by a Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS) that was creatively zoned as a recreational area, as well as was converted in to a blurb zone, thus substantially augmenting a land value.
Selcat additionally concluded that a Development Planning Department committed a "serious error" when a officers took it on themselves to rectify a section of 59 lots, after a state authority endorsed a RTPJ 2 on Jan 13, 2011.
The pronounced "error" was committed without referring to a Town as well as Country Planning Act as well as a Selangor Town as well as Country Planning Department (JBPD), that led a RTPJ 2 breeze given a beginning.
Selcat authority Datuk Teng Chang Khim pronounced although there is no evidence, it is over in accord with disbelief that a findings show there were "elements of fraud" in a amendments to a RTPJ 2 breeze after being published in a State Gazette.
! "The co mmittee is of a opinion that a officers were very reckless, incompetent as well as unprofessional in scheming a RTPJ 2 draft, privately in a legislative addition to a section after it was published in a RTPJ 2 breeze Gazette," he said.
Selcat additionally found that JBPD as well as MBPJ have failed to imitate with a procedures provided in a Act, that spell out public participation process compulsory prior to any legislative addition to land zone.
MBPJ planning dialect officers had maintained they proceeded with a section legislative addition to a RTPJ 2 breeze after agree from a department.
To that Teng said: "This is a sore counterclaim that does not simulate their professional capabilities as well as revealed their incompetency."
On May 30, MBPJ councillors during a full board assembly were baffled when councillor Derek Fernandez highlighted that there were two versions of a gazetted RTPJ 2.
The Selcat exploration found there were 3 different versions of a internal skeleton in existence, all of that purported to be legal as well as carried a supervision bulletin presentation number.
Selcat, however, pronounced a first version of RTPJ 2 that was authorized on Apr 30, 2010 as well as endorsed by a National Housing Department on August 11, 2010, is valid.
It pronounced a MBPJ Planning Department's disaster to yield reasons for changing a recreational area in to a blurb zone, revealed "glaring weaknesses".
Selcat recommended a following:
- The Local Planning Authority applies to a State Authority to freeze a land conversion duplicate in internal devise breeze prior to it is submitted to a National Housing Department, to equivocate altering of main information;
- JPBD reviews as well as prepares a brand new work chart for a preparation of a internal breeze devise to equivocate recurrence of this mistake;
- a State Gazette is cancelled as well as MBPJ direc! ts a Sta te Authority's agree for a brand new RTPJ 2 to be published in a State Gazette.
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At the Brink of Disaster for Pakatan Rakyat or the Realisation of Hudud in the Not Too Far Future?

It is a first time which PAS has put upon record a party's enterprise to endorse a personality to be a Prime Minister.
This time around they have been dead serious in wanting to take a lead if Pakatan Rakyat came to energy in a subsequent ubiquitous election.
Initially PAS have been evasive in creation a stand, maybe for fear of reprisals but right away they seem to have an top palm as well as a clever grip of what they want.
Clearly there was a resounding voice during a new PAS 58th Muktamar with a representatives creation no qualms of their goal for a celebration boss Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang to helm a country's leadership.
Bear in thoughts which a Muktamar is a top preference creation body of a Islamist celebration as well as such an endorsement meant a celebration equates to commercial operation in wanting a large piece of a pie.
Certainly they wouldnt nudge nor solve for anything less. They feel which they have been upon lane to squeeze energy from a Barisan Nasional government as well as wish to pursue their ultimate bulletin of Islamising a country's administration department department as well as judicial system.
And their invariable Islamic means is reinforced by a organisation statement of Ulama Council vice-chief Datuk Dr Mahfodz Mohamed during a Muktamar which it is NOT IMPOSSIBLE to exercise hudud if they have a most parliamentarians.
This is notwithstanding a declaration by DAP's emissary authority Dr Tan Seng Giaw which a celebration had not concluded for hudud to be partial of Pakatan's common framework process due to lack of consensus.
Even if there was a common framework, it is merely a loose tenure to outline an bargain which is not expel in stone. It does not outline which it is mandatory which all parties shou! ld adher e to it strictly. It is obscure as well as not binding.
Further more, it is a known fact which PAS had disregarded a views of a Pakatan allies when introducing a ala Taliban style of administration. What is there to stop them from implementing hudud then.
What can a DAP do. The celebration had been told off prior to which a exit doorway is open for them to leave anytime if they one after another to verbalise up opposite hudud. It was deafening silence since then, with a exception of a sole personality Karpal Singh speaking up.
PAS would really have a top hand. Hadi had pronounced it prior to which PAS would competition for 80 parliamentary seats as well as which DAP would competition 50 to 60 seats in a coming elections.
In a difference of Hadi : "PAS being a Malay-Islamist celebration is a backbone of Pakatan Rakyat". In other words, he is revelation a rest of a allies which PAS is a dominant celebration in Pakatan.
With a ubiquitous election looming, PAS is already flexing a muscle right away by staking explain of a country's premiership.
They don't give two hoots about Anwar being a autarchic personality of Pakatan, what some-more a predestine of a minority voice of non-Muslims when it comes to pushing by a Islamic beliefs as well as ideals.
In fact, a endorsement of a PAS Ulama Council is a clever signal which a celebration is adamant in taking a leading purpose in using a country.
It is a large slap upon Pakatan Rakyat's supremo personality Anwar Ibrahim who all along has been assured which he has a subsidy inside of a Opposition organisation in Pakatan to be a choice Prime Minister-in-waiting.
Furthermore Lim Kit Siang had only a few days ago spoken during a Pakatan rally which a coalition partners were unanimous in Anwar being a PM candidate if they take over Putrajaya.
Anwar seemed shocked when asked how he felt. His reply was "Its okay. No problem. We will d! iscuss i n a nice matter," he pronounced with a distinctive worried countenance written upon his face as he hurriedly got in to his automobile after rising a convention upon national education during Universiti Selangor.
The ambience during a Muktamar obviously reverberates a domestic innuendoes as well as a probable result of a unfolding where there will be jostling of a premiership.
Although there is no victory of a elections in steer yet, you have been already seeing cracks developing inside of a Pakatan coalition.
Given a unfolding upon Anwar's sinister image, especially with a probity emanate unresolved over his head, there is no approach a PAS hardliners would ever pave a approach for him.
Although he has vehemently denied which a male caught upon video carrying sex with a China doll was not him because he did not have which large a stomach, it would not exonerate him.
We will see a clash of a titans very shortly with a Talibans as well as a Anwarinas contrary for a coveted premiership trophy.
- Stop a Lies
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It's No More ABU, It's Now ABBA !

Hantu Laut

First, it was Lim Guan Eng reminding PAS of the digression from who shall be budding minister? Subsequently, panic-stricken, scores of ants crawled out of the woodwork perplexing to frame the right design of what transpired during the 58th PAS Muktamar.

The just finished PAS Muktamar has produced the little unsettling headlines which put the fissure in the coalition's panzer division as well as expected to fall short the possibility of capturing Putrajaya.

The subject of who PAS delegates want as budding apportion has been motionless during the party's annual meeting.

The stipulation has send shivers up the spines of DAP leaders, who always hold PAS would concur to Anwar Ibrahim apropos the PM even if PAS garnered the most parliamentary seats among the three. DAP leaders hit the panic button as well as seeking for ways to weather the storm. The Chinese village is now re-calculating the coordinates......whither are we firm ? To be or not to be.......with Pakatan.

Though, I hold Pakatan won't make it to Putrajaya, the nation would be improved off with God-fearing Hadi Awang's purify line-up which would make him the improved budding minister.

Moderate Chinese as well as Indians see PAS apparent organization to help the poor as zero but swinging the carrot to hoodwink non-Muslims. The surprise turnaround during the Muktamar by the conservatives suggested which all is not good in the coalition. There is mutual feeling of distrust in between PAS as well as DAP as well as PAS do not certitude Anwar Ibrahim as budding apportion as he would be running the same kind of government as his f! ormer party........the booty system.

Anwar, who was 'the' doyen of political patronage during Mahathir's administration department would have to prerogative his supporters as well as heading total in the bloc partnership with the booty system. Otherwise, people like Lajim Okin, Wilfred Bamburing as well as alternative "Pakatan Rakyat"/BN turncoats, used to the booty system, would not have assimilated him. Some have reaped the collect given USNO as well as Berjaya days but could not satisfy their omnivorous appetite for more. PAS expect the booty complement would go on underneath Anwar's leadership as well as Malaysia would be behind to square one.

The conservatives in PAS feared which the state of corruptions would only altered hands as well as expected to go on underneath Anwar if he is made budding apportion hence the call for Hadi Awang as budding minister.

To PAS it's no some-more ABU, it's now ABBA (Anything But Brother Anwar), the strait they have programmed on the quiet to make sure Anwar would not be budding minister.
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PAS President shows his political class and panache

November 21, 2012

PAS President shows his domestic class as well as panache during 58th Muktamar

by Terence Netto (11-20-12)

COMMENT: The approach PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang has straddled a viewable order in his celebration in between those who have been untroubled about their participation in Pakatan Rakyat as well as those who have been uncomfortable with it compels attention.

It's a order which has a potential to mangle up a party, with both sides acutely conscious of a probability a consideration which has a salubrious effect of restraining them from taking their claims too far.

Thus PAS has emerged from its annual ubiquitous public final week in Kota Baru with a fissures in between its Pakatan enthusiasts as well as its doubters self-evident, though not self-immolating.

Credit for which belongs to a PAS President. Like a canoeist paddling upon both sides of a qualification as it negotiates rapids, Hadi has managed with a sure amount of panache to keep both factions inside of a overlay while withdrawal everybody guessing as to where he essentially stands.

This has been a balancing act of a little cleverness which he has been brought off by a mix of a preemptive as well as a proactive. The manoeuvres by which he completed his role of balancing a dual sides began a few months ago when he publicly intimated which he wanted his celebration to relieve him of a need to competition both state as well as parliamentary seats.

He pronounced he elite instead to campaign for a celebration in ubiquitous rsther than than be lumbered with a added tasks of concentrating upon a Rhu Rendang state as well as Marang parliamentary wards, of which he is a inaugurated representative.

NONEIn Malay domestic culture, a claimant contingency seem to be timid rsther than than pert, a improved he embellishes his certification for elevation inside of a hierarchy.

Moreover, in a privately Muslim domestic culture, it is a finished thing to appear illusory which Hadi managed to communicate by observant he essentially elite to go fishing off a seashore of Terengganu rsther than than thoughts a electoral waters which work a Rhu Rendang as well as Marang legislative turbines.

This mix of self-effacement as well as otherworldliness had a desired effect in which not only did luminaries from both sides of a order in a celebration clamour for Hadi to stay put, though additionally Pakatan supremo Anwar Ibrahim was upon record as observant which Hadi's services were necessary to a opposition coalition.

Sticking point

After that, it was time for him to doff his tip to a pro-Pakatan side, which he did by claiming which PAS gains by auxiliary with a DAP inside of a Pakatan fold.

This collaboration is a sticking point with orthodox elements in PAS to whom Karpal Singh's "over my dead body" position upon a Islamic state of multiform years ago from which a DAP chairperson recanted rattles similar to an intruder in a attic of a party's common memory.

Hadi's limning of a benefits of PAS' operative together with a DAP went a little approach in reminding hardliners which no celebration can oversee a racially as well as eremite diverse nation similar to Malaysia alone.

Hadi's position here was a salubrious sign which for a celebration to oversee Malaysia during a federal level, it has to have a team-work of non-Muslims to do which effectively. He additionally reminded his listeners which PAS had inaugurated to concur with DAP as well as PKR to save a nation from a depredations inflicted by a half-century of BN misrule.

This w! as a apt touch because in their aspiration for an ideological purity which would frown upon team-work with austere secularists similar to a DAP, PAS hardliners have been good to dont think about a advanced decay in which BN order has left a country.

An Islamic celebration would be failing in duty in its obligations to a ummah if it disdained to concur with non-Muslims from primitive considerations.

Pakatan cooking Guan Eng HadiPraise for a benefits of team-work with DAP was followed by a active foray by Hadi when a fortnight prior to a PAS annual ubiquitous assembly, he pronounced which he would be willing to competition a Pekan parliamentary chair assigned by Prime Minister as well as BN arch Najib Abdul Razak.

This was a startling offer. It smacked of a diversion of one-upmanship in which Hadi was seen to wish to have a improved of his peers in a tip harvesting machine of a Pakatan leadership cohort.

It was additionally calculated to damp those elements in PAS who have been clearly discomfited with a idea of Anwar Ibrahim, whom they view as an exponent of eremite pluralism, as Prime Minister-designate of Pakatan.

By charity to competition against Najib in his Pekan bastion, Hadi was subtly signalling these elements which he is not exactly calm to fool around second fiddle to Anwar in Pakatan.

The suggest to competition was some-more mystic than concrete as well as was preemptive in which it placed Hadi in a enviable incident where when, during a celebration assembly, a member of a ulama wing pronounced which he ought to be Pakatan's PM-designate, Hadi could kind upon a drift which he was some-more meddlesome in ensuring a feat for Pakatan than in highly evolved spoils.

Often in politics, preemptive positioning matters some-more than one's genuine position in a cr! unch as well as here Hadi, in golfing parlance, had himself easily pre-positioned to finesse a formidable lie.

NONEA two-hour presidential speech during a PAS public but in contact with upon a argumentative hudud emanate while plugging a judgment of Islamic welfare was an additional instance of Hadi's intelligent paddling which he followed up easily by discounting Dr Mahathir Mohamad's plea which PAS should wish to levy hudud laws upon everyone, as well as not only Muslims.

The PAS President reiterated which if his celebration were to levy hudud, it would be for Muslims only.The domestic hover is not an towering art though in Hadi Awang's hands these final months, he has since it a apt touch which reminds observers anew which politics is in truth a arena of a possible.

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Hadi for PM? Heres what he really said
Anil Netto

The Star has been going to locale with Pas boss Hadi Awang's purported aspiration to turn Prime Minister. So we contacted Pas executive working committee part of Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad to find out what was happening.
Listen from 50:45
It is not difficult to understand whyThe Staris playing this up. The MCA paper patently wants to unnerve those who competence be concerned about Pas heading the new federal government.
Dzul sizes up what Hadi really meant. "I was there when he overwhelmed upon the subject," says Dzul, "and we was listening delicately to each word he said.
"When Hadi welcomed the offer by the ulama wing chief, he was talking in jest in the asocial way.'Syiok sahaja,'he said.
"But he immediately added, if Islam was upheld, he would be peaceful to die the subsequent day.
Dzul says Hadi followed this matter with an version about the perils of being overly ambitious as well as counting (fish) eggs prior to they have been hatched.
Apparently Kedah MB Azizan had invited Hadi for the fishing trip. Before they could go upon the fishing trip, he discussed all kinds of mouth-watering fish recipes with his wife. But as it incited out, the locate was dismal, as well as all those premature fantasies of the fish feast was only idle talk. (Kind of reminds you of the ambitions of the 3 Gerakan possibilities for Penang Chief Minister ahead of the 2008 ubiquitous election, doesn't it?)
Im mediately prior to in contact with upon the PM proposal, Hadi had stressed the importance of making correct preparations for the entrance election.
Earlier, upon eighteen November,Harakahdailyhad reported:
November 18: PAS boss Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang pronounced vying for positions should be the last thing upon the minds of those who struggle for Islam. Responding to some representatives who argued which Hadi should be the budding apportion should Pakatan Rakyat win the subsequent election, he brushed it in reserve observant it was not part of his wish list.
Hadi reiterated which the concentration now was for PAS as well as Pakatan Rakyat to occupy the Federal chair after the 13th ubiquitous election, as well as not who should be the budding minister.
"As someone lerned in the Islamic mould, we cannot ask to be the leader, care is the huge certitude as well as the large responsibility.
"What is important is which we step in to Putrajaya. The budding apportion will be from among those who qualify, who can combine as well as uphold justice to the people," he said.
Hadi again expressed his goal to lapse to his hold up as fisherman. "At least, we can learn (Islam) to people," he said
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C for PM Najib?

Najib thinks he is deceit though a year of a Water Snake is coming as well as a electorate competence punch him with a speed of a cobra.
In a single of a internal English dailies dated Nov eleven this year, in a reduced article regarding to a comments done by Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak upon a American presidential elections, he was quoted as saying: "The electorate there were since a preference either to allow President Obama to go upon with his mutation programme or opt for shift as pledged by his opponent Mitt Romney.
"The electorate there were not convinced by a brand new bulletin brought by Romney though wanted smoothness of Obama's programmes. They didn't wish to gamble with their country's future.
"In this clarity you would like to ask either Malaysian electorate wish smoothness of a government's mutation programmes or a shift to an uncertain future," a budding apportion was reported as saying in his speech during a launch of a country's third Rural Transformation Centre at Kuala Linggi in Malacca.
PM Najib's main crux of a summary was which a Americans wanted smoothness instead of change.
Our budding apportion is in actuality technically wrong since a Americans had already voted for shift four years ago in Nov 2008 when Obama's aphorism was 'Change'. Now in 2012, Obama's aphorism is 'Forward'. Therefore this simply means which after a Americans have opted for change, it is now time to go forward.
By plugging Obama's name, what PM Najib is doing is called 'using an additional person's leg-strength'. This is a Cantonese proverb which means which you need to make use of an additional person's ! name to get what you want.
For example, John who wants a 20% compensate climb competence contend to his boss, "I consider everyone in a department should get a 20% compensate climb since you have all worked very hard to enlarge a company's profits. Even Daniel pronounced so." This means which John is regulating Daniel's name to lend weight to his own request.
Thus PM Najib is regulating Obama's feat to propel himself to feat in a coming 13th ubiquitous selecting though his use is wrong since Obama represents change. So a budding apportion has done a fumble there!

Gullible masses
Another fumble which he has done this month is in regards to a common ownership plan located as well close to Batu Caves.
By dogmatic which BN will cancel a plan should they get to recapture Selangor in a stirring polls, he is only display up BN's fumble as prior to his announcement, Selangor state assemblyman for Pandamaran, DAP's Ronnie Liu who is additionally a member of a state exco in assign of internal supervision has revealed which a plan was in actuality authorized by BN's people.
Is PM Najib thinking which a Indians will fall for this trickery as well as be deceived in to voting for BN?
There has been as well most instances of BN leaders thinking which you a rakyat have been a 'gullible masses'.
However a biggest e.g. is a NFC cattle-breeding project. That is a RM250 million mistake as well as nonetheless PM Najib is wordless upon this.
Another e.g. is a outsourcing of highway law coercion via a AES cameras to two private firms.
Cows as well as cameras aside, what about cops? What has PM Najib got to contend connected with a rape of an Indonesian national by 3 low-ranking policemen? These 3 policemen have been a flaw to a military force since as law enforcers they have transformed in to law-breakers!
These 3 examples make us consider of a single more word! which s tarts with a alphabet 'C' as well as which is 'control'.
Is PM Najib unequivocally in carry out of a nation? Or is he still concentrating upon selecting a ever-elusive polls date? When will he come to a conclusion for which matter? Is a delay of a polls date being camouflaged as a plan since he lacks a courage to dissolve Parliament?
He had better get going in regards to administration department proper instead of removing carried divided with his mutation programmes. What has he done to curb crime as well as corruption? Is he trying to remonstrate a rank as well as file with cooked-up census data display which a crime rate is under carry out while things have been being swept as well as concealed under a carpet?
He certainly deserves a big 'C' upon his inform card. Is it time to select an 'A' as in Anwar to helm a nation?

Cobra bite
The budding apportion must arise up to every day realities. No point revelation a rakyat to be thrifty or to shift a lifestyle when he himself is not in in consistency in display care by example.
Obviously he is still in an additional cosmos. He is dancing a 'cha-cha' though a music is a 'conga'.
He thinks he is deceit though a year of a Water Snake is coming as well as a electorate competence punch him with a speed of a cobra. Then it is curtains for him.
That is because a powers-that-be needs to be in cahoots with a Election Commission to stay in power.
Once a rakyat have been fed-up of crooks, a winds of shift or in this box a cyclone of shift will blow BN out of Putrajaya.

Selena Tay is a FMT columnist.
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Zuraidah: Penjual Obat Kuat berjaya ...tapi tak mampu bayar denda

Rupanya asal usul Zuraidah adalah penjual obat kuat.

Barulah kita tahu, dialah jadi indication kejayaan pengikut PAS yang banyak terlibat dalam industri menjual ubat lemah tenaga batin. Di harakahdaily, di blog2 PAS dan di ceramah2 PAS, mesti ada orang jual obat lemah tengaa batin.

Hasil dari jualan obat lemah batin yang digunakan untuk modalkan dirinya bertanding sebagai wakil rakyat Ampang.

Salang: BN SMS greeting is 'love', not breach of privacy

Birthday messages sent by Selangor BN coordinator Mohd Zin Mohamed to Selangor residents have been not a crack of remoteness though a uncover of "love", pronounced Information, Communications as well as Culture Deputy Minister Joseph Salang Gandum.

NONEWinding up a committee stage debates upon a ministry's budget, Salang (right) pronounced which a SMSes which arrive upon a voters' birthdays was a "political initiative" to "please" a voters.

"I do not hold which this contravenes a Act... It is up to a Sepang MP (Mohd Zin) to greatfully his voters. You can do a same if we have your voters' telephone numbers.

"I have thousands of phone numbers in my mobile phone memory. If we was as diligent (as Mohd Zin) I, too, can wish my electorate happy birthday. That is a sophistication of modern technology. You can keep report in iPads or Galaxy Note 2, there have been lots of worldly applications now.

"It does not crack simple rights. It is to uncover love. This message, w! hich we consider is good (cantik) shows adore as well as it pleases someone to know which their MP knows when they were born," he said.

The emissary apportion was replying to Teo Nie Ching (DAP-Serdang) who asked if it was a crack of a Section 6 of a Personal Data Protection Act 2012 for SMS blasts to be sent about a National Day celebrations recently.

She had pointed out a birthday summary by Mohd Zin when a emissary apportion pronounced which a BN does not send out mass SMSes.

Merdeka jubilee SMS addition! ally oka y

Interjecting, Jeff Ooi (DAP-Jelutong) pronounced a ministry needs to be careful to safeguard which 'short codes' licences released to telecommunication companies have been not abused.

"The messages were not pointless though broadcasts. It is not good for us to apologise for blurb companies who crack their customers' privacy.

"The SMS (birthday SMS) has been referred to me, too, as well as we saw which it came from a 5 digit reduced code. A reduced code belongs to operators as well as operators lend this to Malaysian Communication as well as Multimedia Commission (MCMC) licensees," he said.
Short codes have been special telephone numbers which can be used to send SMSes as well as multimedia mobile messages (MMSes) from mobile or fixed telephones.

Replying upon a National Day SMS broadcast, Salang pronounced that, too, is not a crack of remoteness as it was promote to all as well as not to specific users.

He pronounced which a telecommunications companies had sent these messages as a "social service" as partial of corporate amicable shortcoming as well as to "show adore for a country".

"If any one sent me an SMS informing me of a date, time as well as venue of a National Day celebration, we would not find it a crack of my simple rights. we will laud it as we adore this country.

"I do not consider a personal interpretation was sole (by a telecommunications companies), this is a summary we embrace because we am a subscriber to their service," he said.

Meanwhile, a emissary apportion pronounced he will obtain report from a MCMC upon lewd MMSes received by Teo, about which she had lodged a report, as well as provide a written reply upon a matter.
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Police have 124 speed cameras worth RM23.5m, says Hisham

KUALA LUMPUR, November twenty The military have 124 units of speed trap cameras with any section costing hundreds of thousands of ringgit, a Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein has told Parliament.
"...since 1995, PDRM has been supplied with speed trap cameras in stages. Up till now, a sum of such cameras is 124 units.
"The cost for any section is as follows: a) Laser Digicam indication during a sum of 85 units with a cost of RM173,925.00 per unit; as well as b) Laser Trucam indication during a sum of 39 units with a cost of RM223,500.00 per unit," Hishammuddin(picture)wrote in a parliamentary reply yesterday which was expelled today.
The sum cost of a cameras is RM23,500,125.
The apportion was replying to Jerai MP Mohd Firdaus Jaafar's question upon a sum units of speed trap cameras owned by a military force as well as a cost of any unit.
The sovereign supervision not long ago due a Automated Enforcement System (AES), a argumentative intrigue with cameras to locate speeding motorists as well as those who speed up to beat a trade lights.
The AES cameras, which have perceived most opposition from a public, have been in their commander phase, with fourteen commissioned in Perak, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor as well as Putrajaya.
Earlier this month, a Deputy Home Minister Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop reportedly told Parliament which military would continue to make use of mobile speed trap cameras despite a introduction of a AES.
The 831 units of AES cameras will be commissioned by dual private companies as well as their operation will reportedly be returned to a Road Transport Department (RTD) within 5 years.
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Isnt it better not to have a religion?

But what a contrition indeed! Because Sia Ka Tian refuses to follow Muhammad, a Muslims contend he is starting to hell, as well as since Sia Ka Tian refuses to follow Jesus, a Christians contend he is starting to hell, nonetheless he did something not most of a dual billion Muslims as well as Christians would have finished -- lapse RM3 million which he found incidentally left in his taxi.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Singapore cabbie earnings US$ 900,000 to Thai couple
(AFP) - SINGAPORE: A Singaporean cab motorist has been heralded as a hero after he returned Sg$ 1.1 million (US$ 900,000) in income to a vacationing Thai integrate who left a income in his cab.
Sia Ka Tian, 70, was repelled to find a income in a black paper bag upon a back seat upon Monday after he dropped a integrate off during a selling centre.
"When we saw a money, we thought, difficulty is here. we was certain there was during least $ 200,000 in a bag," a Straits Times quoted a 31-year maestro in a cab business as saying.
But when he brought a income to transport association ComfortDelGro's lost-and-found office, his dumbfounded colleagues counted Sg$ 1.1 million in thousand-dollar bills.
"The income is unimportant to me. It doesn't belong to me, so how can we use it?" he told a newspaper.
The Thai integrate reported a loss to a transport association as well as Sia was waiting for them when they arrived to explain a money.
The report did not contend what a integrate were we do with which large sum.
The motorist received an undisclosed income reward from a grateful couple, whose names have been withheld, as well as a association additionally plans to give him an award for! good se rvice.
"Finding a single million dollars in income is not an bland affair as well as in fact, we consternation how most people would have possibly been tempted" to slot it, association mouthpiece Tammy Tan told AFP.
"We have been immensely unapproachable of him as well as have been glad which a passengers recovered their money.'
It was a second most valuable object returned by a cabbie working for a company. In 2009, an additional cab motorist returned fives kilos of gold bars worth Sg$ 377,000.
His name is Sia Ka Tian as well as he functions as a cab motorist in Singapore. we assume he is not a unapproachable Muslim since his name is not Muhammad Sia garbage bin Abdullah. we additionally assume he is not a unapproachable Christian since his name is not Alexander Sia. Judging by his name, he contingency be a pagan idol-worshipper whom both a Muslims as well as Christians contend is starting to finish up in ruin for 'not desiring in a truth'.
Sia Ka Tian detected about RM3 million incidentally left in his cab as well as he went as well as returned a income to a legitimate owner. Not most of a dual billion or so Muslims as well as Christians would have finished this. In fact, we have been some-more expected to be robbed or cheated, or your slot picked or bag snatched, in a single of a Muslim or Christian countries.
You face some-more risk of apropos a victim of crooks when praying in front of a Ka'bah in Mekah or during a Vatican in Rome. Some people have even been stabbed as well as killed during a purse-cutting crime left wrong during these dual 'holy' sites.
But what a contrition indeed! Because Sia Ka Tian refuses to follow Muhammad, a Muslims contend he is starting to hell, as well as since Sia Ka Tian refuse! s to fol low Jesus, a Christians contend he is starting to hell, nonetheless he did something not most of a dual billion Muslims as well as Christians would have finished -- lapse RM3 million which he found incidentally left in his taxi.
Sia Ka Tian did exactly what Islam as well as Christianity says people contingency do. But Sia Ka Tian is neither Muslim nor Christian. Hence what he did does not count. He will still not consequence a place in bliss as well as instead will be sent to ruin since he refuses to follow Prophet Muhammad or Jesus Christ.
You should attend to how a Muslims as well as Christians talk. If we attend to them speak we will know what we need to do to equivocate ruin as well as to get into paradise. But which is all they do -- they talk. They don't really use what they say. People who use what a Muslims as well as Christians contend have been people similar to Sia Ka Tian who did a correct Muslim-Christian thing. Nevertheless, he is still starting to finish up in hell.
It is good to be means to follow a sacrament where we can speak without having to use what we evangelise as well as still get to go to heaven whilst others similar to Sia Ka Tian who do a right thing get sent to hell.
Hidup Islam! Hidup Christianity! Hidup Munafiq! Mampus kafir!
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Hong Kong willing to re-open RM40m case

Chief prosecutor Kevin Zervos says a usually thing needed is uninformed evidence.
PETALING JAYA: Hong Kong's arch public prosecutor currently voiced his eagerness to re-open a box involving a argumentative RM40 million which a Malaysian supervision claims was a "political donation" to Sabah Umno.
Kevin Zervos, Hong Kong's Director of Public Prosecutions, told FMT which his office would need uninformed justification to revisit a case.
He combined which his office as good as a Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) would acquire report from anyone.
"In propinquity to this case, it was some-more of a jurisdictional matter," he said. "Material which was obtained from Malaysia was which it was domestic donations. If anything comes up now to show which this wasn't a case, a make a difference would definitely be looked into."
Any one more report or justification should be brought to a ICAC's attention, he added.
Referring to a earlier investigation, he pronounced a money "was claimed to be domestic donations. We didn't have one more justification which was stirring which would capacitate us to understanding with it."
He declined to criticism when asked whether he meant which a Malaysian side was not cooperative in a investigations.
Earlier, in an email to FMT, Zervos reliable which supports in bank accounts in a name of a Malaysian national were suspected to have been hold upon interest of a Malaysian supervision official.
He pronounced Hong Kong authorities fund! ed a sup ports towards a finish of 2008 whilst a ICAC as good as a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) conducted a joint investigation.
The investigations looked in to suspected breaches of Hong Kong's Prevention of Bribery Ordinance.
"Later in a investigation, report was supplied from Malaysia which a monies under patience were domestic donations," Zervos said. "As no serve report or justification was stirring with apply oneself to a inlet of a monies, there was insufficient justification during which theatre to take a box further.
"Accordingly, a patience of a monies was lifted towards a finish of 2011."
Asked if he would cruise a box closed, Zervos pronounced a question was for a ICAC to answer.
He declined to criticism when asked if he guess a review was adequate, or if there was anything to substantiate a explain which a supports were domestic donations.
On whether his office had a authority to call for serve evidence, Zervos explained which in Hong Kong a prosecutors would beam coercion authorities though would not take assign of investigations.
However, he pronounced he was open to being questioned further, adding: "I firmly believe in being accountable. That's a policy you have in Hong Kong. When you make a preference about a matter, you explain it."
Rafizi's Hong Kong visit
Asked for his thoughts about PKR strategy executive Rafizi Ramli's devise to transport to Hong Kong tomorrow, Zervos said: "I've done it really transparent which if there is any serve report or justification which would assist us, of march a authorities here would re! ceive as good as evaluate it as good as understanding with it accordingly."
Rafizi pronounced currently which he would meet with a ICAC Operations Review Committee as good as Hong Kong politicians. He will be travelling with PKR MPs William Leong (Selayang) as good as Hee Loy Sian (Petaling Jaya Selatan) as good as state assemblyman Chang Li Kang (Teja).
The role of a outing is to find out whether a Malaysian supervision stonewalled a ICAC's review of joist aristocrat Michael Chia, who was carrying a RM40 million, as good as to find a re-opening of a 2008 case.
In 2008, headlines reports pronounced Chia, a Sabah businessman, was arrested during Hong Kong airfield upon guess of perplexing to filch out Singapore currency value RM40 million. He reportedly told ICAC which a money was meant for Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman.
In Oct this year, Minister in a Prime Minister's Department Nazri Abdul Aziz told Parliament which a money was domestic funding for Sabah Umno. He announced which both Hong Kong as good as Malaysian crime authorities had sealed a case.
Nazri doubtful headlines reports about a case, saying Chia was never arrested by a ICAC. He additionally pronounced a RM40 million seized from him was wired in to an account as good as was not in a businessman's possession.
Previously, it was additionally purported which ICAC's review had been forsaken after three years because of a miss of cooperation by a Malaysian government. It was additionally reported which leaked MACC files suggested which Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail had shelved files upon a investigations as good as refused to take to court Musa.
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PAS mengatakan UMNO murtad..kerana tidak melaksanakan hukum hudud..Apabila PAS ditanya...kenapa tidak menjalankan hudud di negeri yang diperintah pembangkang..PAS..memberikan alasan..perlembagaan persekutuan menghalang pelaksanaannya..dan seterusnya mengkafirkan UMNO.

Namun, PAS terlupa...apa yang berlaku dalam satu wacana yang melibatkan orang yang bertanggungjawap merangka Enekmen Jenayah dan Syariah Kelantan 1993 dan Timbalan Menteri Besar PAS.

Ketua Hakim Syarie negeri, Datuk Daud Mohamad , "Padahal kita boleh dakwah dengan pelbagai cara, dengan risalah dan macam-macam. Pegawai dakwah kita ramai, ia sepatutnya berterusan, jangan hanya tunggu masa-masa tertentu sahaja, orang akan pandang lain pula," katanya semasa menjadi ahli row Wacana Pelaksanaan Hudud di Dewan Teratai, Kompleks Kota Darulnaim di sini, hari ini.

Program wacana khusus kepada pegawai kerajaan negeri dan Persekutuan itu turut dibarisi pakar Perlembagaan, Prof. Dr. Abdul Aziz Bari dan Ahli Majlis Agama Islam Dan Adat Istiadat Melayu Kelantan (Maik), Datuk Mohamed Daud.

Daud yang merupakan salah seorang yang terbabit dalam merangka Enakmen Kanun Jenayah Syariah (II) Kelantan juga berkata, kerajaan negeri sepatutnya tidak takut untuk melaksanakan hukum hudud sekalipun mendapat tentangan dan ugutan daripada banyak pihak.

Beliau berkata, kerajaan negeri seharusnya berani melaksanakan hukum yang mereka sendiri luluskan dan tidak membiarkan batasan bidang kuasa dalam Akta Mahkamah Syariah 1965 (pindaan 1985) dan lain-lain akta sebagai halangan.

Daud berpandangan, Perkara 11 Perlembagaan Persekutuan memberikan hak yang jelas kepada setiap warganegara mengamalkan agama masing-masing termasuk masyarakat Islam yang mahu mengamalkan hudud dan sebarang undang-undang yang menyekat kebebasan ini sebenarnya yang patut dipertikai.

"Perkara 11 memberikan kebebasan mengamalkan agama, kenapa kita nak takut, kita nak amalkan agama kita, kita nak laksana, tanggungjawab ini tertanggung kepada kerajaan yang akan ditanya Allah di ! akhirat nanti kenapa luluskan enakmen tetapi tidak laksana," katanya.


ak tanya ja err,,,ak tak tuduh..macam PAS tuduh UMNO...jadi..jangan marah ak ki ki

Sumber: Facebuku

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Pakatan Rakyat is weak, says Dr Mahathir

Pakatan Rakyat is weak, says Dr Mahathir
KUALA LUMPUR- Former prime apportion Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad pronounced a Pakatan Rakyat (PR) has once again proven to be a diseased bloc due to their sheer fickle-mindedness.
"They have not even shaped a government.
"Yet, they cannot even determine upon a simplest matters within their coalition."
Dr Mahathir was referring to a suggestions made by Pas representatives at its' ubiquitous assembly to designate Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang as a subsequent Prime Minister if a Opposition won a subsequent ubiquitous election.
"Now we listen to Abdul Hadi has supposed a suggestion with open arms, but upon an additional side, Karpal Singh has shot this suggestion down."
The DAP national authority was not long ago quoted to be surprised over Abdul Hadi's remarks, stating which it had regularly been a consensus between a leaders of PR, including Pas, to designate Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as a subsequent Prime Minister.
Addressing reporters at a 'Malaysians Condemn a Unjust War in Gaza' event today, Dr Mahathir pronounced Karpal's answers were a mere tactic to woo in Malay voters to await DAP.
"He (Karpal) only wants a Malay people to hold in DAP as well as which is because he is fishing for their votes by fixation Anwar as a subsequent premier," he said.
- New Straits Times
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Breakdancing in The Stock Market: Taking Companies public, private and then public again!

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Anwar Ibrahim: Kalau Najib Tengok Ini, Pasti Dia Goyang (VIDEO)

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