'Rectify injustices felt by Indian Malaysians'

National Indian Rights Action Team (Niat) chairperson Thasleem Mohd Ibrahim is not rebuilt to take up political bureau unless there is an certain movement process to assistance the Indian Malaysian community.

NONEHe was asked to comment upon speculation tipping him as the candidate for menteri besar in his home state of Perak.

Thasleem reliable which Pakatan Rakyat had approached him to contest possibly the state or parliamentary chair in the next polls, though which the probability of appointment as menteri besar had not been mentioned.

Regardless, he incited down the offer.

"To me it's very simple. Unless the transparent cut certain process for the Indian (Malaysian) village is in place, I'm not interested," he said, since which he has been apostolic for this for over thirty years.

Best well known for spearheading the campaign against the make use of of 'Interlok' as literature in school, the Tamil preparation romantic pronounced he is rebuilt to toe any party line as long as it is "fair, estimable as well as just", though pronounced the injustices felt by the village have not abated.

He pronounced Pakatan's policies had been ad hoc as well as unacceptable, as well as there is the need for the coalition to have the consider tank from the village to "bang tables during the back of closed doors".

"I do not consider they will do it," he said.

NONEThasleem al! so prono unced Pakatan's efforts to compromise issues associated to Tamil schools as well as Hindu temples have been no different from those of the BN.

While praising Pakatan for during slightest being willing to "sit down as well as listen", he pronounced the federal opposition coalition needs to do more, including detailing skeleton for uplifting the poor in the choosing manifesto.

"What more have we (Pakatan) done? That is my question. What aboutemployment, for example, within the state system?" he asked.

Because Pakatan made promises in 2008 which it could not keep 2008, he said, there has been the little return of Indian Malaysian await to the BN.

Thasleem did not chop difference in assessing the BN, describing the polices as "systematic discrimination as well as marginalisation" of the Indian Malaysian community.

"...whatever we (BN) have finished after 2008 does not convince me (that there has been) the genuine effort (by the) BN as well as Umno. It is more of an choosing ploy," he said.

NONEAsked to comment upon Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's c! alls to the village to placenambikei(Tamil for 'trust') in the government, Thasleem retorted: "Does he even know what it means?"

He pronounced the village has already put 51 years ofnambikeiin the government, as well as should stop unless there is genuine effort to change.

"Things similar to 1Malaysia, for example. Najib, as an individual, is doing everything. we do not see the others in Umno ... Everybody is only echoing what he is saying.

"God forbid, if tomorrow, the prime minister drops dead. What (would) happen? What happened ! to Islam Hadhari?" he said, referring to the 'civilisational Islam' judgment advocated by Najib's prototype Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Passion for preparation issues

Fleshing out the single of his ideas for certain action, Thasleem talked about the need for government-funded boarding schools where 80 percent of students would be Indian Malaysians.

azlan"This will not be for the long-term, though during slightest .. let's get started," he said, arguing which this is required to compensate for the community's lower socio-economic status.

Education should be the bona fide seductiveness of the minorities to be protected under Article 153(1) of the federal constitution ! as well as ther e should be no discrimination in the provision, he asserted.

While the preparation needs of Malay as well as Chinese Malaysians have been looked after by the supervision as well as commercial operation village respectively, those of their Indian counterparts have been neglected.

Thasleem's passion for preparation issues proposed early. In 1963, his father's food supply as well as catering commercial operation was busted when Indonesia's 'Confrontation' with Malaysia gathering up food prices.

"My father was the single of the largest contributors to Anderson School (in Ipoh) when it came to sports," he reminisced.

But hard times forced his family to container up as well as go to India in 1966, withdrawal Thasleem during the back of to go on his studies.

NONENeeding the place to stay, he sought assistance during the lodging place for st! udents t hough was left embarrassed by the response.

"I said, 'Look, we do not have the place to stay', as well as asked either we could stick on the lodging place or during slightest get the room. (I was told) 'No, this lodging place is only for Malays'."

He pronounced the episode, when he was only 16, left the "deep wound which has healed, (although) the injure is still there".
"Maybe that's why, later on, when we became successful, built the career as well as built the business, we felt which children should not be deprived of the correct preparation (just) because they (cannot) afford it," he added.
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AG's appeal: This smells like revenge

YOURSAY'Chua Soi Lek was never prosecuted for fellatio nonetheless there was video evidence. There is no proof in a AG's action.'

AG files interest opposite Anwar's acquittal

your sayFerdtan:Head of a Trial as well as Appeals Division Kamaluddin Md Said, which is some-more important - delectable to aloft justice for a examination in a sex hearing or a examination of a attempted attempted attempted murder trial?

Stop wasting a taxpayers' money. Why interest opposite Anwar Ibrahim's sex hearing outcome when a decider had made a definite visualisation which a consequential DNA sample/evidence could have been 'illegally' tampered by a comparison military officer?
Compare this to a miss of interest to a aloft justice opposite a exculpation of Abdul Razak Baginda in a Altantuya Shaariibuu attempted attempted attempted murder case. There were many inconsistencies as well as a main witnesses were not called.

Razak is a usually person, as well as not a dual PM's bodyguards who were sentenced to be hanged, who had a couple to Altantuya to provide a ground for a murder.

DPP Kamaluddin, is it since a single is a opposition personality as well as a alternative a friend of Prime Minister Najib Razak?

Pemerhati:Najib (and prior to him Dr Mahathir Mohamad) as well as Umno have been terrified of a charismatic Anwar since they feel he is able of defeating them in a elections.

Najib reused Mahthir's strategy of regulating trumped-up sodomy charges to ! keep Anw ar as well as his PKR lawyers bustling so which they would not be able to persevere much time to a electorate, as well as if necessary put him during a back of bars.

Initially, a poise as well as statements of a specifically selected kangaroo decider indicated which Anwar was starting to be imprisoned. But Najib, well well known for his unsure behaviour, seemed to have had a last-minute shift of mind, possibly since of vigour from foreign sources as well as a fright of an electoral backlash. He to illustrate told a decider to find Anwar not guilty.

Now he has decided to again keep Anwar as well as his lawyers bustling with a interest as well as he will use his kangaroos in a appellate justice (probably a same ones he used in a Perak case) to pass a outcome he decides during which indicate in time.

Quigonbond:This can usually work if they speed by a appeal. Even then, you think time is short. It's! usually go od news for BN if BN survives a subsequent elections.

But since Anwar says he's not using for political bureau any some-more past subsequent ubiquitous elections, you do not see what this does to BN except, again, to drag their face over a same aged manufactured sex scandal, as well as to have a aged male happy.

Well, you say good, if it takes divided a few some-more votes from BN.
AnakBangsaMalaysia:One need not be a die-hard Anwar fan to know which attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail is - after Mahathir - a male who lives in greatest fright of Pakatan receiving over a sovereign government.

The list of his abuses of energy is unaccountably long. The impulse a Umno-BN complement of administration falls, Gani Patail contingency be seized as well as hold to account.

Kgen:Is a AG behaving in a public's interest or in Umno's interest? What is a great to a open of pursuing a box of supposed consensual sodomy for which a accused had been acquitted?

In a first place, what adults do! in thei r bedrooms is none of a government's business.

MCA boss Dr Chua Soi Lek was never prosecuted for fellatio nonetheless there was video evidence. There is no proof in a AG's action. you have usually disgust for a latter.

Tailek:I contingency commend a AG's Chambers on their efficiency. In Anwar's acquittal, a AG filed an interest so fast though in Razak Baginda's box (which was an accusation of murder), no interest was filed during all.

In a attempted attempted attempted murder acquittal, an interest would be filed as a matter of course, though not in this case.

There is obviously a box of stand in standards here though some-more importantly in Razak Baginda's case, it was a travesty of a rule of law as well as a failure of a Malaysian justice system.

Odin:Get a agreeable decider to preside over a box as well as to pass a guilty verdict. Then request a law of Islam applicable to a case, which is, kill both a sodomist as well as a p! erson so domised.

That way, Anwar will be left for good. Once he is out of circulation, Pakatan Rakyat will collapse. The BN will then be able to retake a 4 states right away underneath Pakatan. Well, Najib?

Wira:The AG has to appeal. Otherwise, how can he respond to a visualisation which a DNA evidence could not be inspected since a decider was of a perspective which a authenticity of a DNA could not be ascertained, to illustrate suggesting a planted job.

That would require an involuntary review in to a conduct of a military investigators. We all know from Sodomy you where this will finally indicate to.

Mob1900:The AG should be brought to justice instead for wasting taxpayers' income as well as a court's time. How could a open prosecutor bureau file an interest but divulgence a grounds?

Armageddon:People get murdered, C4-ed, raped, kidnapped, etc, as well as a AG is concerned about a single individual's bottom! , which a justice had already found not guilty.

Is this what you call caring for multitude or abuse of power?

Dr Jag#04496187:The interest by a deceptive AG is akin to hurling a tennis ball during a speeding Sherman tank. - Malaysiakini
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Teresa Koks rebuke over Klang DAP member shows no freedom within DAP

Press statement by YB Wong Koon Mun, MCA Selangor State Liaison Committee Secretary as well as state Assemblyman for Kuala Kubu BaruTeresa Koks reprove over Klang DAP member shows no freedom within DAPThe bad handling of a support minute released by a Selangor Menteri Besars cabinet member Faekah Husin has obviously irritated a people, so most so which even among DAPs ranks, a Klang multiplication cabinet member Teh Teong Guan had spoken out opposite it. But typical of DAPs tactics, they insulted as well as quelled a ... Read More

Bersih 3.0 protester 'hit by tear gas canister'

A participant during a Bersih 3.0 convene has claimed which she was hit by a rip gas canister, as if directed without delay during those gathered along Jalan Tun Perak in Kuala Lumpur upon Apr 28.

NONESoftware precision consultant Chong Min Shih, 37, told a Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) which she lost "consciousness" when a bin struck a right side of her neck.

"Something hit me as well as we could feel myself descending though we couldn't carry out my movements. we fell to a ground as well as lost consciousness for a few seconds," she said today.

"Someone in a throng pulled me to a side of Jalan Tun Perak as well as told me which we was hit by a rip gas canister.

"People in a throng helped me clean my wound, as well as a friend brought me a pack of ice to cover a (site of the) injury which was commencement to swell."

Chong was testifying upon a second day of Suhakam's open inqu! iry in to purported tellurian rights violations during a convene for clean as well as satisfactory elections. She is a fourth declare to be called.

[More to follow]
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AG's appeal: This smells like revenge

YOURSAY'Chua Soi Lek was never prosecuted for fellatio although there was video evidence. There is no logic in a AG's action.'

AG files seductiveness opposite Anwar's acquittal

your sayFerdtan:Head of a Trial as great as Appeals Division Kamaluddin Md Said, that is some-more critical - delectable to higher justice for a review in a sex hearing or a review of a attempted attempted attempted murder trial?

Stop wasting a taxpayers' money. Why seductiveness opposite Anwar Ibrahim's sex hearing verdict when a decider had done a definite visualisation that a consequential DNA sample/evidence could have been 'illegally' tampered by a comparison police officer?
Compare this to a miss of seductiveness to a higher justice opposite a exculpation of Abdul Razak Baginda in a Altantuya Shaariibuu attempted attempted attempted murder case. There were many inconsistencies as great as a main witnesses were not called.

Razak is a usually person, as great as not a two PM's bodyguards who were sentenced to be hanged, who had a couple to Altantuya to yield a motive for a murder.

DPP Kamaluddin, is it given a single is a opposition personality as great as a other a crony of Prime Minister! Najib R azak?

Pemerhati:Najib (and before him Dr Mahathir Mohamad) as great as Umno have been terrified of a charismatic Anwar given they feel he is means of defeating them in a elections.

Najib reused Mahthir's plan of using trumped-up sodomy charges to keep Anwar as great as! his PKR lawyers bustling so that they would not be means to persevere most time to a electorate, as great as if required put him behind bars.

Initially, a poise as great as statements of a specifically selected kangaroo decider indicated that Anwar was starting to be imprisoned. But Najib, great known for his unsure behaviour, seemed to have had a last-minute shift of mind, possibly given of vigour from unfamiliar sources as great as a fear of an electoral backlash. He to illustrate told a decider to find Anwar not guilty.

Now he has decided to again keep Anwar as great as his lawyers bustling with a seductiveness as great as he will use his kangaroos in a appellate justice (probably a same ones he used in a Perak case) to pass a verdict he decides during that indicate in time.

Quigonbond:This can usually work if they speed by a appeal. Even then, you think time is short. It's usually great headlines for BN if BN survives a subsequent elections.

But given Anwar says he's not running for political bureau any some-more past subsequent ubiquitous elections, you do not see what this does to BN except, again, to drag their face over a same aged made sex scandal, as great as to make a aged male happy.

Well, you contend good, if it takes away a couple of some-more votes from BN.
AnakBangsaMalaysia:One need not be a die-hard ! Anwar fa n to know that attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail is - after Mahathir - a male who lives in biggest fear of Pakatan receiving over a sovereign government.

The list of his abuses of power is unaccountably long. The impulse a Umno-BN complement of administration falls, Gani Patail contingency be seized as great as hold to account.

Kgen:Is a AG acting in a public's seductiveness or in Umno's interest? What is a benefit to a open of posterior a box of so-called consensual sodomy for that a accused had been acquitted?

In a first place, what adults do in their bedrooms is! nothing of a government's business.

MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek was never prosecuted for fellatio although there was video evidence. There is no logic in a AG's action. you have usually offend for a latter.

Tailek:I contingency commend a AG's Chambers on their efficiency. In Anwar's acquittal, a AG filed an seductiveness so quickly though in Razak Baginda's box (which was an accusation of murder), no seductiveness was filed during all.

In a attempted attempted attempted murder acquittal, an seductiveness would be filed as a make a difference of course, though not in this case.

There is obviously a box of stand in standards here though some-more importantly in Razak Baginda's case, it was a travesty of a order of law as great as a disaster of a Malaysian justice system.

Odin:Get a compliant decider to regulate over a box as great as to pass a guilty verdict. Then request a law of Islam relevant to a case, that is, kill both a sodomist as great as a person sodomised.

Tha t way, Anwar will be gone for good. Once he is out of circulation, Pakatan Rakyat will collapse. The BN will afterwards be means to retake a four states right away underneath Pakatan. Well, Najib?

Wira:The AG has to appeal. Otherwise, how can he reply to a visualisation that a DNA justification could not be upheld given a decider was of a perspective that a flawlessness of a DNA could not be ascertained, to illustrate suggesting a planted job.

That would require an automatic investigation into a control of a police investigators. We all know from Sodomy you where this will eventually indicate to.

Mob1900:The AG should be brought to justice instead for wasting taxpayers' income as great as a court's time. How could a open prosecutor bureau file an seductiveness but divulgence a grounds?

Armageddon:People get murdered, C4-ed, raped, kidnapped, etc, as great as a AG is endangered ab! out a si ngle individual's bottom, that a justice had already found not guilty.

Is this what you call caring for society or abuse of power?

Dr Jag#04496187:The seductiveness by a deceptive AG is same to hurling a tennis round during a speeding Sherman tank. - Malaysiakini
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Najib's Freudian slip on ISA as political tool

YOURSAY'A admission similar to this would be the large slap upon the face of Mahathir. Now we wondered what sorts of venom this twisted soul will thrive this time.'

Najib: ISA abolished since it didn't assistance politically
AnakBangsaMalaysia:Note which PM Najib Razak specifically pronounced which the ISA (Internal Security Act) was abolished since "it did not benefit BN politically" - as good as not since the ISA was the draconian as good as odious law which was used far some-more often to opposite domestic opponents than it ever had been opposite the real enemies of the country.

The perfect callousness of BN is so utterly ingrained in them which they no longer even cruise the tellurian rights aspect when abolishing an unjust law, usually either it will 'benefit BN politically'.

Odin:So, right divided we listen to it from the horse's mouth. The ISA was primarily meant for the BN to make make use of of to incapacitate its domestic opponents.

CN Yee:Now this is the s! trange c onfession from the budding minister. It amounts to revelation which ISA was for the purpose of 'political benefits' as good as killing the 'political career' of opponents for the sake of the powers-that-be.

So how about inhabitant security? How about justice for the hundreds (maybe thousands) which were put through infinite pang underneath this draconian law?

As also certified by Najib. the military never bothered to settle the guilt of those detained. So should it be time right divided for military to put in the bit of tough work to either settle the guilt or clear the names ! of those who were detained?

It's the bizarre admission indeed. The line of 'reasoning' since by the Najib probably arose during his discussions with his advisors either or not to annul ISA. And to blurt it out in public - it looks similar to Najib has shot his own feet (again!).

A admission similar to this would be the large slap upon the face of former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Now we wondered what sorts of venom this twisted soul will spout this time.

Dood:So, let me get this straight... the ISA was abolished not since it was an unjust as good as reprobate law, though since the Umno-BN found which this law - which was creatively meant to be used sparingly as good as usually opposite domestic communist ! threats - did not benefit them politically?

Considering how Umno-BN has essentially been using the ISA, should we be surprised during this Freudian slip?

Paul Warren:So eventually he admits which most who were incarcerated were done so since they were politically inconvenient to Umno as good as BN.

This is no different from what happens in China currently as good as what happened in the afterwards Soviet Union.

The ISA was ostensible to reason those who threatened the confidence of the nation, not the one after another prevalence of Umno.

1Voice:This ISA/EO (Emergency Ordinance) matter is the bizarre admission coming from the PM.

ISA is the draconian law as good as cause inhumane pang to domestic detainees. It is opposite tellurian rights as good as has to be done away. Similarly EO has been abused by PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) - it's good which Najib has recognised it.

It shows how BN government has been tolerating these! laws fo r their own benefits. Najib has let the cat out the bag by his own admission.

Joker:"Now m! ilitary contingency train themselves how to demeanour for evidence," pronounced Najib upon the extermination of EO.

You mean the military were not lerned to demeanour for evidence during their military academy training? It contingency have been easy being the military military officer in the old days. They usually need to decide either to plead the EO or the ISA.

Najib is unusually blunt this time. His statement reminded me of the famous line from the illusory detective, Sherlock Holmes.

Holmes styled himself as the 'consultant detective'. He said, "When the military is out of their depth, which is always, they come to me."

I guess the ISA/EO is the Holmes equivalent in Malaysia.

Trublumalaysian:"This is because the revolutionary approach does not work, they usually speak of distributing, though we create wealth as good as afterwards re-distribute."

Really PM? The question we ask is, to whom?

Anonymous_5fb:Najib, we introduce we to be arrested underneath ISA, go through the interrogation as good as torture, as this doesn't kill we politically though will instead raise your domestic career.

What are we watchful for? Please discuss it your cousin, the home minister, to sign the papers immediately.

Chkiew:We suspicion eventually they come to their senses. ISA was detered since it was no longer of domestic use?

Who would even done such admission, even when all of us knew all along BN has been abusing ISA to wordless domestic rivals despite giving guarantee not to do so. Really sickening!

Tan Heng Ken:What do we mean ISA did not assistance politically?
It had in fact helped BN tremendously to stay in energy for the past 50 over years, the used as good as abused of ISA to catch credible antithesis politici! ans who dared to display BN, as good as in sold Umno, wrongdoings as good as thus stopped the climb of the strong opposition.
1234567:Now they confess it, the purpose of ISA was to kill their opponents' domestic career. And right divided which they find it did not work, they have decided to annul it.

ISA was not used to strengthen the citizens, though Umno people.

LittleGiant:History has proven time as good as again which regimes with draconian laws have not survived as good as in conclusion have collapsed.

Ideologies as good as ideology of domestic leaders as good as even amicable activists cannot be easily taken divided from them with laws which robs the elemental rights of tellurian beings.

Dr Jag #04496187:Thank you, Mr Prime Minister, for the clarification. we knew we had the final contend upon this matter.

If your reasoning is to benefit traction, afterwards we too can allege your domestic career by being subjected to the strictures of the ISA.

So, because not confess your transgressions, sins as good as crimes, as good as go to jail for the spell, come behind ! as good as defe during all the naysayers? - Malaysiakini
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Kejadian di JPM: Keganasan seksual sejenis amalan baru dalam PAS?

Kejadian berlaku pada awal 2010 melibatkan seorang imam masjid bernama Ustaz Izab Hambali. Izab Hambali pada waktu itu merupakan Imam Masjid Sungai Kecil Ilir, Bandar Baharu dan merupakan seorang penyokong PAS tegar di kawasan berkenaan.Dikatakan juga, Izab Hambali merupakan sekutu kuat Yang Dipertua PAS Kulim-Bandar Baharu, Hasan Abdul Razak.Seorang pengadu yang juga merupakan bekas rakan baik


Unbelievable....young girls from Felda Chini fight over ripped panties (under-garments). Sources explain which the incident has been taking place for the past 3 days. Is this what UMNO had transformed Felda children for the past 50 peculiar years....?

Watch this video:

- pejuang rakyat
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Thieves bust through wall to steal hair extensions


CHICAGO: Three thieves battered through a wall, crawled close to a building to evasion suit detectors as well as stole six duffel bags filled with tellurian hair extensions from a Chicago beauty supply store.

The Chicago Tribune reported which a hair extensions were worth $ 230,000.

Store owners Don Shin says a criminals took his most appropriate merchandise. He thinks a culprits will try to sell a extensions on a travel or to salons. The thieves pennyless through a wall from an trustworthy dull storefront at about 2 am on Saturday.

Extensions can be done from artificial or tellurian hair. They have been used in salons to add length as well as volume to a hairstyle.

Shin says a thieves didn't take any of "the cheap stuff" as well as "knew what they were doing."

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Kejadian di JPM: Macam mana bukan Islam nak hormat Islam

kejadian di JPM hanya menakutkan orang bukan ISlam terhadap Islam.Sedih sekali padahal ini adalah hasil mahsul politik benci dan extremisma Islam yang berkembang dalam PAS - yang mana artis2 bodoh bangang tak nampak dan hanya fikir duit - terikut2. Nama buruk adalah Islam.Teringhat kami satu ceramah Mat Sabu pada bukan Jun. Ianya satu Majlis Tazkirah di Kepala Batas pada June 20 dimana dia diberi

Thugs attack political analyst's house

A group of thugs pounded the residence of domestic researcher Ong Kian Ming progressing this afternoon, though they unsuccessful to mangle in to it notwithstanding violation the front gate.

"Three thugs usually attempted to mangle in to my house, pennyless my gate, used danger tactics, afterwards left," review his tweet during about 4.50pm.

NONEOng (left) suspects which the conflict was "politically motivated" as well as not the usual spoliation attempt.

"This is the kind of country we live in, when u r pounded for criticizing sure domestic parties & the govt. But we will not be cowed," review an additional tweet from him.

Ong later lodged the military inform during the SS2 Seapark military station.

Contacted byMalaysiakini, he associated the situation which he pronounced is an attempt to intimidate him.

"It happened during about 4.45pm, 3 Indians in the brownish-red Wira stopped in front of my hou! se, we be lieve it was targetted during me, they knew exactly which residence to attack.

"They pennyless my involuntary embankment as well as got inside as well as attempted to mangle open the front door, even though they knew we was inside. we announced during them.

"Failing to mangle the front door, they left. But the single of them waved the finger during me, similar to the warning, as well as afterwards strike the bonnet of my car."

He believed which the conflict was directly associated to hisrecent criticismsof government agency Pemandu, MCA as well as the Chinese party's ! Labis MP Chua Tee Yong upon micro-blog Twitter as well as alternative platforms.

Though he pronounced which he cannot positively infer this, Ong pronounced which the aggressive as well as targetted nature of the conflict was obviously meant to intimidate him.

Ong also praised the military for their quick reply to his call for help, arriving usually five minutes after the incident.

Undue courtesy from undesirable elements

The domestic researcher is not the usually person whose fiery criticisms opposite the investiture seemed to have warranted them undue courtesy from undesirable elements.

NONEPKR vice-president N Surendran (left) also received the warning around SMS progressing today.

He claimed to have received the SMS messagethreatening an poison attackagainst him for his vocal criticisms of MIC.

Surendran had lodged the military inform over the make the difference during the Jalan Travers military hire progressing today.

Another PKR official, strategic executive Rafizi Ramli, was also told to be some-more clever about his safety by his concerned supporters.

Rafizi was the male behind the explosi! ve revelry ations about purported abuses involving the National Feedlot Corporation related to former federal apportion Shahrizat Abdul Jalil's family as well as the recent display upon purported improprieties in the award of the Ampang LRT extension project.

However, he took the make the difference in stride, seeing it as his avocation to perform the wishes of the rakyat.

"In! times s imilar to these, we am regularly reminded of Tolkien's good words, spoken by Gandalf, which whilst we might have the greatest concerns of what might lie ahead, all we have to decide is what to do with the time given to us.

"And so my friends; please be during palliate knowing which we will be additional vigilant. What can or might happen is over us. we usually ask for prayers whilst we enjoy every bit of this adventure," positive Rafizi in the posting upon his blog.
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Lawak Pagi: Air kebal

AG files appeal against Anwar's acquittal

The Attorney-General's Chambers have filed an appeal opposite a Kuala Lumpur High Court's decision to acquit Anwar Ibrahim of sodomy charges.

NONEHead of a Trial as well as Appeals division Kamaluddin Md Said(right)confirmed that a apply to of appeal had been filed yesterday.

"It has been filed as well as there are a couple of grounds," he pronounced in a content summary reply toMalaysiakini.

However, he did not exhibit a drift of a appeal.

The prosecution had until tomorrow to record an appeal after all parties had obtained a created visualisation by trial judge Justice Mohamad Zabidin Md Diah.

Justice Zabidin released a created visualisation final Monday as well as a prosecution has 10 days to record its appeal.

Anwar was acquitted upon Jan 9 of sodomising his former help Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan during a Desa Damansara common ownership upon June 26, 2008.

Among other reasons, Justice Zabidin pronounced he could not uphold Saiful's sworn statement with other evidence.
Last week, Saiful's father Azlan Mohd Lazimhad saidthat although it has been 6 months waiting, they welcome a development as well as hoped a AG will cruise filing a apply to of appeal.
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Kedah 'winnable state' if problems resolved

, can finalise their inner problems. Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin pronounced a people were becoming more wakeful of a weaknesses of ...

Pengamal seni mempertahankan diri digesa jadi sukarelawan jegah jenayah

MELAKA, 10 Julai Pengamal seni mempertahankan diri digesa bergiat lebih aktif sebagai sukarelawan dalam mencegah jenayah di kawasan masing-masing. Menteri Penerangan Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim berkata pengamal seni mempertahankan diri mempunyai kelebihan dalam gerakan fizikal dan mampu menahan serangan penjenayah. Kalau ... Read More

Selamat Hari Lahir Ayahanda Tun Dr Mahathir

Tun Dr. Mahathir dilahirkan pada hari Jumaat tanggal 10 July 1925. Putera kepada pasangan Mohamad garbage bin Iskandar dan Wan Tempawan binti Wan Hanafi ini dilahirkan di rumah bernombor 18, Lorong Kilang Ais, bersebelahan dengan Jalan Pegawai, Seberang Perak, Alor Setar, Kedah. Beliau merupakan anak bongsu dikalangan sembilan(9) orang adik-beradik. Dr. Mahathir memulakan alam persekolahan di Sekolah Melayu Seberang Perak pada tahun 1930 selama dua tahun. Beliau melanjutkan pengajian menengah di Goverme ... Read More

No more debates with Guan Eng, says Soi Lek

KUALA LUMPUR, Jul 10 MCA boss Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek pronounced he will not participate in anymore debates with DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng as a latter will turn a arise into a political campaign. Chua pronounced if a dual debates held with Lim recently were anything to go by, Lim had avoided responding questions tailored to a ... Read More

Umno's voice of reason - The Sun Daily

Umno's voice of reason
The Sun Daily
WHEN you speak to members of polite multitude and ask them who they consider to be a distinguished voice of reason inside of Umno, a name which typically crops up is Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah, a deputy higher preparation minister. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib ...

Uncertainty cast over Asia banks Prasarn Trairatvorakul

... Read More


Korang tengok la video kat atas tu, marah penduduk Bukit Gantang tu!

Rais urges martial arts practitioners to combat crime

MALACCA, July 10 Information, Communications as well as Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim today urged armed forces humanities practitioners in the country to be some-more actively concerned in fighting crime in their localities.

He pronounced they had the distinct advantage as compared to other members of the public in this courtesy as they had special precision in armed or unarmed combat.

Their skills were preferred to quarrel street crimes like waylay theft, he told reporters after Majlis Pendekar Malaysias Malacca bend office in Taman Melaka Raya here today.

Also benefaction was Majlis Pendekar Malaysia president, Mahaguru Tan Sri Omardin Mauju.

Rais (picture) pronounced maintaining peace as well as order in the country was not the solitary responsibility of the authorities as well as which all Malaysians contingency do their bit to quarrel crime.

Rais, who is additionally between the individuals concerned in the environment up of Persekutuan Silat Kebangsaan Malaysia (Pesaka), the federation for silat organisations in the country, further praised Majlis Pendekar Malaysia for the purpose in unifying Malaysians generally those in the armed forces humanities community, underneath the 1 Malaysia concept.

He additionally urged armed forces humanities exponents to show up in force for Merdeka Day celebrations on August 31 at Dataran Merdeka in the federal capital.

On an additional note, Rais pronounced which he would forward Omardins proposal to set up the Yayasan Pendekar 1 Malaysia foundation to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak for consideration.

At the function, Rais additionally announced the RM100,000 allocation for Majlis Pendekar Malaysia to assistance cover the administration department expenditure. Bernama

Peristiwa ala Nik Abduh berulang

Inilah akibat pendidikan ala Taliban yang dibudayakan dalam PAS. Pada Julai 4hb baru-baru ini, seorang pelajar bernama Mohamad Firdaus Hakimi, 14 tahun di Sek. Menengah Ugama Arab Ismailiah Binjai Manis Pohon Buloh, Meranti, Pasir Mas telah membuat laporan polis mengadu dipukul dan ditendang oleh dua orang gurunya di sekolah berkenaan. Menurutnya, pada jam lebih kurang dua petang semasa di


Rupa-rupanya perempuan yang ikut Ninja kencing Manis aka Imam Mahdi pelesu itu adalah isteri orang wei. Benda ni didedahkan oleh Bernama dan aku petik melalui blog AAKJ!

PUTRAJAYA: Suspek wanita yang ditembak selepas mengamuk di luar perkarangan Kompleks B, Jabatan Perdana Menteri bersama seorang lelaki semalam, menitipkan dua anak kecilnya di rumah ibu bapanya di Damansara dekat sini, dua hari lepas.

Bapa suspek seorang penjual nasi lemak berumur 55 tahun, berkata suspek meminta mereka menjaga anak-anaknya berusia dua tahun dan setahun dan mereka menyangka dia mempunyai urusan kerja di luar kawasan.

Katanya setahunya suspek, anak kedua dari empat beradik, bekerja sebagai penolong pengurus sebuah syarikat swasta tetapi rupa-rupanya sudah berhenti kerja tanpa pengetahuan mereka.

"Saya tidak menyangka kejadian itu berlaku. Kehidupan anak saya normal sahaja. Mungkin kerana dia suka melayan internet. Sekolah tinggi tetapi jadi macam itu," katanya kepada pemberita ketika ditemui di Hospital Putrajaya di sini, hari ini.

"Saya kesal dengan apa yang dia buat," katanya sambil menambah beliau mendapat tahu tentang kejadian itu apabila diminta datang ke Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Putrajaya setelah mendail nombor telefon bimbit anaknya itu.

Ini Ninja Kencing Manis mempergunakan isteri orang. Kalau tengok blog dia, bukan categorical lagi dia punya guna ayat Quran, pastu dia boleh guan bini orang untuk serang pejabat PM. Bahalol betul la mamat ni. Blogger ni adalah kawan baik Milo Suam, malah kita mengesyaki dia berkomplot dengan Milo Suam.

Pihak berkuasa kena menyiasat perkara ini dengan serius kerana ini melibatkan keselamatan negara. ! Kita tak tahu apa lagi blogger pembangkang nak buat. Pihak Polis kena cekup si Milo Suam ni. Tak boleh dibiar ni.

Nampaknya Pembangkang dah nampak mereka tak boleh menang dengan cara gentleman dan mereka mulakan dengan cara bangsat. Aku yakin tujuan Milo Suam dan orang yang menlefon dia dan bertanyakan pada dia dah setel ke, siap dijawab ya dah kena tembak ni ada perancangan jahat ni.

Kalau dibiar perkara ini, maka ianya akn menjadi lebih serius. Semalam Pakatan cuba cetuskan insiden kedua serupa macam Baling demi mnarik simpati rakyat, namun Allah Maha Besar dan segala perancangan mereka gagal!


Khairy sells his soul for political survival:I compared Anwar with Dr M & I chose Umno

Umno Youth arch Khairy Jamaluddin may try his most appropriate to get back into a great books of former prime apportion Mahathir Mohamad though it is doubtful he will succeed.


Memandangkan pihak Guan Eng, Betty Chew dan Phaik Kheng sendiri enggan memberi penjelasan mengenai krisis yang melanda mereka, kebanyakan rakyat telah membuat kesimpulan sendiri bahawa skandal Guan Eng dengan Phaik Kheng adalah benar dan Betty Chew menyebabkan kecederaan di dahi Guan Eng juga benar.

Kesimpulan ini dibuat berdasarkan sikap mereka yang mengelak malah Betty Chew yang meroyan apabila ditanya mengenainya.

Namun, rakyat mungkin ada satu alasan lagi untuk mempercayai kisah skandal ini iaitu apabila seorang bekas pegawai Lim Guan Eng dikatakan akan tampil untuk menceritakannya secara terperinci.

Pegawai ini dikatakan agak rapat dengan Phaik Kheng dan bersimpati dengan nasib beliau.

Sumber-sumber menyatakan yang pegawai tersebut ingin membela Phaik Kheng yang kini dicemuh oleh rakan-rakan, penyokong dan pensimpati Betty Chew. Menurutnya, Phaik Kheng tidak wajar diperlakukan sedemikian kerana yang bersalah juga adalah Lim Guan Eng.

Malah Lim Guan Eng juga dikatakan sudah berhenti berusaha untuk menghubungi Phaik Kheng yang mana menyebabkan Phaik Kheng terpaksa menanggung cemuhan ini sendirian.

Bila pendedahan akan dibuat dan bagaimana ia akan dibuat oleh pegawai tersebut tidak dapat dipastikan. Mungkinkah ia bakal menjadi kejutan di saat-saat akhir sebelum pilihanraya berlangsung? Sukar untuk diramalkan kerana pegawai tersebut juga dikatakan begitu bimbang akan tindakbalas dari pejabat Ketua Menteri sekiranya beliau benar-benar tampil membuat penjelasan.

Bagaimanapun, sumber juga menyatakan bahawa pegawai tersebut adalah seorang yang berpendirian dan tidak mudah mengaku kalah.

Apapun, kita tunggu dan lihat sahaja dengan tenang. Ki! ta harap , Betty Chew dan Guan Eng juga dapat bertenang dengan berita ini

House PK: Ini artikel dari Blues Beary, memang sah Guan Eng dan Phaik Kheng ada affair. Aku percaya melayu penyokong Pakatan akan tetap sokong Guan Eng sama macam mereka sokong Anwar walau setelah mengetahui Anwar kaki liwat dan kaki zina.

Err, ada orang kata jangan serang eribadi pemimpin Pakatan! Pelik bila PM dan isteri kena serangan peribadi babi-babi yang nasihatkan aku ni sengap pulak kan? Well dah babi le katakan...Guan Eng pulak sudah kongkek nak malu-malu pulak, lu kan Cina beb, apa ada hal simpan perempuan. Mau lesen kalu mintak sama itu Nik Aziz!

Mahathirism is dead and gone: Dr M

and the Barisan Nasional in the ubiquitous election though the epoch of Mahathirism is no more. Debunking claims by DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang which Mahathirism stoked ...


Selamat hari lahir wahai Ayahanda Tun Dr Mahathit yang tercinta! Semoga Allah panjangkan usia Tun, sihatkan badan Tun dan dimurahkan rezeki Ayahanda Tun.

Makin lama maki terserlah cahay diwajahmu wahaia Ayahanda ku yang tercinta, ramai yang cuba memburuk-burukanmu namun Allah Maha Besar, satu demi satu musuh-musuhmu sedang sudah dna sedang dibukakan hijab mereka. Terima kasih Ayahanda Tun kerana tidak pernah putus asa memimpin kami semua! Segala jasa-jasa Ayahanda Tun tidak akan kami lupakan.

Happy Birthday, Doc!

Mahathirism? Only in Kit Siang's head, says a manOn a night before his 87th birthday, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad wrote in his blog [The fears of Kit Siang] which Mahathirism is passed as well as gone, which a judgment lives only in a mid of Lim Kit Siang.
"I consternation because Kit Siang is so aroused of me, what he calls Mahathirism.
"I don't know what is Mahathirism though obviously it conjures in a mind of Kit Siang something fearful.
"So, he has spoken his intention to quarrel Mahathirism."
"I don't caring whether he destroys Mahathirism or not. It is an exercise in being meaningless or senseless as Mahathirism is a figment of his imagination.
"He should not be aroused of this toothless tiger, figuratively speaking,"
We know because Kit Siang was really aroused of Dr Mahathir. He had great reasons to be. But right away Dr M is no longer PM. In fact, next year will be a full decade given he stepped down.

Happy Birthday Dr M.

Analisa debat LGE vs CSL

... debat antara Presiden MCA, Chua Soi Lek dengan Setiausaha Agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng agak menarik juga. Menarik, di sini adalah dari segi pembentangan hujah mengenai isu yang 'menambat' masyarakat Cina di Malaysia akhir-akhir ini.Diketahui bahawa faktor 'kaum Cina' merupakan faktor penting dalam menentukan keputusan pilihanraya ke-13. Oleh itu, isu yang menambat hati mereka, pastilah menjadi isu