AG's appeal: This smells like revenge

YOURSAY'Chua Soi Lek was never prosecuted for fellatio although there was video evidence. There is no logic in a AG's action.'

AG files seductiveness opposite Anwar's acquittal

your sayFerdtan:Head of a Trial as great as Appeals Division Kamaluddin Md Said, that is some-more critical - delectable to higher justice for a review in a sex hearing or a review of a attempted attempted attempted murder trial?

Stop wasting a taxpayers' money. Why seductiveness opposite Anwar Ibrahim's sex hearing verdict when a decider had done a definite visualisation that a consequential DNA sample/evidence could have been 'illegally' tampered by a comparison police officer?
Compare this to a miss of seductiveness to a higher justice opposite a exculpation of Abdul Razak Baginda in a Altantuya Shaariibuu attempted attempted attempted murder case. There were many inconsistencies as great as a main witnesses were not called.

Razak is a usually person, as great as not a two PM's bodyguards who were sentenced to be hanged, who had a couple to Altantuya to yield a motive for a murder.

DPP Kamaluddin, is it given a single is a opposition personality as great as a other a crony of Prime Minister! Najib R azak?

Pemerhati:Najib (and before him Dr Mahathir Mohamad) as great as Umno have been terrified of a charismatic Anwar given they feel he is means of defeating them in a elections.

Najib reused Mahthir's plan of using trumped-up sodomy charges to keep Anwar as great as! his PKR lawyers bustling so that they would not be means to persevere most time to a electorate, as great as if required put him behind bars.

Initially, a poise as great as statements of a specifically selected kangaroo decider indicated that Anwar was starting to be imprisoned. But Najib, great known for his unsure behaviour, seemed to have had a last-minute shift of mind, possibly given of vigour from unfamiliar sources as great as a fear of an electoral backlash. He to illustrate told a decider to find Anwar not guilty.

Now he has decided to again keep Anwar as great as his lawyers bustling with a seductiveness as great as he will use his kangaroos in a appellate justice (probably a same ones he used in a Perak case) to pass a verdict he decides during that indicate in time.

Quigonbond:This can usually work if they speed by a appeal. Even then, you think time is short. It's usually great headlines for BN if BN survives a subsequent elections.

But given Anwar says he's not running for political bureau any some-more past subsequent ubiquitous elections, you do not see what this does to BN except, again, to drag their face over a same aged made sex scandal, as great as to make a aged male happy.

Well, you contend good, if it takes away a couple of some-more votes from BN.
AnakBangsaMalaysia:One need not be a die-hard ! Anwar fa n to know that attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail is - after Mahathir - a male who lives in biggest fear of Pakatan receiving over a sovereign government.

The list of his abuses of power is unaccountably long. The impulse a Umno-BN complement of administration falls, Gani Patail contingency be seized as great as hold to account.

Kgen:Is a AG acting in a public's seductiveness or in Umno's interest? What is a benefit to a open of posterior a box of so-called consensual sodomy for that a accused had been acquitted?

In a first place, what adults do in their bedrooms is! nothing of a government's business.

MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek was never prosecuted for fellatio although there was video evidence. There is no logic in a AG's action. you have usually offend for a latter.

Tailek:I contingency commend a AG's Chambers on their efficiency. In Anwar's acquittal, a AG filed an seductiveness so quickly though in Razak Baginda's box (which was an accusation of murder), no seductiveness was filed during all.

In a attempted attempted attempted murder acquittal, an seductiveness would be filed as a make a difference of course, though not in this case.

There is obviously a box of stand in standards here though some-more importantly in Razak Baginda's case, it was a travesty of a order of law as great as a disaster of a Malaysian justice system.

Odin:Get a compliant decider to regulate over a box as great as to pass a guilty verdict. Then request a law of Islam relevant to a case, that is, kill both a sodomist as great as a person sodomised.

Tha t way, Anwar will be gone for good. Once he is out of circulation, Pakatan Rakyat will collapse. The BN will afterwards be means to retake a four states right away underneath Pakatan. Well, Najib?

Wira:The AG has to appeal. Otherwise, how can he reply to a visualisation that a DNA justification could not be upheld given a decider was of a perspective that a flawlessness of a DNA could not be ascertained, to illustrate suggesting a planted job.

That would require an automatic investigation into a control of a police investigators. We all know from Sodomy you where this will eventually indicate to.

Mob1900:The AG should be brought to justice instead for wasting taxpayers' income as great as a court's time. How could a open prosecutor bureau file an seductiveness but divulgence a grounds?

Armageddon:People get murdered, C4-ed, raped, kidnapped, etc, as great as a AG is endangered ab! out a si ngle individual's bottom, that a justice had already found not guilty.

Is this what you call caring for society or abuse of power?

Dr Jag#04496187:The seductiveness by a deceptive AG is same to hurling a tennis round during a speeding Sherman tank. - Malaysiakini
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