Can PAS hold the middle ground?

"(They) have deviated from Islam as well as should be condemned to hell." Dr Mahathir Mohamad upon a proponents of a implementation of hudud ('A code of their own',Time Magazine, 2002)

The vast winner in a open relations stakes of a not long ago concluded PAS muktamar would crop up to be Abdul Hadi Awang.
The "for all" in a "PAS for all" tagline is especially for a non-Muslims/Malay. we have mostly done a argument which a solitary domestic celebration in Malaysia, which has a firm ideological position as well as have demonstrated joining to a rhetoric, is PAS.

Whatever your views upon Islam, PAS over a long Umno watch has been consistent in a rejection of Umno framing a dispute in eremite terms, which mostly times pitted them opposite DAP.
The argument mostly done by DAP partisans is which PAS needs a bloc (thus a Chinese vote) to have a possibility to explain a throne in Putrajaya. While this might be true, we would argue which but PAS, there would be no bloc with a credible possibility of combining a brand new government.

anti ppsmi english language for math as well as science ceramah 230209 600 hadi awangHadi Awang, who during a single time was a print child of a Pakatan Rakyat apparatchiks as a opinion spoiler as well as probable Umno puppet, has seen his picture rehabilitated. Former budding apportion Dr Mahathir Mohamad has been partly responsible for Hadi Awang's great happening in a open relations department.

Objective PAS watchers would no doubt stop a time ! when Had i Awang was hell-bent upon imposing hudud in Terengganu which resulted in a afterwards budding apportion Abdullah Ahmad Badawi proclaiming which a police would not have such laws.
Hadi Awang who was assured which Muslims as well as non-Muslims would welcome such laws had even identified specific sites where prisons would be built though did not offer any specifics upon how amputations as well as stonings would be carried out.

This, of course, led a great doctor to complete a allude to which begins this piece. All of which creates Mahathir's baiting of PAS connected with hudud for all, even some-more hilarious.

Winning a center ground

Hadi Awang's 'secular' response upon PAS' joining to respect a ideology of 'others' is serve justification which PAS is ingeniously progressing a center belligerent while Umno as well as a outsourced bullyboys doggedly declaim worried bile in a hopes of fear-mongering their way behind to a center ground.

And therein lays a problem. Umno has no judgment of what a center belligerent is. For years, a Umno-defined center belligerent was which of appeasement by a non-Malay bloc partners as well as system of discrimination in a guise of an affirmative action policy. As a former high-ranking Umno apportion succinctly put it, Umno unlike PAS has no ideological foundation to build anything on.

What Umno has is a system of patronage which results in inner power struggles with warlords deciding a citation of a party. In others words, there is no ideological tensions inside of Umno. This is since upon a micro turn there has never been any need to discover a compromise. This translates in to a macro turn of not understanding which a center belligerent is tangible by a vast territory of a choosing by casting votes public.

pas muktamar 030611 audience 02PAS, upon a alternative hand, has always had to say with a tensions which arise when a assuage as well as extreme impulses inside of a celebration collide. Over a years, a single or a alternative has held sway over a domestic as well as social citation of a party.

Post-tsunami 2008, a ascendancy of a moderates, or a supposed Erdrogans, has seen them having to say with elements in their celebration who have been singing a Umno balance as well as a realisation which for a time being they have to get used to a opposition benches.

These elements singing a Umno balance should not be confused with those who genuinely believe which PAS has mislaid a way. What Umno has been partially successful in you do is create an ambience inside of PAS where genuine dissent is conflated with a polemics emanating from Umno stool pigeons.

This total idea of 'tahaluf siyasi' (political consensus) with Pakatan as well as a judgment of 'welfare state' has been propagandised by Umno as a rejection of a Islamic path, though a being is domestic compromise as well as socialistic elements is not visitor to a Malaysian landscape, a only disproportion here is which Umno is not you do a defining.

The complaint with Islam (anywhere in a world) is which a hardliners have always tangible a religion. In PAS, where a lessen as well as upsurge of clashing ideologies has always favoured a hardliners, it has eventually been halted by domestic expediency.

The awaiting of sovereign order is a prize as well great to pass up as well as it is to a credit of PAS which they have been solemnly realising which a Wa! hhabi str! ain of Islam is not a only avenue of Islamic expression.

If Umno could in form execute itself as a assuage Islamic entity with a collusion of a non-Malay/Muslim partners, afterwards maybe PAS could in substance reinvent itself as a assuage Muslim force with partners who were not subservient to a solitary domestic celebration which! defines itself as a defender of Islam.

However, a genuine conundrum is that, a non-Malay/Muslim opinion which has always been linked to a center belligerent in a finish would prove untenable since of a changing demographic.
anwar ibrahim hadi awang nik aziz assembly 230908The luminosity of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim as well as his partners is which they have tenuously tangible a center belligerent upon issues of cronyism as well as corruption, though a downside of this is which they have not tangible eremite leisure as all encompassing.
What they have ensured is which Islam in speculation never trespasses onto a domains of a non-Malays. In alternative words, a Malay/Islam infancy population would still be during a mercy of their supposed eremite betters in a form of PAS.

PAS has never had an incentive to recalibrate a dogma, assuming which a new-found popularity was since Islam or a kind PAS propagates was gaining acceptance by a vast territory of a choosing by casting votes public. This, of course, is nowhere nearby reality.

Heady times ahead

The apart though next to ideology which has pacified a some-more exuberant hardliners will in a finish prove catastrophic to a infancy Malay village if ever PAS' influences become overpowering. Hadi Awang's speech with nary a discuss of hudud must have warmed a hearts of Pakatan partisans as a confirmation which a total hudud issue was pass.

However, PAS members themselves discuss it me which with a crime shenanigans in Kedah, some members feel which PAS' existential crisis has some-more to do with a miss of dignified restraint inside of their own ranks brought upon by a query for sovereign power.

These have been heady times for a power players in PAS. Post-tsuna! mi 2008 they have had to say with a total operation of issues all a while dodging a hudud bullet.

pakatan gathering 191209 anwar guan eng hadiPAS is upon jot down as stating they have no obje! ction to a non-Malay budding apportion so long as which person is a Muslim. They have endorsed a judgment of 'Ketuanan Rakyat' in place of 'Ketuanan Melayu'. They have remained steadfast in a face of a Umno assault upon their eremite credit as well as they have provided a muscle (making up a numbers) as well as handling a logistics of large-scale open demonstrations opposite a stream regime.

What they have not done is to define a center belligerent but a aid of their partners. What they have not done is redefine their understand of Islam to have PAS an excusable assuage preference even if they were not in a coalition.

What PAS should be you do is using this phase of domestic compromise as a starting indicate in reforming a ideas, maybe reconnecting with a own revolutionary ideology which it abandoned in foster of a Saudi-influenced Islam which has proven catastrophic everywhere in a world.

This is important since as long as Islam plays a role in a domestic process here in Malaysia as well as hudud is a card in a deck, a mental condition of a loyal multicultural/religious Malaysia will remain just that, a dream.

S THAYAPARAN is Commander (rtd) of Royal Malaysian Navy.
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