The Tyrany of the UMNO Media

I haven't watched TV3 for a really prolonged time. During a week end you found myself though my laptop as well as you do not own any I-pad either. So with zero to do, you found myself carrying to watch a propaganda spokesman of a UMNO/BN government.

What you saw confirmed what you have been saying for a prolonged time. It's a the single sided information exchnage equates to whereby a supervision of a day, since it can, by virtue of determining a sovereign government, spread lies as well as counsel disinformation as well as cuckold a minds of a public.

Immediately you have been bombarded with what UMNO as well as BN is doing. It is clear UMNO/BN does not want an enlightened as well as informed public. What it wants is to glorify what little achievements a PM accomplished- distributing zakat from a bank a supervision owns (meaning if PR wins, it can do a same), frying murtabak here as well as distributing a delicacy to seemingly starving people. Are you not abashed to see so most people have been bad in a PM's backyard as well as afterwards you have been subjected to his hypocritical debate about what Allah likes as well as doesn't like. it is only an elaborate PR practice extolling a form rsther than than substance.

Last night news carried a devise by a UMNO supervision to form a commission for a remuneration of kingship to a east seashore states. Terengganu has already perceived its kingship payments upon a still side. It's vested in a hands of a internal kingpin Mat Said. So a inclusion of Terengganu is only window dressing.

When Idris Jusoh was MB, a Federal Government insulted a Terengganu people imputing they do not know how to manage a oil income by allowing Patrick Lim to decide where a income should be applied. So a sovereign supervision conspired with associate capitalists in office building a comforts for a Monsoon Cup which do not benefit a Terengganu people. They built mosques in nowh! ere plac es as well as constructed whatever structures which can catch a oil income which finished up in a hands of commercial operation cronies.

It's a same booze in a new bottle. Mat Said right away controls a petroleum Ringgit as well as he determines how they have been applied. So he builds a near RM 100 million zoo somewhere in Kemaman.

Truly, Terengganu typifies what has been described as a curse of oil money. Oil was detected in a 1970's in Terengganu though a state has a single of a top incidence of poverty.

UMNO politicians have been indeed two faced shameless liars. It has regularly been a authorised emanate as well as a emanate of what righteously belongs to people. It has regularly been a authorised emanate concerning a right of a signatory to a PDA. The a single who has been politicizing a emanate has been UMNO as well as BN.

UMNO is fibbing to a Malays of Kelantan. It claims it fights for Malays- so my question is since is UMNO cultured against a Kelantan Malays who form probably 98% of a race in Kelantan? The placement of BR1M of RM 500 is an insult to a Kelantanese, when upon a same breadth; they have been denied a taking of oil royalty. It's a candid case of a authorised entitlement. Kelantan is entitled to a taking of 5% kingship simpliciter though carrying to bear any other qualifications.

What is bizarre is a inclusion of my home state in a equation. How does Pahang find itself as a potential target of oil royalty? If a state has oil, since has it been secluded from a rakyat? Is Pahang entitled to oil royalties though since of a covetous fervour of some quarters, Tun Razak motionless to secrete a annuity from Pahang since he feared a state will be robbed?

If it qualifies as a recipient, a moneys have been improved committed to a Pahang sovereign fund to prevent insane as well as wicked applications of a oil money. you am not assured to vest a income in to a han! ds of le gislators who year after year clear Pahang's necessity spending as a outcome of a state supervision spending upon bad people. My former colleagues in UMNO generally were discerning to use this kind of prosaic logic when justifying a incessant bill deficits of a state. During my stint as BN legislator you have regularly decried a bill deficits fearing which they could be concealing wastage as well as financial indiscipline. About a need to assistance a needy, a elderly as well as a infirm, no a single in his or her right thoughts has any objections.

So UMNO doesn't have to be a imitation about giving a oil kingship which is a authorised entitlement. How come a government, instead of spending open income upon a RCI or whatever, NOT ask a chairman who signed a agreement- Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah to state either Kelantan or any other signatory to a agreement have been indeed entitled. Please gangling a Malaysian open a indignity of carrying to put up with your hypocrisy.

The other square of unworthy news was a small proof of a organisation of only about twenty people lamenting a Penang government's decision to develop a 0.5 hectare land( 1 as well as have been ) in to a private sanatorium as well as other comforts instead of housing for a poor.

How come TV3 gave endless coverage to Gerakan as well as pro BN spokespersons? Why was a supervision scared of on condition that a balanced perspective by mouth-watering spokespersons from a Penang supervision to answer a allegations thrown at it? You have been aggressive a chairman though giving him a chance to defend himself.

The truth of a make a difference is perhaps a Penang supervision in its pro rakyat stand, has set in reserve a far larger square of land to build open housing for a people. On a 1 acre as well as land, how most houses can be built. Not more than twenty units?

UMNO supervision is subjecting a people to every day lies as well as grossly a singl! e sided views. Free a people from this tyranny by giving them a right to satisfactory reporting. We contingency not put up with a thoughts enslaving tyranny any longer.

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Courtesy of Politically Incorrect Buzz & Buzz

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