January 29, 2012
The NST, Professor Emeritus Khoo Kay Kim as great as History
The NST Editorial
Hang Tuah in History
"There should be no subject which you should pursue the truth"The NST
REWRITING or resetting story can be the wily business, akin to traversing fields dotted with landmines, especially if it threatens to meddle with loving memories. So, when historian Tan Sri Professor Emeritus Khoo Kay Kim pronounced there was no created jot down which the 15th century Malay soldier Hang Tuah, his friend Hang Jebat, or the princess Hang Li Po, existed, the reply to this startling avowal was not primarily educational curiosity.
Rather, various parties hastened to debunk Khoo's theory by contributing their own assertions of since they believed which Hang Tuah as great as his friends existed. Malaysian Archaeologists' Association boss Datuk Professor Emeritus Dr Nik Hassan Shuhaimi Nik Abdul Rahman opined which even yet the expect era in which Hang Tuah is suspicion to exist is not unequivocally known, which the 15th century burial ground attributed to him did not have the specific name upon it, as great as which Hang Tuah as great as his friends competence be fabulous figures, this did not mean which studies connected with them could not still continue.
In the little ways, although coming from hostile camps, Nik Hassan's perspective partly echoes Khoo's, who pronounced which Hang Tuah as great as company could still be studied, though as fabulous total rsther than than chronological ones. The emanate has arisen from work being finished by the Education Ministry's History Review Committee, of which Khoo is the member. The panel was appointed to analyse as great as review the H! istory c urriculum. Khoo opined which propagandize History textbooks should be rewritten so which they contained chronological contribution as great as not myths or legends, as great as which hearsay should not be presented as chronological fact.
Although the matter might take the little while to resolve, the Hang Tuah disturbance is the undiluted platform upon which to test how most you worth history; some-more specifically, either you dare to risk possibly having to give up the sentimental memories for the sake of pursuing as great as obtaining an accurate as great as accurate history. From the intellectual perspective, there should be no subject which you should pursue the truth.
And, Islamic erudite enlightenment places the highest worth upon educational honesty; the formidable as great as technical mechanism for authenticating hadiths (sayings of Prophet Muhammad) have been the clearest e.g. of the significance of accurate referencing the single questionable link in the sequence of flawlessness automatically excludes the hadith from being spoken sahih (authentic). Ibn Khaldun, the 14th century Muslim reflective thinker as great as historiographer, was during large reputable for establishing mechanisms by which to substantiate history. In teaching schoolchildren History therefore, you should strive to cultivate in them the erudite enlightenment which places the premium upon honesty as great as accuracy.
Emeritus Professor Khoo Kay Kim's Interview
Don't Ignore Real Heroes
Question: Can you discuss it us how this emanate initial came about?
Answer: During the talk during the local university, you posed the subject to the audience.I asked since in the nation currently you lend towards to play up fabulous total instead of people who unequivocally contributed the lot to the country.
Very often, when you ask people who was the initial Malay to be engrossed in to the polite service, they will contend they do not know. Nobody remembers who was the initial Malay doctor, too, for example. Many of these genuine purpose models have been forgotten. Western multitude remembers the chronological total as great as separates parable as great as history. Unfortunately, the same can't be pronounced here.
Question: There has been extensive hue as great as cry from the open after you pronounced which Hang Tuah might have been the myth. Many people remonstrate with you. How do you feel about this? What caused you to speak up?
Answer: Hang Tuah was made renouned by the Bangsawan theatre during the pr! e-war er a. There is no disbelief which he was unequivocally popular. But during the finish of the day, what do you wish to learn about in propagandize as partial of history? Myth or fact?
It is the bit upsetting which around Kuala Lumpur, you can find streets declared after Hang Jebat as great as Hang Tuah though not declared after genuine chronological total of the past. There is the street name Jalan Maharajalela, though was it declared after the male accused of murdering J.W.W. Birch? That man's name was Maharajalela Pandak Lam. Maharajalela was usually an honorific title.
We all know Jalan Raja Chulan, though do you know who Raja Chulan was? The total indicate is there is the lot of story which people do not know about.
Question: You have been an academic, though you now have to deal with the unequivocally politically charged topic. How have been you doing all this?
Answer: Times have changed. Once, the multitude was unequivocally particular about the truth, as great as whenever people have statements, they have to be means to behind up their matter with facts. Today, you can contend anything you similar to in public. You can read the essay of bloggers online as great as they contend anything they like.
In the educational field, you have been not authorised to do which . When someone writes the thesis, he is not authorised to contend anything he likes. He has to behind up his matter with facts. Unfortunately, the little people have started to attack me.
you even learnt which someone asked (Malay rights group) Perkasa to inform to the military which you insulted royalty, which is rsther than absurd really.
The great tradition underlying the Malay kingdom was how they could snippet their origin behind to Iskanda! r Dzulka rnain (Alexander the Great). Hang Tuah was usually the "Laksamana" as great as had nothing to do with royalty.
This is additionally the initial time I'm being attacked by Dr Syed Husin Ali, though he is not the historian . He was never trained in history.
Question: The Sejarah Melayu (Malay Annals), which is the primary jot down of story during the Malacca Sultanate, did mention Hang Tuah. How accurate is it in recording history?
Answer: The Sejarah Melayu is not accurate historiography. It is the chronological document if you wish to know how people used to think in those days. But you cannot endorse how most of it is fact, as great as how most of it is pristine fable. It does not jot down dates, as great as has characters which you cannot endorse existed.
For example, it does not discuss it us when Malacca was initial founded or when the woman monarch ascended the throne or passed away. We have no believe when Hang Jebat died. History cannot be similar to that. It has to be unequivocally precise.
On the alternative hand, Ming annals from China have been unequivocally precise. They accessible the names of the initial ruler, second woman monarch of Malacca, along with the dates of their reign. These contribution were accessible during which particular time, as great as not the little time after the incident.
We know from these annals which in 1414, Megat Iskandar Shah came to China to inform the death of his father, Parameswara. China had close ties as great as protected Malacca during the time. It is accessible which their initial envoy to Malacca left in 1403 as great as arrived there in 1404. Ming Dynasty annals have been the best documents upon history.
Answer: Hang Li Po was not mentioned in the Ming records. Sejarah Melayu is not considered historiography. It is the literary text. Hang Tuah was never mentioned in the Ming records.
Question: What does Hang as in Hang Tuah or Hang Li Po signify? Is it an honorary title?
Answer: This still can't be resolved from the stream physique of knowledge.
Question:Could Hang Tuah as great as his rope of men have been Chinese similar to the little people claim?
Answer: How can you clear which Kasturi is the Chinese name when it's the usual Indian name?
Question: If Hang Tuah did not exist, afterwards since is there the burial ground which presumably holds his physique in Malacca? Malacca state recognises this as Hang Tuah's tomb.
Answer: How come there is the burial ground when he did not come behind from the mountain (Gunung Ledang)? How come they accept partial of the story as great as not accept the alternative part?
Question: Malacca State Museums Department Director Datuk Khamis Abas pronounced Hang Tuah was the mythological Malay soldier as great as this was proven in the research. What do you have to contend about this?
Answer: He used the word "legendary", right?
Questi on: Heroes similar to Hang Tuah, King Arthur, Robin Hood or even Braveheart, despite doubts over their chronological integrity, have the extensive impact in uplifting the nation's spirit. Do you feel bad about deconstructing the inhabitant hero?
Answer: From the time you started investigate story severely in 1956, you never talked about legends. We were always trying the best to find primary sources to write the story of Malaya.
Today, you have great bodies of believe during the disposal. There have been hundreds of theses created by university students. Most of them have been unpublished as great as in the libraries. Good articles can additionally be found in ? la mode newspapers.
You have to be committed in going by these sources. We do not encourage historians to sit upon the comfortable chair as great as imagine things. If you have been the male of letters, afterwards you can do as you like.
Question: What alternative chronological total or contribution in Malaysia have been myths as well?
Answer: Not many. But during the single time there was the big debate about either Mat Kilau was still living. We have British ? la mode annals which showed he died the prolonged time ago. Then you heard stories, which could not be confirmed, which pronounced this male was essentially the Bangsawan actress from Singapore.
Question: What direction will the brand new story curriculum take after this?
Answer: It's not ready yet. They have been still deliberating it. They have essentially forsaken him from the propagandize textbooks for the little time. In the fin! al four, 5 years, you have not seen him in propagandize textbooks.
Question: What alternative heroes have you mislaid though could be partial of the propagandize syllabus?
Answer: Panglima Awang. He was taken to Portugal from Malacca as great as essentially sailed with Ferdinand Magellan's fleet. When they came behind to Malacca, he had completed the tour around the world. He was the initial male to cruise around the world.
This is the genuine favourite as great as his story is proven as great as accessible in history. It's inestimable to move this behind to the propagandize syllabus. Another e.g. is the initial Malay doctor, Dr Abdul Latiff Abdul Razak, from Selangor. In the old P. Ramlee films, you competence notice which the alloy is always declared Dr Latiff.
Question: As the work of literature, do you think Hang Tuah the favourite was the great purpose model?
Answer: When Tuah mislaid his weapon, Jebat authorised him to pick up it up again. When Jebat mislaid his weapon, Tuah took advantage. If you wish to teach nilai murni (good values), who is the genuine hero? But, during the finish of the day, it is up to multitude to decide, not me.
Of course, for the Malay Muslims, the Quran will give you the right answer for each situation. Still, Hang Tuah had his great values. But while praising him, it is important which you do not neglect the genuine Malaysian heroes of history.
If you have the hero, afterwards the favourite contingency be means to cope with any kind of questions multitude might ask. Surely, the younger generatio! n, with the scientific mind, contingency ask most things. You cannot discuss it them, do not be endangered about either he is real, usually accept these values which you put opposite to you.
Question:Our people have been unequivocally poor recorders of story in the past. Do you think something drastic needs to be finished so which you not usually jot down story though rightly appreciate it in the future?
Answer: History in this nation has been so neglected. Our story is the jumble which has not been scrupulously verified by veteran as great as well- trained historians. Our schools contingency educate the children scrupulously about history. Children contingency know about their own multitude as great as country.
Malay story tends to be churned together with fables. English as great as even Chinese story had tendencies to set up up epics as well. But once they entered the modern age, scholarship as great as technology became important. It is crucial which immature people looked logically as great as critically during things. A lot of questions need to be answered.
You cannot give answers based upon fables. The immature people, when they remove confidence, won't respect their own society.
Question: How do you verify the contribution of history?
Answer: We always have to rest upon empirical evidence. You can assume whatever you like, though during the finish of the day, you have to confess which it is purely speculation.
In the past, they did not have the eminence between parable as great as parable when they accessible history. You additionally have to consider the actuality which these hikayat were detected unequivocall! y most l ater.
They were not accessible to the open in those days. One of the initial people to pick up Malay manuscripts was Sir Stamford Raffles when he came to Singapore in 1819. If you take Sejarah Melayu, there have been no less than about twenty versions.
Question: Dr Kassim Ahmad (left) pronounced which Hang Tuah contingency have been based upon the little genuine person. What is your perspective upon this?
Answer: We have no justification of any kind. That's the total trouble. The modern investigate of story is almost considered the scholarship you contingency have proof without proof how do you draw the conclusions?
Question: As the historian given the 1950s, do you think Malaysians appreciate history?
Answer: It is usually commencement to be taught in the universities. Universiti Malaya was founded in 1949. The story dialect was unequivocally strong as great as unequivocally endangered about essay story from the Malayan perspective.
Before that, the story strong upon what British officials did, as great as not asked the locals. The dialect of story began to write the initial Malayan-centric history.
Question: There have been the little people who do not care either Hang Tuah existed or not. They usually wish someone who represents their worth sets as great as aspirations. What would you contend to them?
Answer: If you have been endangered about investig! ate the values of which period, afterwards it's the different discipline.
For example, it is unequivocally important which Sejarah Melayu as great as Hikayat Hang Tuah be partial of Malay classical novel since they teach the worth sets, though you should not upset them with history.
Wheelie ????
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